“The best thing I like about my 327 is owning a Buckeye in 32 H&R and 32-20. The 8 shot 327 will index the 6 shot Buckeye cylinders perfectly and they shoot fine. The 327 cylinder is .010 longer than the blue Buckeye cylinders so the swap only goes one way. “
I didn’t know that! I have both and will try it out!
I am sold on the 32’s for handgun varmint hunting. I enjoy the lighter 32 h&R Magnums for casual carry while walking and see the Blackhawk and GP100 as handguns best suited for called varmints.
I don’t use bullets lighter than 115-grains in the two heavy frame revolvers. I am using an NEI mold now but want an LBT mold for the Ogival wadcutter.
While I am pleased to discuss the 327 Federal here, look at this thread on another forum to get our discussion headed in the right direction. Look at the chronograph results midway down the first page for initial load information for the Blackhawk.
I have settled on the heavy bullets at 1,250- to 1,350 fps and find them easy to shoot with good penetration and killing power.
I have no problem ordering loading components and order from Graff’s. Midsouth and Midway. Midsouth as kept a good supply of bullets on hand and sold out of the brass quickly. I bought brass from Freedom Arms and Graff’s.
The 32’s are great fun for lighter critters.