Author Topic: The debate is over..  (Read 604 times)

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Offline ironglow

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The debate is over..
« on: August 11, 2011, 06:06:13 PM »
... And Fox did a poor job.  Here's the post I just posted over on Marlinowners.. My appraisal..just mine;
     And Fox has done a poor job.  It seems all they could ask is "gotcha" questions.  Now, some gotcha questions should be asked..but virtually the whole session ?
   I wanted to hear more questions to compare the candidate's beliefs and aims in comparison to the present white house occupant.  I want to hear more about how they plan to get the country back  on track.
  My observations..mine only;
 A)  Although not my choice, Newt came up with some good, intellectual explanations...and thus gained some stature.
 B) Bachmann had the right answers..she did not move people as much as she has previously.
 C) Cain, although sharp and very qualified as a CEO..he was not at the top of his game.
 D) Ron Paul..had some good domestic ideas but seemed to lack a firm grasp of international situations. He seems naive when it comes to recognizing the dangers posed by Iran. A complete strikeout on cultural issues.
 E) Huntsman ..OK on fiscal issues.. a loser on cultural issues.
 F) Romney, OK on fiscal issues a grade of "C" on cultural issues..the Obamacare fiasco is embarassing for him.  Climbed a bit I think.
 G) Santorum, did OK but doubt the mass of voters will appreciate.
      ...To me, it looks like Newt did himself the most answers.

   Ron Paul had his own cult following..that's understood, but compared to other candidate's fans..they hooted and hollered and made lots of noise..lacking in couth..reminiscent of rude soccer fans.

   Biggest disappointment of all is the Fox News panel..I wanted to hear some of the contrasts between the Rep candidates and the Obamanites, all we got was a bunch of "gotchas"..
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Offline srussell

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Re: The debate is over..
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2011, 06:24:11 PM »
Ron Paul really gave me reason to look at him closer. because of what he said about iran i cant agree with that

Offline Buck-Ridge

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Re: The debate is over..
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2011, 06:38:29 PM »
Newt was strong and demonstrated the best grasp of the situation at hand. He is who I would like to vote for but I believe the establishment wants Romney at the Helm. I think Bachman Pawlenty Huntsman and Paul were hurt tonight. Caine is a wildcard he does make sense his credentials are only in business but he does have common sense. Fox did try to steer the success of the debaters with their questions.

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Re: The debate is over..
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2011, 06:49:46 PM »
I didnt watch the debate. I dont know what Ron Paul said about Iran but I refuse to believe that if he were president  he would be dumb enough to fail to defend the nation from a credible foreign threat.
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Re: The debate is over..
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2011, 06:52:12 PM »
Newt won, in my opinion. I don't trust Romney. You can not force people to buy health insurance. It's unconstitutional. If, as he claims, that people who could afford care, but scammed the system is true, then he was remiss in not going after deadbeats, instead of more socialism in "forcing" others to pay.
I agree that the gotcha questions suck. Journalist should stick to the issues.
+1 Buck-Ridge.
The Hermit

Offline ironglow

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Re: The debate is over..
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2011, 04:09:37 AM »
I didnt watch the debate. I dont know what Ron Paul said about Iran but I refuse to believe that if he were president  he would be dumb enough to fail to defend the nation from a credible foreign threat.
  Others may not have seen it that way, but (IMO) I saw Ron Paul saying there is no threat if Iran gets the nuclear bomb.  We didn't stop Russia or China from doing why stop Iran.
  Frankly, if we COULD have stopped Russia or China from getting it ..we would have.  He seemed to think that a nuclear armed Iran is no threat to us..seemingly forgetting that we are "the big satan"..according to I'madinnerjacket.  Also forgetting that it was the Muslims which attacked us on 9/11.  He seemed to have an 18th century foreign policy, thinking that we have the wide Atlantic and Pacific to isolate us (isolationism doesn't work).  His domestic policy seems solid.  Still, if he is the nominee...he's miles ahead of anything the the Democrats could dredge up.    ....Just my $.02...
  Heretofore I had written Newt off as "too establishment"..but he did rise several notches during last night's exchange.  He showed the gonads to come right back at a questioner who was trying to 'chump' the candidates. Star of the debate...
   Pawlenty soiled himself... Bachmann  held her own and probably would have done better, but she was faced with a stronger attack than any of the other candidates.
  Huntsman showed good CEO credentials..but lacked any cultural credentials.  Nobody can get elected without the independants....and one must have good CEO AND cultural credentials to get that vote.
  Santorum neither advbanced nor receded..held his position.
   Both Romney and Gingerich were most adroit at fending off the "gotcha" questions and get right to putting the smack on Obama..  Hope they stick with that plan if either gets nominated.
  These are my opinions..yours may well differ.
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Re: The debate is over..
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2011, 04:23:22 AM »
I liked Ron.

Offline ironglow

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Re: The debate is over..
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2011, 04:41:14 AM »
  Romney's best moment was at the Iowa state Fair...before the debate..
  Rick Perry's entrance will be a change the game some...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline powderman

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Re: The debate is over..
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2011, 04:49:15 AM »
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Re: The debate is over..
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2011, 05:35:57 AM »
...  Disappointments;
   Ron Paul had his own cult following..that's understood, but compared to other candidate's fans..they hooted and hollered and made lots of noise..lacking in couth..reminiscent of rude soccer fans.
This isn't an endorsement of Ron Paul, but,  I think one of the biggest problems with this country is (especially old line conservatives) people NOT being uncouth enough in the right situation. We need to get a little out of control with compassion for the right cause with the right goal. We have been trained to be PC in so many ways (by our own conservatrive leaders to not draw attention or step outside the PARTY LINE) that we are afraid to get passionate enough to energize others.
 We sit and wait for someone to lead but no one has enough carizma to motivate people.  Our party will be as dead as our leaders.  We need to get off our butts and kick someone elses butts.
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Re: The debate is over..
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2011, 05:41:38 AM »
Pawlenty didn't do well IMO. I'm still thinking that Dr. Paul has little chance of winning the primaries and NO chance of beating Obama.
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: The debate is over..
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2011, 05:52:08 AM »
...  Disappointments;
   Ron Paul had his own cult following..that's understood, but compared to other candidate's fans..they hooted and hollered and made lots of noise..lacking in couth..reminiscent of rude soccer fans.
This isn't an endorsement of Ron Paul, but,  I think one of the biggest problems with this country is (especially old line conservatives) people NOT being uncouth enough in the right situation. We need to get a little out of control with compassion for the right cause with the right goal. We have been trained to be PC in so many ways (by our own conservatrive leaders to not draw attention or step outside the PARTY LINE) that we are afraid to get passionate enough to energize others.
 We sit and wait for someone to lead but no one has enough carizma to motivate people.  Our party will be as dead as our leaders.  We need to get off our butts and kick someone elses butts.
I'm very passionate about my beliefs, but I'm usually labeled as a nut case.
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Offline magooch

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Re: The debate is over..
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2011, 06:36:37 AM »
I actually think that Rick Santorum had some of the better principles and one of his answers was most to the point on what the prime issues of the day are--the economy and government spending.  It had to do with raising the debt limit and how present revenues to the federal government are not even enough to pay the current entitlements, let alone anything else.
My other impressions were that Newt exhibited the most command of the situation and the "room."  Romney, despite his health-care gambit has a lot of "gravy toss" and appears Presidential.  Michele Bachmann might make a very good Vice Presidential candidate as would Rick Santorum.  The rest of the folks on the stage were miles above anything the dumycrats could ever produce, but were at best--runners up.