I'm sure most of us could care less about this Dickens/Rand business, but I know a bit about the era and it irks me to see so much disinformation. The big fight was not over industrialization or "crummy jobs", it was the British class system vs. classic republicanism. Classic republicans felt anyone should be able to go as far as their energy and ability could take them. A rich kid back then was virtually guaranteed a life of ease, unless he decided to purchase a commission and become a colonel so he could wreck regiments and get people killed, secure in the knowledge that no captain would dare criticize him. Meanwhile, the lad from humble origins faced strong headwinds no matter how good he was at whatever he tried to do. From a historical perspective, the republicans had a winning hand, but the mistake they made was to believe in politics. It worked for a while, and the battle lines were drawn with the liberal/socialists standing up for the little guy. Unfortunately, government is always controlled by the wealthy, and today the situation is completely reversed. Hard work and industry is discouraged, membership in protected classes assures advancement and ambition is denounced as "cannibalism". Rand, whatever her personal shortcomings, saw this early on, and it's time for the rest of us to wake up and smell the roses.