You religious people need to learn how to get along with other religious people .
Its costing to much money and blood.
Many religious folks do get along with others. But there are certain types - but Muslim and Christian - that persist in categorizing the others as The Others, and they're immune to reasoning. Why? Because they're convinced that God is on their side. And since God is on their side, they're justified in expressing contempt, hatred, and sometimes... they move onto violence, and murder.
Pretty accurate description of the extremists in Islam. Surely you didn't mean to include Christians in that, because up until 9/11, we Christians in the US did get along with others, including Muslims. But on that day and ever since then (and truth be told, even before that day), those extremists Muslims have done exactly what you describe - violence, murder, bombings, rape, you name it, and they do it against Christians in the name of Allah. And yet, not
once have we attacked Muslims in the name of Christ or our God. Not
once have we blown up innocents and claimed it was the will of God. Not
once have we murdered Muslims because of their faith.
What you don't seem to understand is that we express contempt and yes sometimes hatred
because of what they have done. And even moreso, if the Muslim leaders and the so-called peaceful Muslims that are supposedly in the majority would condemn the acts of the extremists, maybe we could accept that, and believe that the extremists do not represent Islam as a whole.
But they don't, and it is clear from the polls that have been taken and the reactions in the Arab world that far from
condemning their actions, they not only agree with them, they
celebrate them!
Shameful, it is.
What they do is shameful, you are correct. So is trying to make it seem like we are somehow in the wrong for reacting the way we do. And, lest you think I believe otherwise, so is using derogatory words and names to refer to Muslims and their beliefs, and twisting those words and names like some do on these boards.