The 36 is my primary carry gun. I keep a 21C on the bedside table with a Glock tactical light on it. Both have night sights.
I find the 36 accurate and easy to shoot. It's easy for me to shoot well. Actually, I shoot it better than the 21. The finger pinching thing can be a factor, but I haven't noticed it for a long time. (What happens is your little finger can get pinched between the mag extension and the frame as the gap opens up during firing.)
I had a couple of malfunctions (failure to feed, failure to come to battery) when I first got the 36 which disappointed me since the 21 had never malfunctioned in any way whatsoever. It hung up with standard Winchester white box .45's, ball ammo and Georgia Arms reloads. That was discouraging but I decided to work through a few hundred rounds to "break it in." I finally went and got a few boxes of +P ammo, both 185 and 230 grain. It NEVER hung up with +P's. And after a couple hundred rounds of +P's, it never hung up again in any way with any ammo.
I think it helps the gun to beat it up right off the bat with +P's because of the double wound recoil spring. +P's just help loosen things up. Taking a lesson from all that and the fact that the recoil spring is, in fact, double wound and different (stronger) from the other Glocks, I am inclined to carry hotter rounds. My carry ammo is Ga Arms +P 230 gr Gold Dot.
Stay away from any tinkering with plus one round mag extensions, etc. It's set up about as well as can be the way it is.
I use a Fobus holster and a Fobus carrier for 2 extra mags, they balance each other out pretty well under a business suit.
You'll be happy with the 36.