you got a great wife that will do the sewing
Well, I agree I got a great wife. The perfect woman for me! Hi-ebber, and day always be a hi-ebber,
Kathie wouldn't recognise a sewing needle if it stuck her!
And she doesn't cook or do laundry...
Fortunately I like to cook, and I do the washing because I'm real particular about how my laundry is done, so we're a perfect match!
I'll give you an example, we used to get home from work about the same time before she retired. One evening I went to the kitchen to make supper and get her a glass of wine. As I was taking the glass to her I stopped and looked at the situation. There Kathie was, sitting on the couch, reading the newspaper, watching the news on TV, waiting for me to bring her wine and cook her supper.
Right off I realised there was something wrong with this picture.
And I'm looking at a new sewing machine right now!