Can't vouch for the validity of the story as a whole but, the described powers of a duly elected Sheriff are Constitutionally correct.
If the story is true however you may never see any of it make national news without a serious liberal dose of lies.
You see if the public as a whole were to be informed and educated on Constitutional truths both the news media and most of our government would be in deep crapola. Add to that any sort of Constitutionally correct standing federal court rulings and, you have the makings of a revolution.
I liked the suggestion at the bottom of the article. that libertarians should start concentrating on electing sherriffs.
This should be the goal of all state and local elections. We will never have control of the federal government if we do not elect decent pro Constitution people at home.
The framers of the Constitution laid out the flow of power starting with the individual and flowing upward , not the other way around. With each tier of government holding less power and being responsible to the tier below it, the last and least is the federal government whos responsibilities and few and whos powers are limited. Now that you know these things you are considered a danger to "the current establishment and government for which it stands".