Author Topic: Listen to the rich guy............  (Read 4277 times)

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #60 on: August 23, 2011, 12:35:39 AM »
IG, didn't you know they are trying to make your life better. We are striving for a grand utopia here.
Well on second thought, maybe they do intend to make us miserable. 
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Offline SwampThing762

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #61 on: August 23, 2011, 06:52:47 PM »
Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder, and a social disease.....

We learned the true nature of Islam on 11 Sept 2001.

Show your appreciation for more bacon.

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Offline ironglow

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #62 on: August 25, 2011, 02:03:40 AM »
     With tax confiscation and extreme regulations, the productive people either give up, or send their operations elsewhere..  That way, Socialist/progressives end up only being able to "spread the poverty around".
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #63 on: August 25, 2011, 06:06:52 AM »
     With tax confiscation and extreme regulations, the productive people either give up, or send their operations elsewhere..  That way, Socialist/progressives end up only being able to "spread the poverty around".
45 years of tax cuts (shifts) and income discrepancy,,,wealth accumulation, etc...and all the self-styled conservative can claim is a whole lot of jobs created in China and India....pretty good--pretty good... ::) 
   Well TM;

       Wow !  Now that's a perfect example of cockeyed thinking..    It was Clinton who insisted (against good advice) to give "most favored nation" trading status to china in the 1990s.  Of course the fact that millions of Chinese donated dollars ended up at the 'Clinton library' is simply a coincidence.
   Then the crippling regulations foisted om manufacturers drove many overseas.  It was announced that in this period when we are hurting for free enterprize, jobs at the rergulatory agencies are up 13%, budgets are up 16%.. and regulations themselves have soared at gho spread your bull elsewhere, you're not fdooling anyone !
  ....And you try to pretend you are not a LIBERAL!...  Your BS gives you away!  .. ;D   ;D   ;D   :P   :o   ;D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #64 on: August 25, 2011, 06:38:03 AM »
Clinton, adopted son of the Bush Syndicate,,, ;) ...followed suit from Poppy Bush who opened China wide for global keep thinking these two teams don't work together for some reason.  I believe it was Nixon who gave most favored nation status to China, and you can check that if you like...point is both team parties do not have better interest of Americans at heart...the biggest threat and anti-american threats to business is claims against labor, deregging, income discrpancies, and various other charges and action against the common American...soon America will be reduced to a Texas model of low wage, immigrant labor and temporary jobs...based on the China-India model, or iow before the Birth of Christ....corporacrats and self-styled conservatives salivate for this outcome.
What are the crippling regs that drove business away specifically...?/ 

  Here's a start..
  And this...
  Petroleum turns the wheels of our industry and business..Obama & crew will push untyil gas is at least $10.00 per gallon..
   Liberals simply have to wake up and see what damage you are doing to our country..with their bad electoral choices!
  Shucks,'re well read, I thought you would already know these facts (plus thousands of others) and not NEED to have them pointed out to you..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #65 on: August 25, 2011, 07:00:40 AM »
You need to re read your history books.
Congress (the house) writes tax law.  The House since 1930 has been Democrat for the most part.  They are the ones that have raised taxes over and over again.  In GHW Bush's term and the famouse Read my lips.... The Democrat held congress over rode his veto and we had new taxes, these taxes, along with the CNN coverage of the recession drove us into a recession.  We came out of it in Clintons first year as a result of the media and we were driven into the recession we currently have by the clinton tax increases, the terrorist attacks, and the over spending of our government with out having an economic base to support that spending.  For an economy to be healthy they have to export or manufacture something.   Mining of raw materials or  production of products needs to happen in an area inorder for money to flow to the area.  For example let's pick the mountains.  It has natural resources of timber and coal.   People want these for construction, manufacturing, and energy.  As there is money to be made bringing those products out of the mountains, rich people wanting to be richer, hire people to start a company to timber, mine, and ship.  People move there, roads are built and money is exchanged for labor of bringing out those materials, some manufacturing may take place such as building furniture with the wood that too is sold.  The problem we have is now in the mountians, we do not allow the mining of coal, or the cutting of timber so those people are out of work, the factory that makes the furniture now has to import wood and the costs to get wood up the mountian are too much so they either close the factory or move it.  Now you have a pool of money on the mountain that is going to diminish over time as new products (needs not wants) are brought up the mountain but no new goods are sold off it.  Our ecoinomy has become that mountain,  Our great port cities were built to export our goods and raw materials all over the world, now sadly all we really export are empty shipping containers.  We had fleets of merchant vessels all over the world, now we have taxed them out of existance and US owned shipping is now flagged else whare and most shipping companies no longer have fleets, they pay others to ship.  More money spilling out of our economy.  You may say big deal if a few people on the mountain are out of work, but the miners, the loggers, and the furniture makers all had wants and needs that generated other jobs.  Merchants, truck drivers, teachers, bankers, look around your standard small town and think of every thing needed to run the town.  If new money is not brought in, then all those jobs dry up.  And yes the gap between the Rich and the poor gets larger as there are fewer and fewer middle class.  Taking from the rich is not going to fix the problem.  All it will do is take what money is out there to spend and move around in the economy.   Figure the world economy as a bunch of buckets of water.  Our bucket no longer gets new water put in it.  Sure we have a huge bucket but that bucket is being emptied at quart rates now, and we are borrowing a cup from others to keep our bucket 1/2 full.  At some point the people that loaned us the water to keep our bucket full are going to want it back plus more for loaning it to them. 
At the point where it no longer makes the rich money they will close the factories, the mines, the trucking company  that close the middle class shops, and as people move away in search of other jobs the realestate become woth less as noone wants to move there and is willing to buy a house, rent an apartment, you have a modern ghost town.  unfortunatly it is happening all over.  The cause is not the rich, but the rules of an out of control government and the agencies it created to make rules and regulations.  If your job were to write rules and regulations, even if they are not needed you are going to write them to keep your job, after all who wants to pay a guy to sit in an office all day ready to write a rule when needed?  No we are paying him to write rules so he does.  Every rule adds costs to everything and chokes the economy.
A healthy economy exports and produces goods and materials, a healthy growing economy has a government that spends less than 25% of GDP, a stagnent economy spends 33to 35% and a government that spends more than 40% of GDP is in a decline.
How, does taking more water out of the bucket, help fill the bucket?  Moeny in the hands of the people in an economy is spent about 5 times as it gets moved through the economy.  Tax money gets spent 2.5 to 3 times as it gets moved through the economy.  HOW is taking more moeny out of the economy and giving government going to expand the economy greater than leaving in the economy?

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #66 on: August 25, 2011, 05:04:39 PM »
The EPA was started by Richard Nixon in the early 70's.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #67 on: August 25, 2011, 05:09:39 PM »
  Yes; keep defending the golf course maestro..
  Surely, you can read, correct ?  It wasn't "big Oil' who asked for $10 was Obama's choice Steven Chu who still insists that we pay that much!
  In your twisted call Bush "big oil"..  Gas was at $1.79 a gal when Bush left the Obamanites have pushed it to $3.85 in our area and still pushing for $10.00.  By your line of reasoning, why are you not calling Obama "humungus oil" ?
  You seem to forget, the biggest spill took place during Super boy's watch !  Hey; there's a new "conspiracy theory" for you, ....Obama wanted to get the oil rigs out of the gulf and down to help the investment his buddy Soros made in Brazil's oil industry.
   That BP well supposedly blew because of some poor assembly...but who stood to get things his way if there was a huge spill in the gulf..where a moratorium could be slammed on ? Could this spill have been engineered ?     Hmmmmmm?
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Offline sidewinder319

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #68 on: August 25, 2011, 05:22:47 PM »
Big nets catch more fish. The more redistribution of wealth the more money in play for those that control the wealth. The Czars of communist Russia were supported by the powerful and they were taken down by those who had lost every thing to heavy taxes and redistribution. ???

Offline ironglow

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #69 on: August 26, 2011, 04:04:50 AM »
  When as you admit, Chu praises the value of $10 gasoline..then Obama appoints hin "energy secretary" the person with even average intelligence..the message is clear ! :o   :P
   Your kind of "spinning" for Obama and his ilk..just keeps enabling them...
      ... Couldn't be much clearer, by reading this article, written in 2008 (while Bush was still prez) will note that Mr Chu is  already on schedule to get gasoline way up there !  When this article was written, gas was $1.49 per it's about $3.50 almost the "People's Republik of New York" runs closer to $4.00..

  Keep on enabling...and if this enviro-tyrant gets too can pay $10.00 per gallon..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #70 on: August 26, 2011, 05:33:46 AM »
  TM says;
  " As I said I think alternative fuel technologies should be released NOW regardless of price of gas.....and should have been mandated by Herr Bush back when your 911 event occurred".
    Just WHAT technologies are available RIGHT NOW, that can displace petroleum, or is this simply more 'conspiracy' gone nuts ? ;D   Where can we go to "fill 'er up" ?  Do you have a vehicle ready to use hydrogen, ozone, green algae..or whatever ?
  Be realistic; there is NOTHING that can replace petroleum in the near future..and if there were, a distribution system would have to be built, requiring years.  If everyone bought electric cars tomorrow...the grid wouldn't carry the burden.
     Which leads me to another point..MY 911 event.. !  i just bet many of the widows & orphans from the Islamofacist attack don't figure it to be exclusively mine ! 
     Shucks! Mayor Bloomingidiot didn't even invite me to the shindig on 9/11 !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline dukkillr

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #71 on: August 26, 2011, 06:30:13 AM »
   Just checking back;
    Yeah, Warren Buffet gives a bit yearly to the Bill Gates tax deductable foundation, gaining tax deductions..but that is because it pursues his personal interests.
  Has anybody seen or read where old Warren has personally handed out a few billion of his dollars to people less wealthy..even in his own home state of Nebraska ?
   I haven't heard of him even "redistributing" a few paultry millions to less wealthy people, especially where no tax deduction is taken...
  If you Buffet fans can find it..please post here, please..
I'm reasonably certain Buffet has left the overwhelming majority of his money to the Gates foundation.  I think he even made some statement about his kids "making their own way" or something when he did it. 
It's his money.  He can push into a pile and burn it as far as I'm concerned, none of my business.  I'd appreciate the same respect from him.

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #72 on: August 27, 2011, 12:23:59 AM »
  TM says;
  " As I said I think alternative fuel technologies should be released NOW regardless of price of gas.....and should have been mandated by Herr Bush back when your 911 event occurred".
    Just WHAT technologies are available RIGHT NOW, that can displace petroleum, or is this simply more 'conspiracy' gone nuts ? ;D   Where can we go to "fill 'er up" ?  Do you have a vehicle ready to use hydrogen, ozone, green algae..or whatever ?
  Be realistic; there is NOTHING that can replace petroleum in the near future..and if there were, a distribution system would have to be built, requiring years.  If everyone bought electric cars tomorrow...the grid wouldn't carry the burden.
     Which leads me to another point..MY 911 event.. !  i just bet many of the widows & orphans from the Islamofacist attack don't figure it to be exclusively mine ! 
     Shucks! Mayor Bloomingidiot didn't even invite me to the shindig on 9/11 !
Plenty of potential alternative fuel technologies that could have been wheeled out well before any $10/gal logic ....Herr Bush and Congress thoroughly dropped the ball on this....he should have announced a New Fuel America Program akin to putting a man on the moon after your 911 event,,,that was just plain logic....but I guess being an oilman that idea slipped his little instead he announced that Iracq adventure (a rather secular country that didn't attack us per the Official Conspiracy storyline.. ::) ) would pay for the war campaign with oil....what a crock of crap.  As for your 911 widows and orphans there is presently 200- 300 having a petiton going around for a real might want to pay attention to that.
Mayor Bloomingidiot....(hmmmm... that sounds antisemitic.. :o )....doesn't want religious fanatics around for his memorial shindig spewing all sorts of stuff to relive the Official Conspiracy Story....see, you're being cut out of the action on this..... you have any more concrete videos or context for the Shu comments, or not?....I'm quite interested in this guys thoughts but need some accurate reports,,,,not because I want to tangle with IG.
      TM replies;
    " Plenty of potential alternative fuel technologies"
    Well TM;
     Just in case you haven't noticed....Obama has put us in a fiscal mess RIGHT NOW..not 10 years down the road...DUH !  Sure there are POTENTIAL technologies..."potential' being the operative word !  Obama's Chu is raising the price of petroleum as quickly as he can..trying hard to keep Obama's campaign promises, that is exactly why I asked you to show us where we could go to "fill 'er up' with these alternative technologies.  We need functioning, usable answers within the next 6 months or so, more "pie-in-the-sky"  greenie, tree-hugger drivel just won't get it !   Millions of Americans have been out of a job during this fuehrer's entire reign ! Serious trouble could be coming if the boy-wonder doesn't do something fast !   
     ....Even Ron Paul tells us that:
    As far as your accusations of my "sounding antisemitic"...everyone here knows better.  ..And besides doesn't such an accusation place you in the "pot calling the stove black" category ?   ;)   ;D   ;D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #73 on: August 27, 2011, 03:07:08 AM »
IG, I saw where he said $10 gas is needed.  I'll try to find it again today.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #74 on: August 27, 2011, 04:25:46 AM »
  I had it in my post #79..but some folks have read it and still drink the koolaid.....
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #75 on: September 01, 2011, 11:30:00 PM »
        Sure enough...Listen to the rich man!   He wants everyone else to pay MORE TAXES...
   But of course, he doesn't even want to pay what he owes already !!!! listened to this rich man..Is your face a bit crimson..
      ...How would you like your CROW ..... baked or barbecued ?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #76 on: September 02, 2011, 02:49:55 AM »
  I had it in my post #79..but some folks have read it and still drink the koolaid.....
I guess they really CAN'T comprehend what they read.
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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #77 on: September 02, 2011, 03:10:02 AM »
Absolutley no different than our good buddy Al''the planet is burning down''Gore. Excuse me, is my Lear Jet and limo in the way of your VW. Oh, is the bright lights of my 150,000 ft. mansion blinding you, make sure you use those energy saving light bulbs now. Buffet is like any other eletist,do as I say, just don't do as I do, snob. gypsyman
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #78 on: September 02, 2011, 06:16:44 AM »
  Hypocrisy should be exposed wherever it undeniably exists...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline sidewinder319

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Re: Listen to the rich guy............
« Reply #79 on: September 03, 2011, 12:22:53 PM »
If the oil men are robbing you stop it. You can go forth use your money or Co-Op with your Democratic friends and explore for oil. And if you were lucky enough to find oil you could start your own production company. Then of course it would take many years to get your permits and many expensive lawyers mostly Democrates from the Trial Lawyers Association of course. Gee then many years from now {The Democrats have stopped all new refineries for the last 18 years} could start a new refinery. You and your friends would then be able to work free for your Liberal Oil Company and give all your products to the poor.  Then of course all the oil that is used by the rich, that's any American with a job would be charged very high punishment prices.  Oh Sh&t, now how will you pay all those federal taxes? You have not made any money. OK, do like all the other bums apply for tax credits that way you owe no taxes and get money paid by those evil working Americans. ::)