From Yellow;
"I had that appendix thing a few years ago... though I had a backache, waited too long (high pain tolerance) and then was there for two weeks. I hated the NG tube".
Now, why would someone put a National Guard tube in your nose and down your throat ?
Just teasing..but I am illustrating the continued "initials only" or acronym way of expressing oneself. I am not accusing you of using superfluous acronyms, but some do that very often and I really don't mind, except they should not expect the rest of us to sit, pondering and puzzling what a certain acronym means. When one comes up with NWO, KSM, zio-this or neo-that, etc..etc....these may mean something to someone enmesched in conspiracy theories, but mean nothing to others.. So, what's the result..well myself and I am sure others, tend to pass over the message..rather than to spend time play a guessing game.
I had thought years ago how puzzling a simple conversation between two GIs could really baffle a civilian who is not into "GI jargon".. Check this GI to another;
" The NCO (PLT SGT) came to me this at 800 hours and told me that the NCOIC said I had to report to the OR.. because the top kick said the XO had received G2 from the CO that my request for OJT had been turned down. So about 1800 hours I switched from my BDUs into class A's and reported to the battery HQ. I got to the OR late, so I didn't meet with top or the "old man" didn't even find a SSGT there. The XO was with the guards ..he being the OD and busy selectin a super-numerary..only one in the OR was the CQ. Normally I would have to serve as CQ at times..but I don't pull KP, GD or CQ..because with my MOS...I'm ED..and I'm only an E-4!
I do regret that my request for OJT on TDY was turned down ..simply because I could use the per deium. So I guess that delays my NCO school, to say nothing about OCS. Guess I can give up on being either a Lt or a WO..even JG, not to mention a CWO..
Now that's how specialized jargon sounds to those not involved.
Veterans will understand most or all of what I said (allowing for some obsolescence), but non-vets may be a bit puzzled. So it is with any specialized course of study or occupation, so lets drop the acronyms..if you want to be read.