Author Topic: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...  (Read 3510 times)

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Offline Buckskin

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Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« on: August 10, 2011, 10:00:28 AM »
Well the long awaited recall elections for Wisconsin senators who voted in favor of balancing the 2.6 billion dollar deficit became a crushing defeat to the union hacks yesterday as 4 of the 6 senators held their seats.  The liberals needed to gain 3 seats to take over the senate. It was estimated that up to $35 million dollars from out of state unions was pumped into these elections. Kind of last stand in Wisconsin for the union thugs...
Oh, and 2 of the donkeys that ran away to FIB land have their recall election next week, so it could be a net gain of zero for the donkeys... Glad I don't have a union representing me, spending my hard earned money on out of state elections instead of the children...

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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2011, 10:23:23 AM »
organized crime loves unions.  they have  a steady income from extortion.
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Offline carbineman

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2011, 01:22:57 PM »
If you are a union boss who has dumped millions of dollars of dues money into a failed attempt to flip the Wisconsin State Senate, this is what defeat looks like,............... The governor's office put together this compilation of quick analyses:
   Washington Post
Reporter: "Two Democratic incumbents face recalls next week, but even if they win those seats, the GOP will retain control of the state Senate. That marks a major victory for Republican Gov. Scott Walker and a crushing defeat for Democrats and organized labor, which poured millions of dollars and countless volunteer hours into the recall effort."
Same article: “If the Republicans hold the Senate, I think they can see that as a ratification of the policies they adopted,” said Charles Franklin, a University of Wisconsin political science professor.   Separate Washington Post Analysis
f these results stand, its an undeniable defeat for labor and for progressive activists.
Democrats and their allies are arguing taking down two incumbents is itself a victory, given that recalling an official is in­cred­ibly difficult and rare. But they invested very heavily in taking back the state senate and fell short.
Two Republican state senators lost their seats in recall elections around Wisconsin on Tuesday, but Republicans maintained their control of the State Senate, ultimately handing a defeat to union groups and Democrats who had spent months and millions of dollars trying to wrestle away at least some of the state’s political power.
The outcome was seen as a victory for Gov. Scott Walker, a Republican whose move to curtail collective bargaining rights for public workers this year set off a firestorm of protests, then counterprotests and finally a summer of unprecedented recall efforts.   MSNBC Democrats failed late Tuesday in their effort to gain control of the Wisconsin state senate as Republican incumbents won four of six recall elections.
The outcome was a big setback for Democrats, organized labor, and progressive groups who'd sought retribution against six GOPallies of Gov. Scott Walker, who earlier this year enacted a labor law overhaul that ended collective bargaining rights for many public sector workers.
   Bloomberg Wisconsin Republicans Retain Control of Senate in Win for Walker
Democrats in Wisconsin fell short of their goal of capturing control of the state Senate and blunting the agenda of Governor Scott Walker when they failed to oust three Republicans in six recall elections.
Read more:
   L.A. Time/Chicago Tribune Wisconsin Republicans hold on to state Senate
Democrats' failure to regain control of the chamber in a recall vote is also a blow for unions.,0,4371508.story
        State & Local Wisconsin GOP Holds Off Democrats in Recall Elections
Published August 10, 2011
| Associated Press
August 10: Norma Furger, right, a school teacher from Lodi, Wisconsin, reacts to the news that Democratic candidates were losing ground to Republican candidates. Madison –  Republicans held onto control of the Wisconsin Senate on Tuesday, defeating four Democratic challengers in a recall election despite an intense political backlash against GOP support for Gov. Scott Walker's effort to curb public employees' union rights.
Fueled by millions of dollars from national labor groups, the attempt to remove GOP incumbents served as both a referendum on Walker's conservative revolution and could provide a new gauge of the public mood less than a year after Republicans made sweeping gains in this state and many others.

Read more:

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2011, 01:49:04 PM »
Awww thats too bad. So much for the will of the people being against Walker.
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline Cabin4

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2011, 02:49:23 PM »
The Democrat Party and thier big money, astro turf, elite funded program to try and regain a majority in the Wisconsin legislature FAILED!
These Unions will go to no end to try and rape and steal money from the public. They are the ultimate organized criminals along with their best buddies in the Democrat party.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2011, 04:23:06 PM »
 Quit calling me a thug or I'll kill ya !  Just kidding, really. We did real good. The 8th district had a 75% turnout and is unheard of in a state senate race. Alberta Darling, a strong conservative about 60 yrs old was on her feet taking the offense. She was not shy, boldly telling live reporters last night that big unions want to take me down and they ain't gunna do it! They didn't, she won 54%- 46%, a solid win!  Wisconsin was the target and she was the bullseye of the nation. The most coveted seat for dems. The union crooks  dumped 8 million dollars into her challenger and lost! This is a set back for the dems  everywhere in the  nation. 
  Next year we redistrict and will make it even harder for the dums. The reason is because so many moved out of high taxed, high crime liberal districts.  We also have a balanced budget in Wis. with 300 million in reserves. How many states would kill to say that?

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2011, 05:04:18 PM »
Not to mention, that no state union workers have been laid off in Wisconsin. No lay offs and a balanced budget. Yet the union thugs still want the control given back to the corrupt. Just goes to show you that its all about lining their pockets and most these union workers are too stupid to understand whats going on. They just blindly follow the criminal politicians and union leadership.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2011, 06:17:16 PM »
The entire nation should send a thank you card to the GOOD folks in Wisconsin. This once very liberal state seems to be turning the corner, to the right of course. Now if the folks in Ill. would catch on.

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2011, 06:24:06 PM »
  Hee's a thug that should be arrested.. 1) For public indecency 2) Endangering the morals of a minor   ..and 3) Endangering the life of a minor  Perhaps he should have his daughter taken away, after trying to get her hurt.
      This I will never hear me talking like that around anybody's family members..starting with my own..
                What a scumbag, garbage mouth..his daughter must be very proud of him !
     *  Video clip pulled by request..I shouldn't have posted it here. 
     Suffice to say the thug thrust his daughter (12-14 yrs old) in front of a moving verizon truck..and cursed the drivers out at the top of his voice, in the most foul language one ever hears in the street.
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2011, 06:39:03 PM »
Such obscene language should not be posted on this site.
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2011, 06:43:36 PM »
Such obscene language should not be posted on this site.
  OK Cheese..thanks I'll pull the link..
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2011, 06:21:49 AM »
Watch out for those 'union thugs'....they're all the same...thug-like all of them. ::) ::) .. mmmmmm...I wonder how many of the nurses in Wisky hospitals are thug union types...?? 
   Does it matter somehow ? 
  All those Rangers, SEALs, Marines and Spec Ops troops..risking their live for our defense aren't union thugs..   Still they defend this nation without concern whether an individual citizen is union or non-union... ;) ;D
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2011, 06:53:11 AM »
No the nurses probably aren't "union thugs" they are just oblivious of the thugs that their dues are supporting.
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2011, 10:59:37 AM »
Great point there. The big question when will the rank and file realize they are supporting leader who spend therir dues to support a govt. that sends their jobs off shore ?
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2011, 11:14:55 AM »
Great point there. The big question when will the rank and file realize they are supporting leader who spend therir dues to support a govt. that sends their jobs off shore ?
some things can't be explained to some people.  they just blindly follow instructions from their thugs.
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Offline Awf Hand

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2011, 11:48:33 AM »
Unless you're talking about state run facilities, the nursing and med staff in WI is non-union.  Next door in Minnesota, they have the MNA (MN Nursing Association).  Perhaps you're thinking of them TM7?
I am a card carrying AFSCME member in WI.  (I did not go to the protests...) The reality of the past budget situation was that every year employees were laid off.  Some good staff went away -unfortunately while the retained staff received negotiated pay and benefit raises. 
It felt like riding in a sinking lifeboat with passengers who didn't want to give up their luggage, opting to throw people out instead of their bags. 
Under the current budget, things are tight but I can continue to deliver without needing to take on eliminated staff' workload.
There's been a lot of rhetoric and BS from both sides, however.  More than I can type about here. 
I have a job that has value to me and to those who need my work, but I do support some action that will get unsustainable fiscal policy under control.
It will be interesting to see what happens in next week's recalls.
Not looking to inflame, just inform.
Thanks for keeping it civil.
Just my Awf Hand comments...

Offline ironglow

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2011, 01:32:07 PM »
No the nurses probably aren't "union thugs" they are just oblivious of the thugs that their dues are supporting.
Doubt that.....most union 'thugs' get union thug newsletters, thugemails, etc....especially in battlezone states like Wisconsin, etc...and especially when it is issues about pay and benefits which affect the I doubt they think there reps are 'thugs', but are sisters and brothers of least that's the idea.
   And of course, you assume the thug bosses will tell 'nothing but the truth' in their thugmail and thugazines ?
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2011, 01:37:02 PM »
and their secretaries are thugettes. ;D
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Offline Cabin4

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2011, 03:33:13 PM »
The union thugs lost and the people won and all that matters. Just because your a nurse, does not mean you can't be a union thug or a union thug supporter. In fact, all the state union nurse employees either are thugs or directly support the thug activities and terror brought forth by the union agaist the people of Wisconsion.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2011, 04:40:21 PM »
The Bolshevik thugs lost!  ;D
You will not make peace with the Bluecoats, you are free to go.

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2011, 05:16:47 PM »
The Bolshevik thugs lost!  ;D
  Maybe a couple more can lose next week !
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2011, 04:36:11 AM »
    When the thugs win..the non-thugs lose..simple as that !
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2011, 04:43:12 AM »
I hear it said union workers are pressured to vote as the leaders dictate . I hear beat cops don't agree with gun control like the chiefs of police claim. Maybe true maybe not , most likely some times true in both cases. Do citizens need to be told what to do with threat of losing their job if they don't agree ? If the leaders have to scare people they are poor leaders ? right ?
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2011, 04:59:47 AM »
The Bolshevik thugs lost!  ;D

Nothing Neo about not being a part of these punks
You will not make peace with the Bluecoats, you are free to go.

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2011, 05:30:45 AM »
One of the greatest parts of Walkers plan was to eliminate the requirement to be in a public sector union if a public employee.  Now the unions have to ask for dues and don't automatically deduct from paychecks.  So they have a choice "to be a thug or not be a thug" that is the question...
By the way Milwaukee is expected to have between 17 and 25 million in surplus in spite of an 11 million dollar state funding cut because of Walkers plan!  Mayor Tom Barrett (yes the one Walker beat for Governor) said the cuts would cripple his city... Best shape the city has been in in 15 years....
I love it when a plan comes together.  Liberals are going crazy again and it is SOOO fun to watch!

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #25 on: August 12, 2011, 05:36:51 AM »
One of the greatest parts of Walkers plan was to eliminate the requirement to be in a public sector union if a public employee.  Now the unions have to ask for dues and don't automatically deduct from paychecks.  So they have a choice "to be a thug or not be a thug" that is the question...
By the way Milwaukee is expected to have between 17 and 25 million in surplus in spite of an 11 million dollar state funding cut because of Walkers plan!  Mayor Tom Barrett (yes the one Walker beat for Governor) said the cuts would cripple his city... Best shape the city has been in in 15 years....
I love it when a plan comes together.  Liberals are going crazy again and it is SOOO fun to watch!
it's kinda like the monkey house at the zoo, screeching and fighting. ;D
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #26 on: August 12, 2011, 09:06:05 AM »
  It is obvious..the union thugs, like the "thugocracy" we have in the white house these days..
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Offline carbineman

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #27 on: August 12, 2011, 12:09:49 PM »
TM7 In an earlier post you mentioned the Koch Brothers, but all that was reported here in Cheeseville(ground zero for leftists) was that the Teachers Union was the largest lobbying group in the state, no mention of Koch Bros.,  bro.
So it appears Koch Bros. have a long way to go to topple the Thug Bros that run Cheeseville politicians, but we have what they call a .................good start. 8)

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2011, 01:12:36 PM »
T7, this is a real problem with union employees in Wisconsin. Union state police did nothing to protect non union demonstrators or republican state senators, while letting liberal anti Walker protesters do anything they want and that includes smoking pot at the state capital. Seems the nurses discriminate like the state police do.  I am a carpenter and I work for very liberal and very conservative people. I would not dare short changing them  when working for either type. Doing so would make me as bad as the prejudice  union workers.  This is an example of prejudice and you are justifying it. It also goes to show the hate the liberals really have towards others that are not the same. " Support the unions or I will give you half ass service"  when in the emergency room is a despicable attitude to have.

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2011, 01:26:04 PM »
Also, give it up on the Koch brothers. They gave 43,000 dollars to Walkers campaign. The unions spent 25 million on the recall elections and still have 2 more dems to defend. Koch donations don't amunt to a pincha $hitt.