Unless you're talking about state run facilities, the nursing and med staff in WI is non-union. Next door in Minnesota, they have the MNA (MN Nursing Association). Perhaps you're thinking of them TM7?
I am a card carrying AFSCME member in WI. (I did not go to the protests...) The reality of the past budget situation was that every year employees were laid off. Some good staff went away -unfortunately while the retained staff received negotiated pay and benefit raises.
It felt like riding in a sinking lifeboat with passengers who didn't want to give up their luggage, opting to throw people out instead of their bags.
Under the current budget, things are tight but I can continue to deliver without needing to take on eliminated staff' workload.
There's been a lot of rhetoric and BS from both sides, however. More than I can type about here.
I have a job that has value to me and to those who need my work, but I do support some action that will get unsustainable fiscal policy under control.
It will be interesting to see what happens in next week's recalls.
Not looking to inflame, just inform.
Thanks for keeping it civil.