Author Topic: Thanks conservatives, we just lost two excellent teachers to private industry  (Read 3600 times)

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Offline Dee

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I think this just get better with age.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline magooch

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I had an interesting talk with a school teacher the other day.  She was telling me how the state was having a tough time with paying her salary and in the exact same breath she was aghast at how high her property taxes are.  Duh!

Offline nomosendero

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Texas like China, interesting!  :-\  Kinda retarded remark, but novel. ???
Nope, but for you maybe.. ::) ....more like reality.  When 3000 people show up to apply for a job that pays 25cents over minimum wage...that's China.  When Bachmann and Perry want to reduce or eliminate minimum wage that's China. When half the lower eschelon work force qualifies for food stamps.....THAT'S CHINA--a low wage haven on the race to the bottom.....I suppose some people get this...and I suppose a lot never will get this because they are self-styled conservatives... ::)

Like I said, a retarded statement
It make sense for you because you march to the lying Lib beat, you are all about that.
Are more people moving to WS or IL to get a job of any kind or are they moving to TX, hmmm?
The Northern States have had a tough time getting any new jobs in their area, low or high pay.
Even a person who has made good money in the past may need a low pay job for a little while, in the process of finding a good job, in some areas even that option is gone
The ole "the only new jobs in TX are low pay routine", what a joke. Someone has to support those places that are paying the low wages, Cost, keep the machine running, yada yada.
We heard the same crap when alot of Man. plants moved to AR, oh they are low paying jobs & many were. What alot of the Libs did not think about was local Const. Companies had to do the building for these plants, Utility companies had to hire more, land owners made a fortune in some cases selling the land, Industrial supply companies really took off, Mat. Handling dealers, on & on. Alot of these business owners really increased their wealth, their employees were better paid because they were more skilled & the overall area economy improved, while the overall economy in the areas that these plants were in originally suffered, IMAGINE THAT!
Then after that we started getting plants that paid better overall, such as Nucor Steel, Maverick Tube, etc. when they saw the success that the other plants had with the work ethic of their workers in a right to work State.
BUT of Course, we still have those low paying jobs!! ::)
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Offline nomosendero

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Well, I wish everyone could have high paying jobs, but it can't be done, but opportunity & hard work affords those who apply themselves to do better. When Unions & others insist everyone is entitled, it crumbles sooner or later. When you look at these different States, the pattern is easy to see, at least for some.
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Offline DDZ

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Go ahead and bash teachers and unions all you want. Wisconsin's schools and students, as of right now, are some of the highest rated in the nation. We are already seeing mass retirements and those in school for careers in education are changing their majors. If this state continues it's policy relating to education, I will guarantee many of you will be griping, and perhaps singing a whole different tune! I give it about 2-3 years and this state will not have qualified teachers. State requirements for educators will slide and ultimately who will lose? Our children and grandchildren.

I do not like politics, I don't practice partisan politics, and NO WAY do I feel politics should be involved when it effects my kids education and theirs that follow. IT IS NOT FAIR!

What has happened in Wisconsin I see as a tragedy.

Actually what happened was a right wing coup d'etat from Koch Bros, and Heritage Foundation....soon Wisconsin will be like Texas like will be an interesting school year.  Welcome to the race to the bottom...

You speak as though our education system has just started to race to the bottom. If you didn't know, it has been racing toward the bottom for years now. Government run schools along with unions and liberals made sure of that. Now some of you guys want to blame education failures on the conservatives. You may be able to con the pro teachers union, and conservative haters crowd into believing that line, but most of us know better. 

Doug, you say that some of the Wisconsin schools and students are some the the highest rated in the nation. It all depends on what the standard is doesn't it? The education standard has been bought down to a much lower level than what it used to be. Want to make our schools look good just lower the standard.

Speaking of good schools I didn't see a Wis. school ranked in the top 100. I guess it all depends on what the standard is.

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Offline powderman

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Way too many hs grads can't read well or write either. Standards have been lowered to pass more kids, not educate them. Many, if not most, can't do simple math without their ever present calculator. My 16 yr old gson makes straight A s but can't read a clock or watch if it's not digital. Proper english is shunned because it's seen as racial. Ghetto talk is more popular and seems to be encouraged in many schools, gots ta be pc dontchaknow. Way too many electrical gadgets allowed in schools today and should be NOT allowed. If kids are caught using their toys during class the toys should be removed and not allowed to be brought back. A lady at the drs office the other day said their middle school now has E days where all the kids are allowed to bring and use their fancy toys. BALONEY. They are there to learn, get a good education so that they can grow up to be useful members of our society. Schools need to concentrate on the 3 Rs and stop  tolerating bad manners or behaviour. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Offline nomosendero

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Texas like China, interesting!  :-\  Kinda retarded remark, but novel. ???
Nope, but for you maybe.. ::) ....more like reality.  When 3000 people show up to apply for a job that pays 25cents over minimum wage...that's China.  When Bachmann and Perry want to reduce or eliminate minimum wage that's China. When half the lower eschelon work force qualifies for food stamps.....THAT'S CHINA--a low wage haven on the race to the bottom.....I suppose some people get this...and I suppose a lot never will get this because they are self-styled conservatives... ::)

Like I said, a retarded statement
It make sense for you because you march to the lying Lib beat, you are all about that.
Are more people moving to WS or IL to get a job of any kind or are they moving to TX, hmmm?
The Northern States have had a tough time getting any new jobs in their area, low or high pay.
Even a person who has made good money in the past may need a low pay job for a little while, in the process of finding a good job, in some areas even that option is gone
The ole "the only new jobs in TX are low pay routine", what a joke. Someone has to support those places that are paying the low wages, Cost, keep the machine running, yada yada.
We heard the same crap when alot of Man. plants moved to AR, oh they are low paying jobs & many were. What alot of the Libs did not think about was local Const. Companies had to do the building for these plants, Utility companies had to hire more, land owners made a fortune in some cases selling the land, Industrial supply companies really took off, Mat. Handling dealers, on & on. Alot of these business owners really increased their wealth, their employees were better paid because they were more skilled & the overall area economy improved, while the overall economy in the areas that these plants were in originally suffered, IMAGINE THAT!
Then after that we started getting plants that paid better overall, such as Nucor Steel, Maverick Tube, etc. when they saw the success that the other plants had with the work ethic of their workers in a right to work State.
BUT of Course, we still have those low paying jobs!! ::)
Oh really!! self-styled conservatives like you claim the economy is doing just fine all of a sudden,,,i.e. when you want to make a point, but doing bad when you want to bash libbers...I see.. ::) ..Main Street is doing fine in Glocamora, Tx on minumum wage jobs and food stamps.....nice.!! How's your home value doing these days...??  Welcome to China, helped create it...!!
Hear ye...hear ye....Nomosendero says economy and Main Street doing will under libber admin, despite libber admin....Niiiice.. ::)
Billy,.,,you're just plain full of it up to that one cycloptic eye you got in the middle of your head.... ;)

Nice diversion, no one said things are fine, not once. It appears you don't want to make the comparison of TX & Northern Union States. I would not want to either.  ;D
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Offline BUGEYE

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A little digging will show that the job growth in Texas has been mostly well paying.

and, if wisconsin schools rate high, it's because blacks comprise 6.3% of the population and they don't have to lower their standards.
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Offline Hooker

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I do not like politics, I don't practice partisan politics, and NO WAY do I feel politics should be involved when it effects my kids education and theirs that follow. IT IS NOT FAIR!

The school system is run by the government which runs on taxes and politics.
The government is not concerned with educating your kids but they will use them as political footballs .
Welcome to the public school system ;)

" In the beginning of change, the patriot is a brave and scarce man,hated and scorned. when the cause succeeds however,the timid join him...for then it cost nothing to be a patriot. "
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-- Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787. ME 6:373, Papers 12:356

Offline andy1300

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Your right on TM7, its the arrogant conservatives that will keep holding our county back !
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Offline andy1300

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Powderman, behavior is spelled without a u, just letting you know.
The less religion we have in our government, the better *

Online -Shaggy-

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Powderman, behavior is spelled without a u, just letting you know.

Now, now, Andy; he was obviously using the Old English spelling, and as such is quite correct. ;)

Offline XD40SC

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I guess no one here had really liked their job, but left it for more pay so they could better take care of their families.

Offline magooch

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So--what's your point?

Offline Cabin4

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I'm getting tired of hearing about the Koch brothers and how they are to blame for all our countries ills. I guess obama and the democrats that controlled the process have nothing to do with it. ::) 
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Offline Empty Quiver

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I guess no one here had really liked their job, but left it for more pay so they could better take care of their families.

I loved my job, enjoyed most of what I did. What I found though is this. Jobs that people love and would do for free... well, they are payed as if they would do it for free. If a job has to be done and nobody will do it, now there is a good paying job.

 I'm happy enough with the job I have now, same place fifteen years. My own fault for staying if I didn't like it I suppose.  Guess what though, I don't have to love my job because I can afford to do things I enjoy on my days off. 

Money is not everything in life, but so far it beats what comes in second place.
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Offline andy1300

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Well we can thank the Republicans , we lost ten fire man today being we did't tax the rich so we had to lay them off here in Minnesota.
I bet you will start seeing this happening in your states soon.   Thanks !
The less religion we have in our government, the better *

Offline billy_56081

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So where at "here in Minnesota" Andy? I live "here and Minnesota" too and have heard nothing of it. From past experience with liberals I need to have them show proof.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Empty Quiver

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Well we can thank the Republicans , we lost ten fire man today being we did't tax the rich so we had to lay them off here in Minnesota.
I bet you will start seeing this happening in your states soon.   Thanks !

Didn't tax the middle class or the poor either for that matter.

 Why is it the responsability of the rich to provide fire protection for the rest of society? I would like a serious answer. A well thought out response. One that will articulate why it should be that the fruit of ones labors should be foreited, at gun point, to enhance anothers well being. I am under the impression that a great Civil War was fought in this country to stop that very thing. The fact that the roles are now reversed does not make it any better. Now the recipients have become the slave masters of the well to do and all of those of the provider class for that matter.

The assessed valuation of a home determines your tax and therefore your level of support for fire protection. I'm all for that, Live in a sect 8 apartment? You own nothing and should not be held financially responsable for the property. Rent a beautiful town home in the gated burbs? Ditto, not your problem. Making payments on a single wide? Pay your taxes, and fund the fire protection services of your community. Mc Mansion out by the lake? Ditto pay the man for services.

My community has ONE full time paid firefighter. :o   The rest volunteer ( see my above post about jobs so cool people will do them for free? ) Could be the community in question needs to fund a volunteer force.

I would love to command my own space shuttle fly that bad boy to work three days a week. 8)  Sadly I just can't quite swing the down payment. :(  Can we tax some rich dude to help me out?
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Offline Dixie Dude

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I read somewhere recently that Texas' white high school graduates scored higher on college entrance tests than Wisconsin's whites.  Texas has a much higher black and hispanic population to factor in which brings down the scores.  However, one strange fact was Texas' black and hispanic students scored higher than Wisconsin's black and hispanics.  So when you compare apples to apples, Texas does a better job. 

Offline guzzijohn

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Okay. Lets play the statistics game some more. Yes Texas white students slightly out performed Wisconsin but: (2009)
In Wisconsin 67% of white students took the test. In Texas only 30% even tried. All students: Wisconsin 22.3 and Texas was 20.8.  Graduation rate for Wisconsin is 92% compared to Texas being 76%.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Same here, Alabama is 1/3 black so.  Blacks have a graduation rate of about 65%.  Whites about 90%.  HMMM.  They bring down the statistics.  How many whites in Texas applied for college vs others.  Fact is Union teachers don't improve education.  Government welfare entitlement programs have caused the problem as well as parents not caring whether their kids get an education or not.  Half the blacks have an entitlement mentality that keeps them from pulling themselves up.  Dems give them the fish instead of teaching them how to fish.  How to run a business is not taught in high school. 

Offline guzzijohn

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Well Dixie, you know the real fishing saying:
Give a man a fish and he eats for the day. Teach a man to fish and he sits in a boat and drinks beer all day. ;D
I don't know how many whites in Texas applied for college, apparently not many since only 30% even took the ACT.

Offline BUGEYE

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Okay. Lets play the statistics game some more. Yes Texas white students slightly out performed Wisconsin but: (2009)
In Wisconsin 67% of white students took the test. In Texas only 30% even tried. All students: Wisconsin 22.3 and Texas was 20.8.  Graduation rate for Wisconsin is 92% compared to Texas being 76%.
wisconsin has about 6.3% black so it can't be compared to Texas.  Ga. graduates about 65%
it's all about how many minorities you have.
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Offline billy_56081

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I'm white, went to college and graduated, never took the ACT. But some of the most sucessful business men I know, never went to college.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Cabin4

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Well we can thank the Republicans , we lost ten fire man today being we did't tax the rich so we had to lay them off here in Minnesota.
I bet you will start seeing this happening in your states soon.   Thanks !
Hopefully. Excellant news.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Offline Doug B.

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Well we can thank the Republicans , we lost ten fire man today being we did't tax the rich so we had to lay them off here in Minnesota.
I bet you will start seeing this happening in your states soon.   Thanks !
Hopefully. Excellant news.


This word is actually spelled: Excellent. That is why teachers are so important!

BTW....You might not be so happy when it's your house laying there in ashes.
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Offline Cabin4

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Well we can thank the Republicans , we lost ten fire man today being we did't tax the rich so we had to lay them off here in Minnesota.
I bet you will start seeing this happening in your states soon.   Thanks !
Hopefully. Excellant news.


This word is actually spelled: Excellent. That is why teachers are so important!

BTW....You might not be so happy when it's your house laying there in ashes.
I've done perfectly fine with a typo error now and then in my life but thanks for pointing that out. I went to public school! So to your point, the teachers are to blame, right?
And while I don't like to see anyone lose their job it’s about time the protected public sectors get treated the same way the private sectors have. The countries ATM machine is empty and the tax payers are getting a bit sick and tired of the over spending and double standard.
By the way: All the people that are losing their homes due to job loss from this administrations horrible policies, they could care less if it burns down.
Avery Hayden Wallace
Obama Administration: A corrupt criminal enterprise of bold face liars.
The States formed the Union. The Union did not form the States. States Rights!
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Ron Paul Was Right!
Long Live the King! #3

Offline billy_56081

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One very important reason they are laying off fire fighter, is with better building codes there are less fires. Oh yeah the liberal parasites just seem to leave out facts like that.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Preacherman

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If I wanted more time with I would become a teacher 3 months off in the summer week of Thanksgiving 2 weeks at Christmas 1 week spring break all the state holidays snow days. Hours from 8 inthe morning to 3 in the afternoon. At about 40 to 50 grand a year divide that  by the hours worked, in heated and airconditioned rooms. Poor Teachers. Thats in WV I can't speak for other places.