Author Topic: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.  (Read 3993 times)

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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #60 on: September 19, 2011, 04:21:09 AM »
I'ld like to give Iran a couple nuclear bombs. Dropped from a B-52. Or launched from a submarine missle tube. Guess that the lesson from Reagan and Lybia 25 years ago has been forgotten. gypsyman
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #61 on: September 19, 2011, 04:57:36 AM »
  Reagan taught a lot of lessons the ivy-league liberals never learned !  He worked on logic and experience..while they only thrash around in "theory"..
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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #62 on: September 19, 2011, 07:56:41 AM »
I'ld like to give Iran a couple nuclear bombs. Dropped from a B-52. Or launched from a submarine missle tube.gypsyman

How is it that our nation will benefit from murdering a few thousand Iranians?

Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #63 on: September 19, 2011, 09:03:13 AM »
I do hope that saner minds control the "Button" then some posters here display. :o :(
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Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #64 on: September 19, 2011, 09:43:40 AM »
Japan surrendered shortly after the two a-bombs were dropped.  I think if one was dropped on Iran, they would definately get the message to back off and not to mess with us.  People are getting tired of terroism period.  Only real way to stop it is to severely punish nations that sponser terroism.  Slapping them on the wrist doesn't work with these people.  Their religion only reckognises fear and power.  There is no love or coexistance with them.  It is obvious from the way they historically react, act, and what their leaders say. 

Offline sidewinder319

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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #65 on: September 19, 2011, 11:05:12 AM »
More Americans were killed by radical terrorist from the middle east on 9-11 than were killed at Pearl Harbor on 12-7-41.  They were noncombatants going about their own lives. They were not burning Islamic flags and screaming death to Islam. What kind of American can only see mercy for our enemies? I wonder??? ???

Offline gypsyman

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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #66 on: September 19, 2011, 11:18:06 AM »
YT3, if I remember right, you have served in the military. And, I thank you for your service. I did not. But, just maybe I might have the edge in this situation. Back in the mid 70's, for 3 years, I rode in a motorcycle club. Was envolved in a few bar fights. Nothing to be proud of, but, not ashamed of it either. Your dealing with irrational people here. Just like biker bums and bar trash. Not thinking individuals like you probably are accustomed to dealing with. You think that if you treat everybody nicely, that we can all get along.(where have I heard that before!) Your wrong. If  we sit back, and play the nice guy, we'll get our a** handed to us back on a platter. Maybe you can't handle a situation like what we're facing, and that's ok. But, don't try and hinder the folks that can. Maybe you can handle another 9/11. The only way I want to see it happen again, is in their country, not ours! gypsyman
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #67 on: September 19, 2011, 11:36:20 AM »
A couple of small nukes on military bases, like missle bases or air force bases in Iran would send a signal that we mean business.  We don't have to invade and occupy a country.  If they try to build the bases near populated areas, so what.  That is their problem.  We have had problems with Muslims since around 1800.  Muslim pirates were raiding American shipping in the mediteranean.  Jefferson sent our ships and marines to Tripoli and almost destroyed it.  They didn't bother us again for 150 years. 
Some problems started when Turkey lost control of the middle east and Arabia after WWI.  Area was divided, not by indiginious people but by some arbitrary lines.  Iraq had 3 types of people, Kurds, Sunni's and Shites.  Should have been divided by the people living there.  Lebanon was a hybrid nation of both Arabs and Christians.  So was Cyprus.  Both are now messed up. As long as Britian or France ruled the area, peace was kept.  Once they got their independence, dictators took over.  Muslims don't understand true democratic government and how to function in one.  Why, because they think their religion is the only right one and everone else must convert or be exterminated. 
Back to presidents.  We have to elect a president based on his knowlege of foreign policy first, then domestic issues second.  Why, because he assigns all foreign ambassadors and diplomats.  Domestically he must rely on congress and senate to pass bills and the supreme court to uphold or strike down laws.  He can do executive orders, but they can be overturned by congress or the supreme court.  If he has a good knowledge of foreign affairs, he can guide us without getting us into wars.  Reagan was good at this.  He stood up to the Soviets, built up our military, and fought them by supplying rebel forces against them and their allies.  He knew how to balance countries against each other.  He actually supported Iraq against Iran.  Kept Pakistan and India in balance.  Bush Sr. knew not to OCCUPY Iraq, just got them out of Kuwait and pulled out.  Clinton kept the Palistinians and Israelies talking.  Bush Jr, should have stayed out of Iraq.  Not necessary, bombing them was working.  Obama is no better.  Can't get out, but also got us involved in Lybia.  Sometimes the dictator you know is better than what you might get.  Egypt was an example.  We don't know who is going to ultimately rule there, nor in Lybia.  These rebellions probably would not have taken place with a leader who knew how to keep the status quo and keep peoples minds off of us and onto their own problems.   

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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #68 on: September 19, 2011, 12:18:45 PM »
  Now they ARE starting with Switzerland.....
     DB...Just about the time you figure you have it sewed up for RP...along come those Muslim tricksters..
       Perhaps all those Muslim countries should take those star & crescent emblems off THEIR flags... ;) ;D ;D
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Offline yellowtail3

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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #69 on: September 19, 2011, 12:46:33 PM »
Japan surrendered shortly after the two a-bombs were dropped.
True, but a couple things should be remembered:

1. We were at war with Japan, had been for over three years - we are not at war with Iran.
2. Japan was already defeated in the war, but that's aside from the point.
3. We are not at war with Iran

I think if one was dropped on Iran, they would definately get the message to back off and not to mess with us. 

How many dead Iranians will be enough? Besides a message to back off and not to mess with us..  what do you think a nuclear first-strike Iran would gain us? Any downsides? Specifically, what do you want Iran to do? What if they retaliate in kind? How would we react if they first, say, sank a carrier? (yes, they could do it)

I do not think we will like the precedent we would set, when India does it against Pakistan, to send a message (or Pak to IN). How about when NK does it to SK? Or China nukes us, if we're poking our nose around in what they consider their neighborhood?

I understand the attraction and hoped-for visceral satisfaction in blasting someone, especially when you're armed and they're not. Be careful what you hope for. There will be thousands dead, and thousands - millions - left alive and with good reason to keep hating, and to find means to retaliate. Don't fool yourself into thinking we'll forever be able to swat down anyone we want with impunity. Iran is getting ever closer to another revolution, which I believe we'd like to see. Many Iranians have a far better view of us, than we have of them. Attacking them with nuclear weapons will not help their cause.

YT3, if I remember right, you have served in the military. And, I thank you for your service.
You're welcome; I kind of miss it.
Maybe you can't handle a situation like what we're facing, and that's ok.
You may be right; I'm not an internet tough guy.

Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline Doublebass73

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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #70 on: September 19, 2011, 06:40:23 PM »
  Now they ARE starting with Switzerland.....
     DB...Just about the time you figure you have it sewed up for RP...along come those Muslim tricksters..
       Perhaps all those Muslim countries should take those star & crescent emblems off THEIR flags... ;) ;D ;D

Don't worry, according to nomosendero the Swiss have nothing to worry about because the Muzzies don't care about them. Here is a quote from our friend - 2. And why would Switzerland, with such a small population even enter their mind, 80% Christian, but few people.
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."

---- William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

Offline ironglow

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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #71 on: September 20, 2011, 12:37:06 PM »
Then why does Ron Paul want Iran to have the Nuclear Bombs??  An American student of history knows this would not be in our best interest. Giving a loaded gun to an out of control child makes no sense at all. :(
  It has recently been disclosed that Pakistan has sold nuclear technology to China, Iran and North Korea:
   Why would anyone desiring to be leader of the free world and seeing these events transpire, want to ignore what these dictatorial regimes are doing with these weapons ?  Isn't vigilance and awareness a natural part of the C-in-C's job ?

.. ;D ...Yeah Okkkkaaaaay.. ;) where did you say Pakistan got their nuclear info from in the beginning...??  (This is real important to get).  So where did they get this technology originally..?
Now who did you say Iran attacked or invaded recently, and what is your information and sources for their advanced nuke weaponry plans..?

And what were those 'lessons' Reagan taught libbers..?
Thank you.....TM7
    Doesn't really matter where they got their nukes from...near so much as to who they are providing them for !  Those nukes haven't hurt anybody since the Pakis got them....  However, considering whom they are giving them too...a lot of peoiple could get hurt.
  As far as what Reagan taught the liberals is all answered there in post #62 !  He showed them that they should rely more on history, experience and common sense...rather than the ivy league "class room theories".....which are only theories..never proven in practical usage.
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Offline Doublebass73

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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #72 on: September 20, 2011, 05:49:46 PM »
DB, it looks like you have a personal issue with me you need to get over. I leave this exchange alone after trumping you every time you do a personal attack & in a few days here you come again with an allways limpwristed response. And you are wrong again. look at your first post that started this, you asked why the Swiss had not been attacked yet, meaning that they should have been attacked first supposedly due to the 80% Christian statement & ignoring the huge impact of attacking the Financial center of the World along with the country that does more foreign evangelism (spreading the word) than any other.
Well NEWS FLASH, THEY STILL HAVN'T BEEN ATTACKED. So you latest point is not a point and just a goofy kneejerk statement.
So maybe it's time for you to P###s off & contribute well to the forum as you have in the past. I am tired of responding to your silliness after one of you jabs that don't even qualify as a sting.
Good day Sir.

I don't have any personal issue with you at all. You just can't seem to comprehend my point that the fact that Switzerland hasn't been attacked is EXACTLY THE POINT. Let me try to simplify it for you:

America - Has military bases all over the world, chooses to be Israel's protector (you know, the country that the muslim's hate) and we have our footprints all over the middle east. We get attacked on 9/11 in one of the worst attacks on our own soil. We support their biggest enemy and tread all over what they consider "their land". Gee, I wonder why we got attacked.

Switzerland - Doesn't have military bases all over the world, doesn't have an alliance with Israel and doesn't have any boots on the ground in the middle east. To date they haven't been attacked by any muslims. It's not a coincidence.

If you choose support Israel that's fine, there are good people that live there. I know some personally. The problem with that policy (our foreign policy) is that they are hated by billions of muslims. You have to accept the consequences of that policy and we did on 9/11 even though we all know the innocent people who died didn't deserve it. It's just reality, right or wrong. Going forward we have the choice to continue supporting them and having more attacks against us or get out of that region all together and enjoy life like Switzerland does.

Like I said, nothing personal. I won't bother to respond to any more of your posts since you've already trumped me, my limpwristed responses and goofy, knee jerk statements. I'll go p###s off like you said. I wouldn't want to make this personal after all.
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."

---- William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

Offline nomosendero

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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #73 on: September 20, 2011, 05:56:57 PM »
DB, it looks like you have a personal issue with me you need to get over. I leave this exchange alone after trumping you every time you do a personal attack & in a few days here you come again with an allways limpwristed response. And you are wrong again. look at your first post that started this, you asked why the Swiss had not been attacked yet, meaning that they should have been attacked first supposedly due to the 80% Christian statement & ignoring the huge impact of attacking the Financial center of the World along with the country that does more foreign evangelism (spreading the word) than any other.
Well NEWS FLASH, THEY STILL HAVN'T BEEN ATTACKED. So you latest point is not a point and just a goofy kneejerk statement.
So maybe it's time for you to P###s off & contribute well to the forum as you have in the past. I am tired of responding to your silliness after one of you jabs that don't even qualify as a sting.
Good day Sir.

I don't have any personal issue with you at all. You just can't seem to comprehend my point that the fact that Switzerland hasn't been attacked is EXACTLY THE POINT. Let me try to simplify it for you:

America - Has military bases all over the world, chooses to be Israel's protector (you know, the country that the muslim's hate) and we have our footprints all over the middle east. We get attacked on 9/11 in one of the worst attacks on our own soil. We support their biggest enemy and tread all over what they consider "their land". Gee, I wonder why we got attacked.

Switzerland - Doesn't have military bases all over the world, doesn't have an alliance with Israel and doesn't have any boots on the ground in the middle east. To date they haven't been attacked by any muslims. It's not a coincidence.

If you choose support Israel that's fine, there are good people that live there. I know some personally. The problem with that policy (our foreign policy) is that they are hated by billions of muslims. You have to accept the consequences of that policy and we did on 9/11 even though we all know the innocent people who died didn't deserve it. It's just reality, right or wrong. Going forward we have the choice to continue supporting them and having more attacks against us or get out of that region all together and enjoy life like Switzerland does.

Like I said, nothing personal. I won't bother to respond to any more of your posts since you've already trumped me, my limpwristed responses and goofy, knee jerk statements. I'll go p###s off like you said. I wouldn't want to make this personal after all.

Good, thank you Sir
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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #74 on: September 21, 2011, 07:04:06 AM »
That poll on changing the Swiss flag reads 93 to 7 percent against. The leader of one of the parties said  that she expect the Muslims want to have the Swiss Constitution changed  to suit them, about as much chance as a snowball in a Forge.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #75 on: September 24, 2011, 02:16:52 PM »
Perhaps the Swiss should tell the Muslims that when the star&crescent are removed from all the Muslim flags..examples.. (pic #1), the Swiss may just consider their request..
   Perhaps they would not have to actually remove the star&crescent, but just overlay it ..(pic #2).
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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #76 on: September 24, 2011, 02:50:11 PM »
Scatter. Where is the poll?? I'll vote. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
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What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #77 on: September 25, 2011, 01:14:36 AM »
That poll on changing the Swiss flag reads 93 to 7 percent against. The leader of one of the parties said  that she expect the Muslims want to have the Swiss Constitution changed  to suit them, about as much chance as a snowball in a Forge.
   Sometimes I use a snowball (or water) in my forge... I sprinkle it around the perimeter of the fire..which solidifies the mass and forces most of the heat into the center.  Perhaps this Muslim challenge to the Swiss people will enliven their fire, moving their original nationalistic fire back to the center..back to the heart of their nation... ;)   ;D
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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #78 on: September 25, 2011, 05:42:29 AM »
Having met a few Swiss of the common variety myself I believe they are not likely to bend a lot further to accommodate Muslim culture.
PM The poll I referred to is in a link to the Swiss Paper mentioned above. It helps to read German.  ;D ;D
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Re: Perry gets very pushy and angry with Ron Paul.
« Reply #79 on: September 25, 2011, 06:44:59 AM »
I'm intrigued. That would be what?
PM is acceptable if you rather not post it here.
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