I occassionally wander thru two of the three Gander Mtn stores in the Houston area, hopeing to find a decently priced used rifle or perhaps a bargain new rifle. LOL, being successful at finding a good deal on either very very seldom happens, perhaps once every 1 1/2 years.
Anyway, I have noticed a couple of Icon rifles in the Gander Mtn clearance racks, that are also used for used rifles, that are marked either .30 Carbine or .30 Rem on the tags......chuckle, both have .30 TC on the barrel. As I recall, one of them has been in the clearance rack for at least 3 months. My point is, soon as I see its a .30TC, I put it back in the clearance rack and check the other remaining rifles. While I'm sure it may be in someways a superior cartridge to a .308 and I do reloading, I'm just not interested in it since I have a couple of .308s to shoot at the range.