Author Topic: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression  (Read 22923 times)

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Offline gstewart44

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Re: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression
« Reply #180 on: June 20, 2013, 04:33:59 PM »
....when the South fired the first shots?
Its kinda like the Jews calling it the Holocaust while the Germans claim it never happened.
    And Japan never attacked the United States only Pearl Harbor..
What an ignorant and immature comment.....the Naval Forces of the Empire of Japan,  willfully and with malice and intent to destroy,  attacked the Naval Forces and Army Air Corp of the United States of America in their bases at Pearl Harbor.     Hawaii was not a state at the time but the target was the military capacity of the United States of America, which they thought they would annihilate in a single mighty swoop.   It didn't really turn out that way now did it?   
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Offline BAGTIC

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Re: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression
« Reply #181 on: June 20, 2013, 07:08:19 PM »
So Maybe the State of South Carolina condemed it under the ultimate domain laws and evicted them  ;)

How idiotic. A state can not condemn land which is not in the state. It would be like the US condemning Moscow Square under pretext of imminent domain.
Once again we see why the south has never been mistaken as the intellectual heart of America.

Offline greenmtnboy

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Re: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression
« Reply #182 on: June 21, 2013, 01:50:38 AM »
     Exactly Gstewart,  Just like the prior comment about Jews and Germans.   Try and keep up before you post an ignorant and immature comment as you say ok ??

Offline gstewart44

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Re: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression
« Reply #183 on: June 21, 2013, 12:08:20 PM »
GMB -No ignorance by me...... You stated in post #181  "Japan did not attack the United States, only Pearl Harbor".  Are you honestly trying to say that a Territory of the United States ( Hawaii in 1941) is not part of the United States?
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Re: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression
« Reply #184 on: June 21, 2013, 02:42:30 PM »
I can't believe how hard people will defend the institution of slavery.
Who did that?
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Offline greenmtnboy

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Re: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression
« Reply #185 on: June 23, 2013, 03:38:14 PM »
gstewart   Really,  OK lets make it simple .    It was a comparison like The Jews and Germans comment..  Do I need to explain further ???

Offline BAGTIC

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Re: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression
« Reply #186 on: June 23, 2013, 06:36:05 PM »
Washington, D.C. is not a state either. Would that have made it okay for Japan to attack it? What if they had not attacked any territory but had simply attacked and sank our warships on the highs seas. No harm, no foul?

Offline Graybeard

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Re: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression
« Reply #187 on: November 26, 2019, 04:45:35 AM »

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline goodshot

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Re: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression
« Reply #188 on: November 26, 2019, 12:13:31 PM »
Wouldn't it be funny if some of the originals came back and picked up the argument where they left off???

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression
« Reply #189 on: November 27, 2019, 01:19:48 AM »
you guys worry about the old wars and ill concern myself with the ones going on right now. The ones ALL americans are fighting TOGETHER.
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Offline goodshot

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Re: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression
« Reply #190 on: November 27, 2019, 03:10:28 AM »
Please tell us more Lloyd, what would you do?
 After all, you are on a Civil War discussion forum.
best wishes :)

Offline AtlLaw

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Re: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression
« Reply #191 on: November 27, 2019, 05:00:25 AM »
I was at a State wide Bar meeting and a speaker from the State Bar Assn. asked for a show of hands of those in favor of bringing a state issue in line with the federal position.  The attny. next to me didn't raise his hand and, since I had thought the proposal was a good idea, I asked him why.  He said words to the effect that he would never vote for anything just to conform a state matter to the federal gov'ts position.

Being a staunch "State's Rights" advocate I realized how right he was and have myself taken the same position ever since.

Unfortunately no one ever listens to me and Georgia adopted the Federal Rules of Evidence, one piece of logic for doing so was stated to be because the Georgia Rules were written by a Confederate General.  ( Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb - see Cobb's Legion )

So, it is called the War of Northern Aggression because the north, aka federal gov't, was and is still imposing it's will on the south, albeit the whole of the United States.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression
« Reply #192 on: November 28, 2019, 01:51:19 AM »
you can call it what it was. The worse period of history this country even went through when rich people from the north and south used the poor people as pawns to further there greedy causes. Id tell you what I really think but it wouldn't be about the civil war and unlike you I understand that personal attacks and baiting aren't welcome here. 
Please tell us more Lloyd, what would you do?
 After all, you are on a Civil War discussion forum.
best wishes :)
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression
« Reply #193 on: November 28, 2019, 02:01:02 AM »
seems odd that we have had PRESIDENTS from the southern states. Supreme court Judges from the southern states and im suppose to believe that they let the civil war determine the way they chose to rule or didn't use there position to change things after all these years. I doubt it ever even was a one second blip on there mind when making decisions about how this country is run. I have to chuckle at an educated man that is voting no on a proposal that's a good idea that let the civil war sway his vote. Guess it proves what my late buddy who was a lawyer told me. Any c student in high school with parents willing to write a check can be a lawyer. The south being oppressed by the north is about as valid today as the whites are still oppressing the blacks. I live in the north. Wasn't given any advantage at birth. What I have I worked for just as hard as anyone from the south. I served my country with men from the south standing beside me. I lived in the south. Only ones I ever saw still effected today are the rednecks wearing the rebel headbands and the south will rise again t shirts. News flash the south rose again over a 100 years ago. Some are just not sharp enough to realize it. 
I was at a State wide Bar meeting and a speaker from the State Bar Assn. asked for a show of hands of those in favor of bringing a state issue in line with the federal position.  The attny. next to me didn't raise his hand and, since I had thought the proposal was a good idea, I asked him why.  He said words to the effect that he would never vote for anything just to conform a state matter to the federal gov'ts position.

Being a staunch "State's Rights" advocate I realized how right he was and have myself taken the same position ever since.

Unfortunately no one ever listens to me and Georgia adopted the Federal Rules of Evidence, one piece of logic for doing so was stated to be because the Georgia Rules were written by a Confederate General.  ( Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb - see Cobb's Legion )

So, it is called the War of Northern Aggression because the north, aka federal gov't, was and is still imposing it's will on the south, albeit the whole of the United States.
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Offline Dee

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Re: How Can You Call It The War Of Northern Aggression
« Reply #194 on: November 28, 2019, 01:27:13 PM »
I was at a State wide Bar meeting and a speaker from the State Bar Assn. asked for a show of hands of those in favor of bringing a state issue in line with the federal position.  The attny. next to me didn't raise his hand and, since I had thought the proposal was a good idea, I asked him why.  He said words to the effect that he would never vote for anything just to conform a state matter to the federal gov'ts position.

Being a staunch "State's Rights" advocate I realized how right he was and have myself taken the same position ever since.

Unfortunately no one ever listens to me and Georgia adopted the Federal Rules of Evidence, one piece of logic for doing so was stated to be because the Georgia Rules were written by a Confederate General.  ( Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb - see Cobb's Legion )

So, it is called the War of Northern Aggression because the north, aka federal gov't, was and is still imposing it's will on the south, albeit the whole of the United States.

Dead center Richard.
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