Last weekend I did three smal sample cuts in an area of our woods that has heav beech regenration. There is some overstory there, hard maple, beeech, cherry. These woods are dark on a normal day- the beech understory has choked out any sort of ground cover. I took some small sample plots within this stand, and then cut all the beech prsent. After curring, I sprayed Roundup on the stumps. Two of the plots I cut all beech and sprayed, 1 plot I cut only the beech over 1" diameter but sprayed stumps and the "brush" I didn't cut. Next summer hoping to get some cost share money from the state to go in and actually cut out all the beech in this stand, getting some regen and ground cover.
We cut and sprayed some 2 springs ago- it did die, but the stumps ran sap out, unlike last week when you could see them suck the roundup in.