Much is made of this Iowa straw poll, and perhaps in the old days it was an indicator. HOWEVER! Today elections are bought, not voted on. Oh yes, everyone still votes, and the votes for the most part are counted, but "billions of dollars are spent on mis-information" to the point that no one really knows what a candidate stands for, nor do they care. A lie, or misconception is repeated enough, that the "lazy voter" votes on WHAT HE OR SHE HEARD. Nothing more.
The Democrat says we have to tax the rich, so the envious poor guy want to keep gettin his check, and votes for him. The Republican says he's gonna balance the budget, and he won't. It's endless!
In the cafe in my home town it's no different. The little man says, stop welfare to lazy folks, and big farmer farm subsidies to farmers AND THEIR WIVES. The farmer on the other hand says stop welfare to lazy folks, and the Democrats have always treated us farmers better than the Republicans.
Historically, Ron Paul has always done well in the Iowa straw poll, and that's about as far as it goes, or will ever go. Too many here, and else where will accuse you of wasting your vote, and they will not support him. They will once again: Settle for less, and get less, by voting for the "lessor of two evils".