Certainly the trigger can be adjusted, but it's not a purely turn the screw proposition. What must be done is altering the sear angles(very dangerous unless you know how) and/or respringing the return spring. The latter is usually done first with a thorough cleaning and lubrication. This should produce a SAFE and relatively light pull of 3-4 pounds. It is unwise to get these type trigger too light as they are rather sloppy (loose toleranced) mechanisms which are not made of the best quality material. They can and will stop working correctly if over worked. I usually reccomend this type job be taken to a competant smith. I you wish to experiment the parts being altered are available as replacements(usually) although I would check to be certain before altering ANY parts. Also by changing the pull there is a legal liability being assumed by the person altering the trigger. If at some point another is injured by this weapon, a larsuit is nearly a given..