Just poked around a little on line, keep forgetting I can do that. It was started to compete with PayPal, which will not accept any gun related transactions. The domain is suspended, Federal LO is hinting at an investigation of a Ponzi scheme, but are careful not to name anyone. CEO is Benjamin Cannon I think - forgot to write it down. Local sheriff in CA arrested him for impersonating a police officer at a time he was clearly 100 miles away. I got an email a while back acknowledging some problems with the service and asking me to be patient. It said they had a deal with a bank but the bank pulled the rug from under them - of course that's their version.
I would like to think the guy is on the level, just having some problems, possibly for being pro-gun, which would make him a hero in my book. I think I sold something on Gun Broker, got the money and then bought something, leaving me with a very small balance. I'll probably get a letter from a bankruptcy lawyer some day. Pity anyone who had serious money parked over there.