Author Topic: Tea Party Hobbits.............  (Read 3826 times)

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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #60 on: August 03, 2011, 02:23:50 AM »
govt. is not needed for a free market compitition is . Govt. only can insure freemarket is not free. Look at the telephone company , bot company and consumer were ok with the way it was for the most part. Anyone could have stepped up with the money and set up compitition but instead they got the company split up. Now are we better off ?
As for the govt. supplying goods and services - they become a monoply business and are no longer a govt. looking out for the intrest of citizens.
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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #61 on: August 03, 2011, 03:12:54 AM »
TM-7 I disagree only God can protect us from the fools etc. Govt. makes the effort to stamie natural selection . Man is the only critter that rewards no work , stupidity, lazy , etc. If Govt. did not offer free hand outs how long would it be before the dead beats either went to work or went away ?
 As far as leveling the playing field once more they give non worked for advantage to some. The affirmative action is a great example. In it companies are given advantage because they are not owned by white males. This has lead to higher cost and bogous companies being started.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Casull

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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #62 on: August 03, 2011, 03:15:08 AM »
Wrong....I think government is there to level and maintain a fair playing field for citizens foremost.

Problem is that word "fair".  It only means what the user wants it to mean.  To me, "fair" means within the confines of the law and contracts shall be enforced.  What does it mean to you tm?
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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #63 on: August 03, 2011, 04:34:08 AM »
Casull,,,only dyed-in-the-wool social climbers and other proxies have hard time distinquishing unfair from fair, and so like muddied up water.

BS.   Those with weak arguments hide behind subjective terms like "fair".  By spouting terms like "fair", it allows some to attempt to look like they care, while simply trying to control. 
Aim small, miss small!!!

Offline Casull

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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #64 on: August 03, 2011, 05:21:33 AM »
I'm sensing your personal code of fairness is whatever you can get away with and not get caught...must be since you're arguing this point to sidetrack the thread.

Wow, first you are wrong about my personal code of fairness.  I was talking about what I consider fair in the realm of debt and law.  Second, you accuse me of attempting to sidetrack the thread (which was about the Tea Party and public debt), and that is exactly what YOU are doing.  You seem to be confusing a "fair" process with "fair" results.  As long as people play by the rules (laws), they are entitled to the fruits of their labors (whatever those labors are).  If you make a deal, you abide by that deal.  I guess you think deals should only be enforced when the results are what you consider "fair".  Sorry, that's just a bit too touchy feely for the real world and me.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #65 on: August 03, 2011, 06:00:55 AM »
TM says;
      1)   "Wrong....I think government is there to level and maintain a fair playing field for citizens foremost. Any private corp can do whatever they want by law...even compete with the SS system if they can.
   TM also says;
      2)  " God can protect you from drought, snow, tornadoes, famine, comets, or whatever....but only a fair and uncontentious governmnet of men and women can protect you from fools and psychos".
   statement#1)  You will have to show me where, in the constitution such an idea is stated.  The constitution only guarantees opportunity..NOT equal outcome !  ...Not that the current administration pays any attention to the constitution...
   Statement #2)  Correction..God can and will protect us from ANYTHING, so long as it fits His plan !   But now is where you get REALLY funny: " but only a fair and uncontentious government of men and women can protect you from fools and psychos".
           ..Come on TM;  just where do you think many of the "fools & psychos" are hiding out these days ?   ;) :D ;D ;D
    ..And you have at times, said the same yourself...
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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #66 on: August 03, 2011, 06:04:37 AM »
IG, he would have drank the koolaid at jonestown.
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                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #67 on: August 03, 2011, 06:20:17 AM »
TM-7 I disagree only God can protect us from the fools etc. Govt. makes the effort to stamie natural selection . Man is the only critter that rewards no work , stupidity, lazy , etc. If Govt. did not offer free hand outs how long would it be before the dead beats either went to work or went away ?
 As far as leveling the playing field once more they give non worked for advantage to some. The affirmative action is a great example. In it companies are given advantage because they are not owned by white males. This has lead to higher cost and bogous companies being started.
    Shootall, you are sooo right !   One clear fact of life that certain politicians just "don't get";
       " Whatever you get more of" !
   If the govt subsidizes
  1) Illegitimaate children
  2) lay on your butt..instead of work
  3) Food stamps
  4) Sexually transmitted diseases
  5) Mortgage payments
  6) Union ownership of corps (as a govt gift..bought with our taxes)
  7)  Poor public school performance.
  8) WIC
  9) Indiscriminate reproduction.
  10) "Poverty".. itself...and a plethora of other things....
    These things have been government subsidized since the so-called  "War on Poverty" began....and these same problems have ballooned larger than ever imagined...
  Government has
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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #68 on: August 04, 2011, 03:16:55 AM »
If some of these people will go to a local Tea Party meeting, they might change their mind as to what they represent.  There are 7 different Tea Party groups in my area.  One is the Tea Party Militia. 
They all basically want the government to live within it's means.  No new taxes, cut and balance the budget.  They want more state and local control to trim costs of government, without so many federal strings attached.  I believe such things as abortion is murder, but it at least should be a states rights issue.  I also believe in cleaning up welfare by mandating drug testing.  Can't get it if you test positive.  I believe the government should only cover disability payments seperately from Social Security.  Turn Social Security over to a 401-k plan for everyone.  That way retirees will actually have some real money when they retire.  They can also choose when, not some arbitrary age that is not good for everyone.  I have a co-worker who was 70 and my company made him retire because he had to start drawing his pension.  For some government rule, they couldn't maintain it over 70.  Some people might want to retire at 55, some at 75.  There should be no penalty for someone who wants to keep working, nor for someone who wants to retire early.  One now can't withdraw any 401-k money until they are 59-1/2 unless they jump through hoops. 
The war on drugs has been a failure, so legalise marijuana and tax it.  See what happens for about 10 years, then determine whether to make it illegal again or legalise some other less harmful drugs. 
I think marriage is between a man and woman period.  However, I do know of an elderly man and woman who got married for convenience.  The live in seperate parts of the same house, but got married to cut their living costs.  Their spouses were recently deceased, I think about 2 years.  It was expensive for them to live seperate, so one sold their home, and moved in with the other living seperately.  They both went to church, and thought it looked bad, so they got married for convenience, never slept together.  So civil unions might be what is the answer for homosexuals and people who want to just live together to share expenses and cut costs.  It should not be called marriage though. 
We need a flat income tax for all, persons and corporations, with minimum deductions.  Keep it very low for emergencies, and replace most with a VAT tax. 
I think if big corporations need some type of bailout, it should at least be a government loan, not a government take over. 
I think the Federal Reserve and Ft. Knox should be audited to find out how much money is really out there, how much debt and assets the banks and the Feds have.  This would do more to determine tax policy. 
I think we need to return to the gold standard with gold backed paper money. 
I think we need to cut out all foreign aid except for natural disasters.
I think we need to renegotiate all "Free Trade Agreements" and get our factories back.
Government should get out of the health care business except for extreme poverty.  In 1960 we had about 11% poverty rate, today it is about 14%.  $3-4 trillion and it got worse, and we pay more for it. 

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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #69 on: August 06, 2011, 02:30:47 PM »
All this from the greatest "food stamp president".. ;D :P
   Some people caught on only slightly late, like this gal did.. But SOME still don't "get it"...
        Trouble during the last election was that some voters can learn by explanation and warning..while others simply HAVE to go ahead and pee on the electric fence.. ;)   :D   ;D   :o
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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #70 on: August 07, 2011, 03:41:29 AM »
TM says;
     " As for the modern TP, we have the exact OPPOSITE lament, "We want Representation without any taxation".  meaning we want to represent our constituency and not pay any taxes."
    You should really stop spreading falsehoods...   Today's Tea Party has NEVER called fo "NO" taxes.  We realize there are certain functions required by the constitution (e.g. Defense, infrastructure, courts, basic govt etc.).  The constitution never called for such things as studies on cow flatulence, bridges to nowhere, shrimp treadmills, wholesale abortions, gun buybacks, midnight basketball or "community organizers".
   If you have been even semi-conscious, you would know by now that the Tea Party is calling for LESS taxes, Less government, Less regulations and MORE sticking with the constitution..    What's wrong with that ?
*************************************************************************** are FAR OFF in your assessment of the original Tea Party...  Any student of history knows the original Tea Party, centered around the firebrand figure of Sam Adams, who was partially assisted by his cousin , attorney (later president) John Adams.  That Tea Party demanded NO fact they demanded NO ENGLAND !  Aside from the Gaspee affair, this was the first major act of rebellion.  Check it out !
  Read my signature line below (by John Adams) explains where today's problems with our constitution spring from..
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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #71 on: August 07, 2011, 05:25:58 AM »
I say get rid of all income tax both corporate and individual.  Have a national sales tax.  Corps would pay a ton on what they purchase.  Individuals would only pay on what they buy.  Money they save on paying taxes could be saved or invested.  Problem is not with Wall Street or Corporations.  The big bank, like the Federal Reserve is bigger than all the corporations.  The recent partial audit of the Federal Reserve is they loaned out $16 trillion dollars to American and European banks between 2007 and 2010.  $16 trillion.  How much money does the Federal Reserve have.  That wasn't found out in the recent partial audit.  Corporations sometimes have to borrow money to invest in factories, tools, equipment, warehouses, etc.  So they also are at the mercy of the banks and their stock price value. 

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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #72 on: August 07, 2011, 06:21:25 AM »
Rep. Mike Kelly was the co-founder of the tea party movement in Butler area in Pa. His message sounds pretty good to me. Maybe a few of you anti tea party people can tell us what it is, Mike Kelly says that you don't like. Could it be that he asks to stop railing against the wealthy in America?  To bad we don't have more elected officials like him.
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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #73 on: August 07, 2011, 08:51:37 AM »
Yeah people in Pa. voted for him. Most of Pa. (in land area) does vote for the more conservative candidates, but voters in Pittsburgh, and Philly areas overcome those votes, and vote for the guys claiming to give them everything the public treasury has to offer. 

The money from tax cuts, that was left in the private sector, grew the economy.
We had jobs until government made an atmosphere unfavorable for businesses to hire people.
That is news to me that the top 400 million- billionaires didn't pay any taxes. Is this the truth or is it a fallacy?
Shouldn't record profits be the norm for corporations. Anyway add in the adjustment for inflation their profits were better in 06. They are not record profits.  Most businesses are not doing all that well. Many profits came from layoffs which give profits in short term, but not long term.
If we want companies to hire people they have to have clarity in federal tax policy, a supportive environment for business, healthy increases in consumer spending, and confidence in the economy. We don't have any of that.

What has failed is the tax and spend ideology, and a socialist leaning government. Where did Kelly say he wants to shift taxes? I must have missed that part. If you want to talk about the tired old stuff that has failed. How about the failure of making half the wage earners pay all the taxes, and the other half reaping the rewards.

So I curious TM. Who's ideas do you like? Since you never have anything good to say about people like Kelly, or any other conservative. Or is it people with ideas like Obama and people like him, that you like, since I don't recall you ever criticizing anything they have done.

Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #74 on: August 07, 2011, 05:04:10 PM »
TM says;
   " BHO is claimed to be a marxist communist (must be all the welfare he handed out to Wall ST governmnet.. ::) ) a commie he's doing a terrible job."
  For once I am forced to agree wit TM !  While Obama surely is not a is very obvious, he can't even perform well as a communist !  ;)   :D    ;D   :P
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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #75 on: August 07, 2011, 05:51:09 PM »
I just read a Fox news headline. Seems like John Kerry believe's that the Tea Party is to blame for no tax increase in this last Debt deal. These politicians are like crack heads.Addicted to crack, try heroin instead.  They just don't get it.Instead of facing up to the fact that there is no money, their spending on borrowed money from way in the future, lets keep adding gas to the fire. And, this coming from a guy, that to save a few thousand dollars, registered his yacht in New Jersy, or some such place, instead of Mass. Like the kettle calling the pot black. gypsyman
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #76 on: August 08, 2011, 02:21:13 AM »
I just read a Fox news headline. Seems like John Kerry believe's that the Tea Party is to blame for no tax increase in this last Debt deal. These politicians are like crack heads.Addicted to crack, try heroin instead.  They just don't get it.Instead of facing up to the fact that there is no money, their spending on borrowed money from way in the future, lets keep adding gas to the fire. And, this coming from a guy, that to save a few thousand dollars, registered his yacht in New Jersy, or some such place, instead of Mass. Like the kettle calling the pot black. gypsyman
  Yes Gypsyman;
     Just as he promised, he has taken our savings and investments..all we have left is a little CHANGE.
       His 'true believers' are still looking for their HOPE-IUM...
   Now he and his minions are trying to blame the TEA PARTY the only folks with enough guts to try to get his mess corrected !
   An incorrigible bunch of buffoons !  More funnies here!
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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #77 on: August 08, 2011, 02:33:06 AM »
It was also on the news, that the S&P that downgraded us, is a "Tea Party Sympathizer" ::) . Although sometimes embarrassing, perhaps a little less borrowing power is just what the gobernment needs.
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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #78 on: August 08, 2011, 04:43:44 AM »
  I continue to be amazed at the number of people who are turning their backs on the  two major parties.  They are sick of the same old crap as has been going on with the same old faces in Washington.
   As I speak with them, most of these folks are gravitating toward the Tea Party...  They just don't believe the Republicrats
  (or Demicans) any more..
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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #79 on: August 08, 2011, 04:53:33 AM »

..Actually I was paraphrasing the Prophet of the you know who that was...?  Murfree ?
What welfare is a bigger beef of yours??....that couple of billion given to underclass or the several trillion given to corpo and elite class.....but I'm not disagreeing, not disagreeing about gov corruption/....this is the leveling of playing field I'm talking I said a government by honorable men and women can only protect you from fools and have a de facto Wall St and lobbiest governmnet right's that workin for you--don't like it do you? Both really I like small govt. That said if proffit is re invested then some benifit should be given to the investor.
Casull,,,only dyed-in-the-wool social climbers and other proxies have hard time distinquishing unfair from fair, and so like muddied up water.  Go re-read golden rule for a hint.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #80 on: August 08, 2011, 05:28:07 AM »
Well Ross Perot had it right 20 years ago.  He said if we signed the "free trade" agreements we would hear a giant sucking sound.  First with Mexico, then China.  We might could have absorbed the Mexican drain because they only have about 125 million people.  But with 1.2 billion Chinese, we can't compete.  With no environmental laws, no child labor laws, no social security laws in effect, our labor can't compete, even without being union.  So we have gone from about 20% manufacturing jobs to about 10% in the last 20 years.  This is both parties fault, both, not one.  Both wanted this.  Idea was to get lower costs goods, so the poor and middle class could move up by paying less for goods.  Free trade is fine with Japan, Germany, or another industrialised nations with similar laws, but with a third world nation, it doesn't make sense.  If we had those 10% of industrial jobs back, this would eliminate the unemployment problem by reducing it to about 5%.  It would also solve a big portion of the medical insurance problem, because factory workers had health insurance provided.  It would solve the government's tax revenue problem without raising taxes, because workers pay income tax, and American production pays corporate income tax.  Yes, the Tea party did bring to the nations attention of excessive Federal spending.  We don't need more taxes right now, we need more jobs.  Government tried to solve the factory drain by allowing more home building by loosening the strings of home loans with ARM's and no down payments causing high employment yet ending with a housing bubble with millions of unsold homes, and people walking away from their mortgages. 
How do we solve it:
Get America back to work by:
1)First we need energy, lighten up on red tap by allowing drilling in the US everywhere.
Streamline approval process for new nuclear power plants.
Get the transmission infrastructure in place to transmit wind energy from the plains states east and west of the plains. 
Switch fleet vehicles to natural gas.
Switch more private vehicles to diesel.
Invest in synthetic diesel from coal.
Get practical banking regulations in place. 
2) Cut the Federal budget especially with what isn't cost effective or doesn't put Americans to work.
Cut Obamacare, too complicated, too expensive, increases those covered with no new doctors, thus causing medical shortages and long lines and waits.
Cut all foreign aid.
Bring American troops home and close European bases. 
Make manditory drug testing, both initial and random for anyone receiving government aid like welfare, WIC, unemployment benefits, etc.  Can't pass drug test, can't get aid, just like jobs.
Cut out frivilous research like how long a gay man's (censored word) is. 
3) Close the border with Mexico.
Put troops brought home on the border.
Build the wall and fences.
Punish employers who knowingly hire illegals with stiff fines.
This will keep illegals out and send home most because they can't find a job.
Also, no citizenship for children born of illegals in the US.
No school, no free medical care for illegals.  No freebies.
I don't mind legal immigrants, but illegals may be drug dealers or have some type disease or carry bed bugs, lice, etc. 
4) Put in place a 1% national sales tax except for groceries and medical expenses.  Cut corporate tax for every new full time employee hired by a corporation.  There are lots of part time workers in stores because they do not have to provide health care or benefits to these workers.  Sales tax would have to be paid by corporations for all their purchases like utilities, raw materials, tools, chairs, desks, etc.  Have a tax depreciation allowance for businesses of 100% over a period of 5-10 years, for any American made product they purchase.  Foreign made would not get the tax depreciation allowance. 
By doing these simple things, we would put more full time workers to work with health care benefits.  More taxes would come into the government at a lower rate.  Factories would come home, imported fuel and goods would decrease solving our money drain in the trade deficits. 
I like to TEA Party's basic tenants, but they fall short of the overall fix....  Permanent full time jobs with health care benefits.  Common sense environmental approach.  Don't have rules and regulations and mountains of paperwork on how something is to be done.  Just let the companies figure out the easiest and best ways of doing things and fine them if they screw up and make them clean it up.  Mountains of paperwork for something proposed holds up work, construction, and jobs.  As jobs come back and more people get health insurance, new doctors and medical facilities will come on line.  Dumping 85 million new patients on the health care system we have in 2014 will be stupid. 

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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #81 on: August 08, 2011, 08:15:01 AM »
Well Ross Perot had it right 20 years ago.  He said if we signed the "free trade" agreements we would hear a giant sucking sound.  First with Mexico, then China.  We might could have absorbed the Mexican drain because they only have about 125 million people.  But with 1.2 billion Chinese, we can't compete.  With no environmental laws, no child labor laws, no social security laws in effect, our labor can't compete, even without being union.  So we have gone from about 20% manufacturing jobs to about 10% in the last 20 years.  This is both parties fault, both, not one.  Both wanted this.  Idea was to get lower costs goods, so the poor and middle class could move up by paying less for goods.  Free trade is fine with Japan, Germany, or another industrialised nations with similar laws, but with a third world nation, it doesn't make sense.  If we had those 10% of industrial jobs back, this would eliminate the unemployment problem by reducing it to about 5%.  It would also solve a big portion of the medical insurance problem, because factory workers had health insurance provided.  It would solve the government's tax revenue problem without raising taxes, because workers pay income tax, and American production pays corporate income tax.  Yes, the Tea party did bring to the nations attention of excessive Federal spending.  We don't need more taxes right now, we need more jobs.  Government tried to solve the factory drain by allowing more home building by loosening the strings of home loans with ARM's and no down payments causing high employment yet ending with a housing bubble with millions of unsold homes, and people walking away from their mortgages. 
How do we solve it:
Get America back to work by:
1)First we need energy, lighten up on red tap by allowing drilling in the US everywhere.
Streamline approval process for new nuclear power plants.
Get the transmission infrastructure in place to transmit wind energy from the plains states east and west of the plains. 
Switch fleet vehicles to natural gas.
Switch more private vehicles to diesel.
Invest in synthetic diesel from coal.
Get practical banking regulations in place. 
2) Cut the Federal budget especially with what isn't cost effective or doesn't put Americans to work.
Cut Obamacare, too complicated, too expensive, increases those covered with no new doctors, thus causing medical shortages and long lines and waits.
Cut all foreign aid.
Bring American troops home and close European bases. 
Make manditory drug testing, both initial and random for anyone receiving government aid like welfare, WIC, unemployment benefits, etc.  Can't pass drug test, can't get aid, just like jobs.
Cut out frivilous research like how long a gay man's (censored word) is. 
3) Close the border with Mexico.
Put troops brought home on the border.
Build the wall and fences.
Punish employers who knowingly hire illegals with stiff fines.
This will keep illegals out and send home most because they can't find a job.
Also, no citizenship for children born of illegals in the US.
No school, no free medical care for illegals.  No freebies.
I don't mind legal immigrants, but illegals may be drug dealers or have some type disease or carry bed bugs, lice, etc. 
4) Put in place a 1% national sales tax except for groceries and medical expenses.  Cut corporate tax for every new full time employee hired by a corporation.  There are lots of part time workers in stores because they do not have to provide health care or benefits to these workers.  Sales tax would have to be paid by corporations for all their purchases like utilities, raw materials, tools, chairs, desks, etc.  Have a tax depreciation allowance for businesses of 100% over a period of 5-10 years, for any American made product they purchase.  Foreign made would not get the tax depreciation allowance. 
By doing these simple things, we would put more full time workers to work with health care benefits.  More taxes would come into the government at a lower rate.  Factories would come home, imported fuel and goods would decrease solving our money drain in the trade deficits. 
I like to TEA Party's basic tenants, but they fall short of the overall fix....  Permanent full time jobs with health care benefits.  Common sense environmental approach.  Don't have rules and regulations and mountains of paperwork on how something is to be done.  Just let the companies figure out the easiest and best ways of doing things and fine them if they screw up and make them clean it up.  Mountains of paperwork for something proposed holds up work, construction, and jobs.  As jobs come back and more people get health insurance, new doctors and medical facilities will come on line.  Dumping 85 million new patients on the health care system we have in 2014 will be stupid.
What you wrote makes too much sense and would send Liberals into a tail spin.  Anyone who wantes to up hold the laws of the land, use the natural resources, create energy in refineries and power plants would have the Liberal slander machine after them
Right wing racist homophobe that wants to clear cut all the forrests, poison the water and air will be dragged back out.  The left calling the right names is allowed but telling the truth about them is not for some reason.
They have taken us to this point by incramentialism.  We can not jump back for some reason and even in your post you say the government needs to.... We are the government.  We need to ellect people that rtepresent us that can clearly get the message out, make fun of the liberals that distort and shout down our message and show over history that Socialism has never worked.  Our school system does not teach critical thinking.  They want dumb people that they can herd and get passed what they want, keeping them in power.  They see the greatness of a free society as a problem as all are not free and not equal and rather than bring our system to them they want us to be like them. 
I have been saying for years the RNC needs to do a 30 Second professor ad as a commercial, like Grammer school rock used to do and teach in 30 seconds parts of economics, history, science, and government.  Aimed at young adults and aimed at the 30+ groups, and some aimed at Seniors.  If you have a commercial during, Matlock reruns that showed how much the government brings in each month, shows the law saying we need to pay debt service first and then show how SS payments are easily met, do you think the President would have gotten away with his temper trantrum and saying he was going to cut off SS if he did not get his way.   If you showed what other programs the president wanted ot save before making good on our promise the the SS recipients like Acorn, the white house parties, the growth of governemnt.  If the RNC/ TEA party had done this or will do this during the ellection do you think the elderly would ever support another Democrat?  Ellecting good people that understand history and economics are the way to reverse the path and incramentalism the country back to a free nation with the highest standard of living in the world, with the highest pay, and producing the best quality goods that otheres want.

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Re: Tea Party Hobbits.............
« Reply #82 on: August 08, 2011, 10:34:20 AM »
DD & McWood;
  There you guys go..making sense !  That no longer works with much of our population...or with national politicians.  Nowdays the are brainwashed from grade school up; conditioned to the leftist mentality with a leftist mindset.  They even start before grade school now...uising tax money to start the brainwashing process in a thing they call "headstart'.
   Only the truly bright and morally tough can resist enough to grow into well rounded , conservative thinkers..
   I'm afraid there are just not enough of the mentally sharp and morally tough people among the electorate.  I fear the self-absorbed "navel-gazers" outnumber us.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)