Dale, I can not say much about work in Florida. Mt buddy in Ft Lauderdale runs a plastics shop. He laid off two when the economy went bad two years ago. Everyone else took a 10% pay cut. Since then I think they have gotten back half of the pay cut (maybe the whole thing, I'm not sure)and no one else has been laid off. Business is not booming, but Larry says "it's muddeling along".
My nephews were doing roofing in Lousianna, and Mississippi. They have recently moved back to Georgia since the work has slowed in the New Orleans area.
I understand Texas is booming. Lots of jobs there. Businesses are moving to Texas and needing facilities built or renovated.
Now since Dale don't mind, I'll answer the questions I've been asked.
I fly back and forth, 4,000 miles is too far to drive. I have a motorcycle that I leave down there. It gives me the freedom to go and come as I please. I have looked at buying a car or small truck, just have not found the right one yet.