Crazy: isn't your camp somewhere near Dudleyville?? do you think there is any connection twixt Bigfoot and the goings-on in Dudleyville?
Do any of these tracks seem to come or go from that direction?? This could get really curious......
Dudleytown is in Kent,Ct., Dudleytown with its goings on i believe its mainly from the devil worshippers going up there with there wee-gee boards and them opening up windows into the unknown and leaving them open to what ever evil comes thru from the other side. I been there a few times now and some skeptics who went there with me won't go back. At times my camera just goes off taking pics with no one touching it. On one trip my buddy's cam corder would turn on when he shuts it off constantly. Then something calls my dog as we start to leave. The dog would run 25 to 50yds back to that spot and return as we walked out,. I have many pics with orbs in them. The place is closed now do to a local radio station meeting up there causing them to close it. I was ready to spend a night there.
If you search for the cosmic society they have the same type of orb pics i have and more info about dudleytown.
My camp is near rochester,vt up in the mountains. This is were the being skinned alive screams are.
Now at my new place in CT i'm not far from roraback state forest were a BFRO bigfoot sighting was reported by a night fisherman. I have heard two bigfoot calls while sitting on my front porch in the summer evening so far. I've seen something huge walk 25 to 30yds in three steps on my neighbors farm across the street when i spotted it in a group of trees. I startled it and it took off. In the shade of the trees it looked like black but in the lighter a dark redish color and was 9ft tall. I say this now because on certain nights my dogs are going crazy looking in that area at night. I been thinking its a deer or bear but i'm starting to think its a BF returning to look at us at night. I have the gen 1 night vision but i need to upgrade it and get some trail cams soon. We cooked steaks on the open fire the other night. The whole area stunk of charcoal burn't meat and garlic. You can say there is no bigfoot but i seen something that i can't explain. My new place in ct is not far from the highway corridor. They say the bf migrate using rivers i believe they use the highways too. There's a lot of cover/forest along side the highways for them.
I'll be spending more time night fishing too in the springtime too.