Author Topic: .327 mag Blackhawk  (Read 3838 times)

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Offline butchen

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Re: .327 mag Blackhawk
« Reply #30 on: September 01, 2011, 05:08:52 PM »
 Finally I'm going to fess up. For some reason I just don't feel any love for the .38/.357 round. I can't explain why either. Don't care for 30-06, honestly, Corvettes are not on my top ten list of dream cars either. Could I have been kicked in the head by a cow?

 I am not a lover of the 357 or the 30-06 or even the 30-30............the Vet is not even in my top 25 cars. And I have not been kicked in the head.

 The 327mag is a good trail or camp gun, not a primary gun. I would love to have one just to have when I have a rifle hunting. For that last kill shot and it would do for coyotes and you could take the head off a squirrel or rabbit for the camp pot.

 In a different thread I said I would like a Ruger 32 mag rimless auto made on the 22/45 with a flat-sided 4.5 barrel but the 327 mag Blackhawk would fill the spot even better and it's already out there and you (Empty Quiver) have talked me into getting one in a 4 5/8 inch barrel SA blackhawk. It will go great with my 4 5/8 45lc. And this weekend if I can get away from the wife I will order me one if they don't have it in stock, but in blue. I have a SS Super Blackhawk but it's the only SS I have.
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Offline poncaguy

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Re: .327 mag Blackhawk
« Reply #31 on: September 02, 2011, 06:09:07 PM »
I have a 327 Blackhawk, traded off my 357 and 45LC/45AP I now have my 327 and 41Mag Blackhawks and and very happy with just those 2.............

Offline poncaguy

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Re: .327 mag Blackhawk
« Reply #32 on: September 02, 2011, 06:16:48 PM »
I might add, I would love a lever action in 327. My Blackhawk is my favorite  handgun to shoot, accurate, no recoil to speak of............

Offline painted horse

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Re: .327 mag Blackhawk
« Reply #33 on: September 03, 2011, 05:10:05 PM »
We all have different uses and criterea for the weapons/calibers we buy and use. In your original post you said the 22lr is a toy to you, the same would apply to the 327 for me, I also can't believe anyone would find the 357 boring, in fact it is a very versatile and usable round. My wife has two Thunderers and a Rossi 92 in that caliber and they are very good shooters and killers of about anything in this state, loaded appropriatly. These are MY criterea, the ability to handle whatever situation that may arise around HERE.. I don't go hiking or riding in the woods with a 22lr strapped on my hip, I carry a 45 colt (but a heavy loaded 357 would do) cause theres things around here that a 22 won't handle. I figure the same with the 327. So to me choosing a caliber is based on the things I do. Obviously your usage may differ...long winded way of saying I haven't a use for one... ;D

Offline inthebeech

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Re: .327 mag Blackhawk
« Reply #34 on: September 14, 2011, 02:50:18 AM »
Second the thoughts of Gcrank...
It seems as if you don't know what to do with yourself or your guns and Gcrank has sound advice.
Save your money.  Better, put half of what you have in the bank and forget it's there.
Shoot the guns that you have which can already cover "grouse to deer" though these are not ethical weapons for either.
If you had nothing, I'd say that you could just as well pick up a 32 and shoot it forever, (along with the 22 which I completely disagree is "useless" as would most of the "real" shooters in this forum) and the Blackhawk would be a great choice.
Good luck.

Offline pathfinder

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Re: .327 mag Blackhawk
« Reply #35 on: September 26, 2011, 05:23:59 AM »
Interesting discussion.

Here's my take.  If'n I'm carrying a gun as big as the Blackhawk its going to be a 44 or a 45.  I owned a 357 Blackhawk for a while - fine gun and cartridge but the two didn't seem to go together well in my opinion.  It's the same reason I probably won't own a Blackhawk in 327.

I have an SP101 in 357 and I love it.  Great shooter and handy to pack around.  I wouldn't mind one in 327 either just for the extra round.

As for a 32 caliber Single Action I think Ruger really got it right with the 32 H&R Mag Single Six.  The cartridge and the gun seem made for each other.  First it significantly lightens the gun.  My 22/22Mag Single Six weighs in at 38.4 oz.  Not heavy really but heavy for a 22.  My 32 Mag Single six weighs in at 30.7 ounces.  Almost a half pound lighter and if I recall correctly more than a pound lighter than the Blackhawk.

The other real advantage of the 32 Single six is the economy of it.  Since I cast and reload my own I can shoot it less expensively than I can shoot my 22 Single Six with CCI Mini Mags and much less expensively than any 22 Mag ammo.  Again I don't put any value on my time as it something I enjoy doing and like tying my own flyfishing flies it adds another layer of the enjoyment to the endeavor.  Another plus to reloading is the ability to tune your loads to your needs.  Plinkers to hot rods are all possible. 

The 32 Caliber guns seem to fit in Skeeter Skelton's "Woods Loafer" catagory.  Light and handy with no particular purpose but capable if needed.

I don't know if would be possible to make a Single Six chamber and safely fire the 327 round, even as a five shot, but I do believe that its size and weight are better suited than the Blackhawk is to the cartridge.

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Re: .327 mag Blackhawk
« Reply #36 on: September 27, 2011, 02:23:37 AM »
Interesting observation pathfinder. You bring up solid arguements on the weight issue, as packing it around with a ruck and rifle might get it a berth in the truck. Don't get me wrong I still like the idea of the thing just to many stars out of alignment.

I have pretty much talked myself back out of the .327 BH. I have been working with my .325 WSM model 70, it has convinced me one orphan in the family might be enough. Couple this with a trip around the local big dealers, Cabelas, Gander Mountain, and Scheels and I find three 20 round boxes of ammo, and two BH revolvers chambered for the round. What is that third fella going to do?  He's going to have to buy reloading supplies off the net because not a one of them had anything to roll your own.

I appreciate all the comments.
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Offline william iorg

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Re: .327 mag Blackhawk
« Reply #37 on: November 03, 2011, 01:18:19 PM »
 “The best thing I like about my 327 is owning a Buckeye in 32 H&R and 32-20. The 8 shot 327 will index the 6 shot Buckeye cylinders perfectly and they shoot fine. The 327 cylinder is .010 longer than the blue Buckeye cylinders so the swap only goes one way. “

I didn’t know that! I have both and will try it out!
I am sold on the 32’s for handgun varmint hunting. I enjoy the lighter 32 h&R Magnums for casual carry while walking and see the Blackhawk and GP100 as handguns best suited for called varmints.
I don’t use bullets lighter than 115-grains in the two heavy frame revolvers. I am using an NEI mold now but want an LBT mold for the Ogival wadcutter.
While I am pleased to discuss the 327 Federal here, look at this thread on another forum to get our discussion headed in the right direction. Look at the chronograph results midway down the first page for initial load information for the Blackhawk.
I have settled on the heavy bullets at 1,250- to 1,350 fps and find them easy to shoot with good penetration and killing power.
I have no problem ordering loading components and order from Graff’s. Midsouth and Midway. Midsouth as kept a good supply of bullets on hand and sold out of the brass quickly. I bought brass from Freedom Arms and Graff’s.
The 32’s are great fun for lighter critters.