A confederation is a poor substitute and the weakest form of government that any group of states can come up with. By definition, the central government has no way to enforce its decisions on the member states; they are free to ignore whatever they choose. Our founding fathers found that out after the first revolution and went to a representative republic (we are not a democracy).
The Southern states wouldn't have been able to form even a confederation, had there not been threats of war to force them back into the Union. Had the Confederacy either won the war, or been allowed to go its own way, the confederation would most likely have devolved into independent empire-states.
Harry Turtledove has a masterful series based on the South winning the war. There are 12-14 books in the set, covering roughly the next hundred years. Great reading...this guy is THE master of alternative history.
Meaning no disrespect...I can't figure out where you're going with this thread....=)