looked at 3 different guns yesterday a s&w 6", 22/45 4", and a mk III 6" all had bull barrels. I been shooting what they call a mk I for 32 years and it is a point and shoot. The smith had big grips and a scope rail on top, but when you pulled it up to shoot you had to find the sights, the same for the mk III, but the 22/45, which had 3 dot sights, was spot on each time I pulled it up. All 3 were under $300, the 22/45 was $289. Like I said all had bull barrels its was flat sided, or what they call slab sided, 4" and felt better than all the others put together. I wanted to like the smith, I liked the look of it but its feel was off. But what I don't get is the mk III. It's grip should be like my old mk I but it didn't feel right. Mine mk I I can just pick it up and close my eyes and point it, open my eyes and it's sights are lined up. So go figure.