That is not scientifically true Swampy, half the DNA is from the father. So why doesn't the father have a say so? If he wants the baby and the mother does not, doesn't he have a say in the matter? The only time DNA from a human father wasn't used in a new baby was Jesus Christ. He did not have a human father. This is why it is a miracle. Even if a mother could get pregnant on her own, the baby would be a clone of her, because all the DNA would be hers. Therefore an unborn baby is half the mother and half a father and is unique. Again you are only looking at life from God's eternal view, which is ok, but it has to be balanced with the OTHER scripture He gave concerning how we are to conduct our lives. Doing good, fighting evil, witnessing to people so they can CHOOSE salvation. The problem I have with churches that believe like you is they NEVER grow. People in those churches quit living the christian life as we are told, because they begin to believe if it is going to happen it will, if not it won't, so what good can they do, and they end up doing nothing. Human nature. God wants us to do good works, and the Bible says we will be rewarded for our good works, not salvation, but good works beyond salvation. Salvation is only the foundation, good works are built on the foundation. Wood, hay, and stubble will be burned up. If we can convince just one woman not to have an abortion, we have saved a human life, and we will be rewarded for that in heaven.