Author Topic: Letterman Earns a Fatwah of Death  (Read 332 times)

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Letterman Earns a Fatwah of Death
« on: August 17, 2011, 06:51:38 PM »
Stolen from Hillbuzz

When I was a kid, there was a bar on one corner of the street that everyone respectable in the neighborhood hated. It attracted all sorts of degenerates, and was the kind of place where people who couldn’t afford to buy milk for their kids would lose their whole paycheck every Friday. The owners let their trash pile up, blared their music on school nights, and when they closed up shop disgorged all manner of stumbling, troublesome weirdos out onto what was otherwise a quiet, perfectly nice street in Cleveland.

One summer, some sort of electrical fire burned the place to the ground. I swear, when the fire department got there, after they made sure everyone got out okay, they very leisurely put the fire out and the place was never able to open again. This was the first time in my life I’d ever seen good people I knew happy on any level that something bad had happened, but no one who lived on the street was sorry that bar burned down.

This is how I feel about David Letterman and his television show, in general.

I will be happy when it’s off the air, and I’m delighted when anything bad happens to the man, like when he was exposed as a total and complete pig in that extorsion plot last year involving the sexual harassment he’d heaped on many of his female employees.  For the amount of vile things Letterman has done to good people I care a lot about, seeing him get nastiness returned to him exponentially was to some degree satisfying.

Letterman is one of the Left’s main mouthpieces in the media. Under the guise of “comedy”, he launches salvos at conservatives that even the likes of Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow can’t get away with. He says he’s only “joking” when he talks about Governor Palin’s teenage daughter being raped by New York Yankees players, or when he’s hurling abject misogyny at the Governor herself, because he hates her for being a conservative woman. The Left loves Letterman for this, and celebrates him the most when he’s aggressively brutalizing a mother of five late at night on his little TV show.

Since the Left also loves Islam so much, and insists on spreading Islam as deep into public schools as possible, it’s amusing to see Islam target the Left’s most vicious (and gap-toothed) mouthpiece for making “jokes” about Al Queda.

Like that bar full of degenerates back in Cleveland burning to the ground, it’s horrifying to think anyone could really be hurt because of the “the religion of peace’s” latest death threats — but hearing that Islam, beloved by the Left, is lashing out with all its “peacefullness” at Letterman, the darling of the Left, is satisfying in a disquieting way. These two caustic presences in Leftist orbit have now clashed, because Letterman’s jokes offended the delicate sensibilities of a medievalist death cult that doesn’t understand the concepts of free speech and humor.

Remember what the Left always insists whenever Letterman “jokes” about teenaged girls being raped:

“It’s funny!”

“He’s kidding!”

“Lighten up!”

Remember what the Left always insists whenever Muslims are offended by anything and target politicians, cartoonists, or writers for death because of perceived affronts to “the religion of peace”:

“You should respect Islam!”

“Muslims aren’t violent!”

“Islam is the light!”

In addition to hoping every Muslim making these threats on Letterman is caught and put somewhere they can never harm anyone, ever, for the rest of their lives, I hope many heads on the Left are spinning tonight desperately trying to decide whom to support in this.

Islam, which the Left believes is always right, and apparently the ultimate ruler of the world.

Or Letterman, whom the Left adores, and has used so effectively as its mouthpiece.

I imagine many Leftists have no idea what to do with this, their worlds turned so upside down.

It’s like watching those obnoxious bar owners the day after that fire, staring at the rubble, knowing it was too far gone to rebuild, not having a clue how to move forward.

It couldn’t happen to anyone more deserving of this particular dilemma.

HuffPo piece on it:
Your ob't & etc,
Joseph Lovell

Justice Robert H. Jackson - It is not the function of the government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error.

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Re: Letterman Earns a Fatwah of Death
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2011, 03:57:36 AM »
Nobody who lives in a glass house, that I can think of, throws more rocks than Letterman.