Actually, it turns out their right of way is aerial only. And it it their policy to not spray when requested by the land owner. They should have notified us three weeks in advance, and did not. Since there were no signs yet I must just take the hit. They must be allowed access, but they do not have the right to just spray anything on private property. Luckily I can move forward with the blueberries since they are in another area. The power company had 6 people show up the next morning, with apologies, and added my property to the no spray list. Bottom line seems to be as long as no permenant structures are built, and the lines and poles are kept clear by any means the land owner chooses to do themselves, there is no reason for them to enter the property until a repair or maintenance operation requires it.
Also once the owner or tennant can show commercial use of the surrounding or in my case the lower ground where run off is likely to go they are then financially liable for damages, including the organic certification loss and reduction in income from that loss. Signs must be posted however.