Guzzi, our church has build several wells in Africa. Just our church!! Give that money to ANY govt. so called agency, and I'll bet that it would be spent on some (censored word) bureaucrat doing a study on where the money should be spent. Really p**** me off, was when I watched a news program when Haiti was getting relief. Showed a couple of the local men, throwing down women and kids, so they could get to the food first. They want to act like animals, let 'em starve. So many of those country's could have so much, but the people don't have the brains or work ethic to get off their lazy butts. These aid programs have been going on for what, 40 to 50 years. Hell, we had Marine's in Haiti back in the turn of the last century, 1910 or so.How long do we help before they finally help themselves. Answer-never. They'll always want a handout. No different than alot of the blacks in this country. Gravy train is coming to a close. Buckweat-in-charge coming up with this money. Probably came from his ''stash money''. gypsyman