Sorry to have to post this, I just couldn't bear to read any more of the cow manure, being shoveled here by certain people.
For the record, I reside in NYS, I responded to the collapse of the towers, I was a LEO at the time of the collapse, I was there the first day, and for a month and a half after for the clean-up. I had a good friend who was in the PAPD die during the collapse, I saw the carnage, airplane debris, body parts, the god awful smell, the choking blinding smoke, the grey soot that fell like snow. Close friends, fellow officers, and my sister-in-law (who was working in Wall St. at the time, who I thought had died) saw people jumping from the Towers, the Towers were still ablaze at that time. Two close friends and fellow LEO's saw the Towers fall, in their words; "in slow motion, and slide towards them". They thought they were dead, luckily they manage to escape.
Nobody I know, or who was down at the Towers that day believes there was a government cover up, conspiracy, or that our government was involved! To say the MAJORITY of Americans or New Yorkers believing it is just a lie!
So please stop the B.S., and find something else to lie about. I will not respond to any rebuttal posts on this thread. I tried to ignore this, but to have deniers and conspiracy theorist after only ten years? unbelievable!