Graybeard: thanks so much. I think I see a common thread, I need to stay away from cowboy loads (which I was shooting because my godson wanted to shoot it and there like a .22s) and stay with full loads. Got 2 boxes of speer gold dot and a box of cci blazers. Got out in the cool of the morning and shot, just got back. My smallest 3 shot group was under an inch free hand at 15m and largest was just over 2" with both types. Stepped out to 25m and smallest was just a hair under 2" with gold dots (like 1.99" but that's under right lol) and largest was around 4.5" which was the blazer. And no keyholes not even one. Think I am going to stay away from cowboy loads!!!!
ps: I got to get back into reloading!!!
greenrivers: In the subject I put it was a 45lc Ruger and in the body I put it was a 4 5/8". I assumed that every one would know that I was talking single action. But sorry I didn't think, my bad. Yea its a Ruger 4 5/8 Ruger Blackhawk 45LC, wish it was a Super Blackhawk or a Bisley (I still would have it in a 4 5/8 or a 5 1/2, I like the size), but it's was what I could afford at the time and till the cowboy loads its been a real shooter. Have killed one dear with it with BB 325gr LBT loads at just under 65m. Not a great shot but didn't have to track it but maybe 70 or 80 paces. So I love the little thing. That is why I could not understand why it was keyholeing the loads.