I tried to stay out but just wanted to ask why would Jesus say "For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever should believe in Him shall have ever lasting life."
John 3:16 This puts the onus of belief on the individual. Therefore there is a choice.
The argument of God killed everybody but Noah and his family is invalid, he did it becuase of their sin. He told the children of Israel you sin and cuase those around you to sin, you are constantly looking for new ways to sin. This also signifies a choice made by people. Sodom and Gommarah were wiped of the face of the earth becuase of the choice of sin. Lot's wife chose to look back after being told not to and was turned into a pilar of salt for her sin.
If God knows us before we are in the womb, and if the baby in Mary's womb leaps for joy how is it this baby is not alive? A mother cannot tell the baby in her womb to do anything. Ask any woman who has tried to stop the baby from moving to an uncomfortable position in the womb. You can control your arm from being in an uncomfortable position, but yet not the child in the womb.
I am done with this topic, I think those that want to have an abortion will have it and those that don't want one won't.