Author Topic: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...  (Read 3522 times)

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #30 on: August 12, 2011, 02:50:21 PM »
Those union teachers say I messed with their lively hood ? Hah, that's like a customer telling me I'm too expensive and telling him I deserve it will get it from him or else. They are nuts if the teachers think they are worth the cost.  There are librarians getting 90k plus 30k in bennies in this state. Bus drivers getting even more. I make 1/3 of what they do and bet I'm a better carpenter than they are a teacher. The truth is the market is down on most every aspect of society. Why in the world shouldn't they take a cut like everyone else? I know what you will say. Walker bullied them! Yes he did and that's what it took too. Proof is in the putting too. When the law was stuck in court teachers unions signed contracts all over the state with hefty pay increases to themselves before law went into effect. In other words unions  did not stand in good faith.  They say they would pay more for insurance and health care if Walker left collective bargaining rights alone. Problem is bargaining rights let them add to the local school tax what was taken from them by the state. Ain't what anyone on this board would call a straight shooter. No way around it, they tried to trick Scott Walker and he didn't buy it for a minute.  Voters here agree more than the liberal media portray. We are tired of hearing teachers cry about not having enough and how they suffer when they have more than most. I see it almost daily.

Offline SwampThing762

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2011, 03:10:26 PM »
The love and peace union members also shook down businesses during their public display of affection for the new benefits package.   That is called extortion, yet no federal investigation has been started, and there will likely never be an investigation.

TM7, I have not seen anything in the news about the Koch brothers donating to recall campaign resources, through NGOs or otherwise, yet the union, also NGOs by definition, dumped millions of dues dollars into this fray.    Either way, it is inconsequential, and amounts to nothing.    Should we bail out their pension plans because they dump millions of dollars  into political campaigns, and then come with an open palm for a bailout when they cannot honor pension obligations?   I say no, let them suffer.

The unions have shown their true socialist colors because they proudly held banners with socialist logos of a hand enclosing the globe, among other symbols.   

To the union thugs, I say this.....we won, you lost.  Get over it.


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Online ironglow

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #32 on: August 12, 2011, 03:48:25 PM »
  TM would like to think that those who serve the public should withold services if the person being served doesn't agree with him.  Sometimes this may be true..but when a person who is pledged to serve or "protect and serve" fails to do so because of their union considerations..they are only reinforcing the "UNION THUG" label.  TM seems to think this is acceptable conduct.  I guess TM tells us much about TM !
  Thankfully, most law enforcement, Doctors, nurses and military take their oaths seriously...without political or racial matter how bigoted certain members of the public may be.
   TM speaks of nurses either refusing or delaying services for political or union reasons. Fortunately, most nurses are above that and take their Nightingale pledge seriously .  If they do act politically, then they are "UNION THUGS".
                                                       The Nightingale Pledge
  I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly, to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug. I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession, and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling. With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician, in his work, and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care.
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #33 on: August 12, 2011, 04:05:49 PM »
I'm from a non-union state. I've known union guys, though. None of the ones I knew were thugs.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #34 on: August 12, 2011, 04:17:22 PM »
I knew union guys too. Now they are former union guys because they all got laid off and dropped out of the union.
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #35 on: August 12, 2011, 04:19:37 PM »
I'm from a non-union state. I've known union guys, though. None of the ones I knew were thugs.

Did you ever violate any of their union rules and regulations or try to change their benefits? Might have shown how well you really knew them.

Offline nomosendero

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #36 on: August 12, 2011, 06:08:15 PM »
I knew union guys too. Now they are former union guys because they all got laid off and dropped out of the union.

Yes, I have 2 cousins that live about 100 miles from Chicago, it's all they know. My Uncle did them the dis-service of moving to that area when they were kids. They are very pro Union, I mean beyond even being able to talk to them. They are BOTH unemployed. 
Alot of those jobs are down here now, o well
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Offline ihookem

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #37 on: August 12, 2011, 06:25:08 PM »
We didn't do it out of spite.It needed to be done. Liberals made it look divisive.  We lost 6,700 companies in 3 years. We even lost Miller brewing staff, almost lost Mercury marine till employees voted against their own reps ideas. Harley was even looking elsewhere. We just can't keep paying high corporate,property, income, gas taxes etc. and  have companies stay. We are 50th in keeping retirees.  Even the retired teachers leave in droves after retirement to escape the taxes.  It was obvious to everyone except to the  beneficiaries that it had to stop. Even my wife and I were looking to Kentucky and I thought I'd never leave.

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2011, 05:11:07 AM »
Wow, darn gnats are bad in here!
All you have to do is look at the condition of two states of which both have new governor's, reside side by side and had huge deficits. One went along with the union thugs, did nothing to address the corruption that has plagued the state and put the last 3 governors (all of which were democrats) in prison, spent freely and borrow 8 billions of which all of it will be wasted.
The other bucked the system, with massive resistance from the left, fought tooth and nail to do what was right, cut spending, defanged the wasteful unions and balanced the budget giving cities massive surpluses not seen in 15 years.
Just so happens these 2 states were the only states without conceal carry laws, the second state in this post fixed that also....

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #39 on: August 13, 2011, 05:14:20 AM »
If you want to see what unions and democrats can do, look at Detroit or Flint in my state, looks like the "escape from New York" movie. After that Billy Joel said in one of his songs (Allentown)..."the unions crawled away". 
So today I'm reading about the post office running in the red too long...but the unions have a rule.."no layoffs" 
So how can a union have a rule no layoffs?  LOL!!!  Well, they will lay choice just like the private sector.

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #40 on: August 13, 2011, 07:16:38 AM »
Yep, folks are figuring this stuff out, the union thugs that is! ;D
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Offline SwampThing762

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #41 on: August 13, 2011, 08:33:55 AM »

The Koch Brothers paid nothing in the recent Badger State recall elections, and are not headquartered in Milwaukee, nor do the brothers reside in Wisconsin.   Thus, they were not required to pay Wisconsin taxes.

The unions have always dealt in a heavy-handed manner when things did not go their way.   I will give you two examples: the haymarket Riots, and more currently, telephone lines being sabotaged by striking Verizon, dare I say, Union thugs.  Who else would sabotage landlines to a hospital and police department, besides thugs or criminals?

The PE unions in WI were given a choice of a new benefits package, or some members having no benefits (fired).   Now, the state has an instant $300 million budgetary surplus.   It just goes to show you that stopping the gimmes is a good thing.

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Offline ihookem

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #42 on: August 13, 2011, 01:23:11 PM »
Property taxes are frozen for 3 years. After that I hope it goes down some.  I live here. I see what happens every day. I know what I'm talking about. We are better off by a long shot with Walker. It will get better, not that it's good.

Online ironglow

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #43 on: August 13, 2011, 01:24:32 PM »
  Thanks guys..some good tutorials here on "thugology" ! ;)   :D   ;D
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Offline carbineman

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #44 on: August 13, 2011, 06:44:00 PM »
IMO the whole thing, the democrats running away to Illinois, the hippies swarming the Capitol, the marches, the protests, the recalls... was not over Walker's budget, it wasn't over the "cuts", it wasn't over the teacher and wi-gov workers having to pitch in a few percent for their insurance and pensions.

It was ALL over one thing, and one thing only. It was all done over Walker making gov union membership OPTIONAL, and dues payments VOLUNTARY. That's it.

All the fuss was over trying to preserve the gov union dues -> democrat election funds -> vote in more gov union workers to get even more gov union dues machine.

We broke the WI democrats ability to launder tax dollars into campaign money through the unions. That is what everything has been about. And this is what brought out Thug Bros. Though we took a bit of a beating from the Thug Bros Inc. we beat their extortion racket so far. Maybe we'll gain a bit next Tuesday. I think Holperin is vulnerable but don't know much about Werch contest.

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #45 on: August 13, 2011, 07:43:14 PM »
All you have to do is look at the condition of two states of which both have new governor's, reside side by side and had huge deficits. One went along with the union thugs, did nothing to address the corruption that has plagued the state and put the last 3 governors (all of which were democrats) in prison, spent freely and borrow 8 billions of which all of it will be wasted.

Is the label union thug meant to apply to union member who behave thuggishly, or to all union members?
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #46 on: August 13, 2011, 07:49:19 PM »
That has allready been explained several times, why should any one do so again?
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #47 on: August 14, 2011, 02:07:18 AM »
  Tm accuses Ironglow;
  " was YOU (collectively speaking) who claimed 'union thugs' were the single source of all economic, budgetary and other Wisconsin and national woes...expect like and kind returned with double interest....just the way it is the Big Circus.  You made your lie in it.  Stuff less than this has caused rebellion against elite or aristo-autocrats in history, and will again"...TM7
    There you go again, TM !  Neither myself or any others (collectively) said that uniuons were the "single source" of our nation's woes.  Most of us have listed many sources..liberalism, Obamanism, socialism, G Soros, greedy parasites, welfare queens,  political cowardice, "party" politics, anti-Christian movements and rhetoric, the education racket, lobbyists and history revisionists...just to name a few.
   Do you have a faulty memory, or are you just trying to distort our statements ?
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #48 on: August 14, 2011, 02:18:16 AM »
IMO the whole thing, the democrats running away to Illinois, the hippies swarming the Capitol, the marches, the protests, the recalls... was not over Walker's budget, it wasn't over the "cuts", it wasn't over the teacher and wi-gov workers having to pitch in a few percent for their insurance and pensions.

It was ALL over one thing, and one thing only. It was all done over Walker making gov union membership OPTIONAL, and dues payments VOLUNTARY. That's it.

All the fuss was over trying to preserve the gov union dues -> democrat election funds -> vote in more gov union workers to get even more gov union dues machine.

We broke the WI democrats ability to launder tax dollars into campaign money through the unions. That is what everything has been about. And this is what brought out Thug Bros. Though we took a bit of a beating from the Thug Bros Inc. we beat their extortion racket so far. Maybe we'll gain a bit next Tuesday. I think Holperin is vulnerable but don't know much about Werch contest.
this says it all.  if a union can have a resort in the carribean and give millions to democrats, then the dues are WAY too high.
A union could actually be useful if their purpose was to protect members from being mistreated etc.
but they have turned into extortionists who bleed companies to line their pockets.
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Online ironglow

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #49 on: August 14, 2011, 02:33:12 AM »
....And in the guise of "public service unions", fleece the taxpaying public.. and as in Wisconsin..turn hard against the taxpayers who feed them ! Is that not a form of larceny ?
  At the least they are a low form of ingrate..
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #50 on: August 14, 2011, 04:02:16 AM »
That has allready been explained several times, why should any one do so again?

Because someone here, somewhere, has got to be something more than an ignorant thug who does whatever some toothless preacher or cynical Republican tells him to, maybe? Judging from your retort, though... you ain't it.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline carbineman

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #51 on: August 14, 2011, 06:35:48 AM »
And after Tuesday the Walker Recall strategy begins. This story is telling of how new strategy from Europe will be incorporated and national union strategy needs to be revamped to point out how the filthy rich need to be spanked for their wealth accumulated by fleecing the middle class. A telling story.
  Thu Aug. 11, 2011 3:00 AM PDT No amount of Wisconsin's finest craft-brewed beer could lighten the mood at Hawk's bar on Tuesday night as the final recall election results dribbled in. Democrats had won two seats, one short of what they needed to retake the GOP-controlled state Senate. Boisterous, confident, even costume-clad Democratic supporters had piled into Hawk's to watch MSNBC's coverage of the six races, but by night's end, the feeling was one of disappointment, with plenty of tears to go around. "We need to go home and wallow in self-pity now," one woman said on her way out.
Right then, a simple question hung heavy in the room: What now? Talking to people in Wisconsin in the days before the election; seeing the massive get-out-the-vote effort mounted by activists, labor unions, and the state Democratic Party; and watching the thousands of volunteers manning phone banks and knocking on doors made Tuesday's recall elections feel like a make-or-break moment for the movement sparked by this winter's protests in Madison. At close range, the sheer energy was staggering. Can that energy survive now? And if so, for what end will it be used?        Scot Ross, the executive director of One Wisconsin Now, a left-leaning communications group, described the future of Wisconsin's young progressive movement with a metaphor any Wisconsinite could love: football. Right now the movement is at halftime, Ross says. The first quarter was gathering more than 180,000 signatures to trigger Tuesday's recalls. The second was the recalls themselves, and Ross says those succeeded in their aim: "holding the Walker Six accountable." The third quarter is next week's recall of two Democratic state senators. And the fourth? "That's when we're going to recall Governor Walker next year and restore decency, fairness, and common sense to this state," Ross says.
Ross isn't the only one advocating for Walker's recall, even in light of Tuesday's deflating results. On Wednesday, Mike Tate, the chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, pointed to Tuesday's results as evidence of the governor's vulnerability in a recall election. "The historic gains made tonight to restore balance and accountability to our state, and [to] restore Wisconsin values, will continue when the entire state weighs in on the November 2012 elections—and with the recall of Scott Walker himself," Tate said in a memo to reporters. For his part, Walker has said he doesn't think Wisconsinites support holding any more recalls.
Technically, Walker cannot be recalled until after January 2012, and Ross says it remains unclear what the strategy for recalling Walker will look like. But Ross is confident that as the full force of Walker's budget bills and other policies comes into focus in the coming year, Wisconsinites will come together to demand the governor's ouster. "Once the impact of the decisions that they have rammed through are fully realized, that's going to create a new wave of outrage that's going to make what happened this past seem like an opening act," he says.
Recalling Walker is just one of the plans on the minds of the grassroots activists who have found their voice in Wisconsin's labor uprising. Many of these diehards united under the #wiunion Twitter hashtag, and when they introduce themselves they often use their Twitter handles. On Wednesday, a group of activists who call themselves the Democracy Addicts met at a Milwaukee bar to discuss how to ensure that Democrats don't fall short in the next important election.
Ed Knutson, a Milwaukee resident, is one of the Democracy Addicts. While Knutson optimistically predicted Democrats would sweep all six races on Tuesday, he says he still considers two wins an important step, especially if the Democratic incumbents defend their seats on August 16. That would leave a single moderate state senator, Republican Dale Schulz, as the deciding vote in the state Senate. (Schulz was the only GOPer to vote against Walker's budget bill.) Knutson says the Democracy Addicts will try to nudge Schultz away from the GOP rank-and-file who are carrying out Walker's agenda in the state Legislature.
The Democracy Addicts don't just want to sway politics the usual way, Knutson says. They saw the left's staggering GOTV push fall just short in this week's recalls, and they don't want that to happen again. So they're also talking with grassroots groups in Europe and thinking hard about how to organize Wisconsin voters more effectively. "We've got a lot more time with a Walker recall," Knutson says. "We're trying to figure some other way of organizing to get out the vote that's a bit less traditional."
An official with a national union says organized labor plans to build on the events in Wisconsin by trying to create a nationwide movement pitting the working and middle classes against the wealthy—Main Street against Wall Street. Doing that after Tuesday will prove a tall order, the official concedes, but he adds that at a time of chronic unemployment, flat-lining wages for most Americans, and a fraying safety net, the message that has animated Wisconsin is the same message the rest of the nation wants to hear: "Our message is resonating on Main Street," he says. "But it needs to resonate on Pennsylvania Avenue."
Robert Kraig, executive director of Citizen Action of Wisconsin, a progressive advocacy outfit, says Tuesday's disappointing results—and possibly another loss or two next week—are the first real test of the movement born this in the snowy streets of Madison this winter. Now progressives have to choose whether to double down or pack it in and go home, Kraig says. The key, he adds, is finding the next outlet for all the energy seen in this week's recalls, and not letting that passion and commitment dissipate. "One of the things that attracted everyone to the Wisconsin story is that…it's about really sparking a movement to restore economic opportunity and fight back in the class warfare waged by the right wing and corporations," Kraig says. "If this really is a movement, there's going to be bumps in the road, but it can't be about just this one election."

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #52 on: August 14, 2011, 08:45:12 AM »

Read the news reports, the lines were physically cut, and the lines were accessed using access keys that the line workers all have in their possession.   These are acts of sabotage.    These acts have been verified, and are being investigated, by the FBI.

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #53 on: August 14, 2011, 09:43:18 AM »
That has allready been explained several times, why should any one do so again?

Because someone here, somewhere, has got to be something more than an ignorant thug who does whatever some toothless preacher or cynical Republican tells him to, maybe? Judging from your retort, though... you ain't it.

And you aint one who would understand what has allready been explained, so why would anyone bother?
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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #54 on: August 14, 2011, 09:53:45 AM »

And you aint one who would understand what has allready been explained, so why would anyone bother?
Simmer down, bro, you've made your point - thug for union member is an ideological statement, and you've got no good answer. I'm not expecting one from you. My expectation was low, but you've fully met it!
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #55 on: August 14, 2011, 09:54:11 AM »
And after Tuesday the Walker Recall strategy begins. This story is telling of how new strategy from Europe will be incorporated and national union strategy needs to be revamped to point out how the filthy rich need to be spanked for their wealth accumulated by fleecing the middle class. A telling story.
  Thu Aug. 11, 2011 3:00 AM PDT No amount of Wisconsin's finest craft-brewed beer could lighten the mood at Hawk's bar on Tuesday night as the final recall election results dribbled in. Democrats had won two seats, one short of what they needed to retake the GOP-controlled state Senate. Boisterous, confident, even costume-clad Democratic supporters had piled into Hawk's to watch MSNBC's coverage of the six races, but by night's end, the feeling was one of disappointment, with plenty of tears to go around. "We need to go home and wallow in self-pity now," one woman said on her way out.
Right then, a simple question hung heavy in the room: What now? Talking to people in Wisconsin in the days before the election; seeing the massive get-out-the-vote effort mounted by activists, labor unions, and the state Democratic Party; and watching the thousands of volunteers manning phone banks and knocking on doors made Tuesday's recall elections feel like a make-or-break moment for the movement sparked by this winter's protests in Madison. At close range, the sheer energy was staggering. Can that energy survive now? And if so, for what end will it be used?        Scot Ross, the executive director of One Wisconsin Now, a left-leaning communications group, described the future of Wisconsin's young progressive movement with a metaphor any Wisconsinite could love: football. Right now the movement is at halftime, Ross says. The first quarter was gathering more than 180,000 signatures to trigger Tuesday's recalls. The second was the recalls themselves, and Ross says those succeeded in their aim: "holding the Walker Six accountable." The third quarter is next week's recall of two Democratic state senators. And the fourth? "That's when we're going to recall Governor Walker next year and restore decency, fairness, and common sense to this state," Ross says.
Ross isn't the only one advocating for Walker's recall, even in light of Tuesday's deflating results. On Wednesday, Mike Tate, the chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, pointed to Tuesday's results as evidence of the governor's vulnerability in a recall election. "The historic gains made tonight to restore balance and accountability to our state, and [to] restore Wisconsin values, will continue when the entire state weighs in on the November 2012 elections—and with the recall of Scott Walker himself," Tate said in a memo to reporters. For his part, Walker has said he doesn't think Wisconsinites support holding any more recalls.
Technically, Walker cannot be recalled until after January 2012, and Ross says it remains unclear what the strategy for recalling Walker will look like. But Ross is confident that as the full force of Walker's budget bills and other policies comes into focus in the coming year, Wisconsinites will come together to demand the governor's ouster. "Once the impact of the decisions that they have rammed through are fully realized, that's going to create a new wave of outrage that's going to make what happened this past seem like an opening act," he says.
Recalling Walker is just one of the plans on the minds of the grassroots activists who have found their voice in Wisconsin's labor uprising. Many of these diehards united under the #wiunion Twitter hashtag, and when they introduce themselves they often use their Twitter handles. On Wednesday, a group of activists who call themselves the Democracy Addicts met at a Milwaukee bar to discuss how to ensure that Democrats don't fall short in the next important election.
Ed Knutson, a Milwaukee resident, is one of the Democracy Addicts. While Knutson optimistically predicted Democrats would sweep all six races on Tuesday, he says he still considers two wins an important step, especially if the Democratic incumbents defend their seats on August 16. That would leave a single moderate state senator, Republican Dale Schulz, as the deciding vote in the state Senate. (Schulz was the only GOPer to vote against Walker's budget bill.) Knutson says the Democracy Addicts will try to nudge Schultz away from the GOP rank-and-file who are carrying out Walker's agenda in the state Legislature.
The Democracy Addicts don't just want to sway politics the usual way, Knutson says. They saw the left's staggering GOTV push fall just short in this week's recalls, and they don't want that to happen again. So they're also talking with grassroots groups in Europe and thinking hard about how to organize Wisconsin voters more effectively. "We've got a lot more time with a Walker recall," Knutson says. "We're trying to figure some other way of organizing to get out the vote that's a bit less traditional."
An official with a national union says organized labor plans to build on the events in Wisconsin by trying to create a nationwide movement pitting the working and middle classes against the wealthy—Main Street against Wall Street. Doing that after Tuesday will prove a tall order, the official concedes, but he adds that at a time of chronic unemployment, flat-lining wages for most Americans, and a fraying safety net, the message that has animated Wisconsin is the same message the rest of the nation wants to hear: "Our message is resonating on Main Street," he says. "But it needs to resonate on Pennsylvania Avenue."
Robert Kraig, executive director of Citizen Action of Wisconsin, a progressive advocacy outfit, says Tuesday's disappointing results—and possibly another loss or two next week—are the first real test of the movement born this in the snowy streets of Madison this winter. Now progressives have to choose whether to double down or pack it in and go home, Kraig says. The key, he adds, is finding the next outlet for all the energy seen in this week's recalls, and not letting that passion and commitment dissipate. "One of the things that attracted everyone to the Wisconsin story is that…it's about really sparking a movement to restore economic opportunity and fight back in the class warfare waged by the right wing and corporations," Kraig says. "If this really is a movement, there's going to be bumps in the road, but it can't be about just this one election."

Like I said before, it has a 1917 ring to it. Isn't class warfare wonderful?
Yea, that's just what we need to be more like Europe.
You will not make peace with the Bluecoats, you are free to go.

Offline nomosendero

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #56 on: August 14, 2011, 09:56:35 AM »

And you aint one who would understand what has allready been explained, so why would anyone bother?
Simmer down, bro, you've made your point - thug for union member is an ideological statement, and you've got no good answer. I'm not expecting one from you. My expectation was low, but you've fully met it!

Never intended to give you an answer for reasons previously stated, now we can both cool down.  ::)
You will not make peace with the Bluecoats, you are free to go.

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #57 on: August 14, 2011, 12:25:49 PM »
union people have a track record of destroying public and private property.
they're vandals, and to me a vandal is worse that a thief.
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Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline yellowtail3

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #58 on: August 14, 2011, 01:07:24 PM »
union people have a track record of destroying public and private property.
they're vandals, and to me a vandal is worse that a thief.

...and police have a track record for brutalizing innocents, and white men have a track record of brutalizing black men. Lots of track records out there, aren't there?
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline SwampThing762

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Re: Wisconsin Stands Strong Against Union Thugs...
« Reply #59 on: August 14, 2011, 02:42:20 PM »

The acts of sabotage were performed by striking union workers, the thugs, that have keys to access the boxes that house and route telephone lines.   The only question, and subject of the investigation, is the exact perpetrator(s).

Yt3, I do not speak for others, this thread to me was about the thugs in unions that destroy public and private property, commit assault and battery on other people, and issue threats against elected officials(all these happened in Wisconsin by the thugs).  Anyone in the opposition that thinks all union members are bad have assumed facts not in evidence, and their premise is flawed.   

The truth was, and still is, that Wisconsin stood up and defeated the thugs that defaced the capitol building and committed multiple acts of assault, battery, and extortion.

We learned the true nature of Islam on 11 Sept 2001.

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"Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam." (Not to us Lord, not us, but to your name give the glory)  -- Knights Templar motto