Author Topic: Tikka T3 Lite Question's  (Read 2638 times)

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Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« on: September 10, 2011, 09:40:07 AM »
I normally shoot Remington 7600's, but I looked at a Tikka T3 Lite in 243  and 233 (I really liked the 223) and liked what I saw. I am wondering if anyone has any feedback on likes and dislikes about these rifles (scope rings, magazines, etc.) ?


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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2011, 02:54:01 PM »
I think you will find them in high regard. Some get their panties in a wad about the universal long action of the rifle no matter the chambering. I can't remark on the .223 and the rifling and its suitability to certain bullets.

As to rings, some find the provided rings are perfect. others not so much. I went with Warne medium height for a 50mm scope, it uses the factory dovetail. They have been rock solid, I'm no more worried about those rings than I am about the barrel falling off.

The magazine is a pricey rascal usually found in the > $50 range, and $65 is what I generally see at the LGS.  I would like a spare but have always found better use for the cash.

Mine is a 300Win Mag, I do not like the recoil, no sir, I do not like it. However, it is sighted in, now that that is over the pain is gone. It carries just fine thank you, the light weight that I loathe on the range is what I love come fall. When we go walking together, all is forgiven. ;D 

You will play hell finding a better shooting rifle than that t3. 
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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2011, 02:58:39 PM »
I always hunted with Rem M7 in 308. Three yrs ago I purchased a Tikka T3 in 7-08 and never looked back. The only thing I did not care for was the longer barrel. I have a friend who is a gunsmith and had him cut the barrel down to to 18 1/2 in. I live and hunt in the Adirondack Mts in NYS and love the way the gun handles now. I have a Leupold VariX 2 2-7 on it and after my buddy cut the barrel and went to the range I never had to touch the scope. 5 rounds at 100 yds and you could cover it with a dime. Mine is blue and thinking of getting a SS 7-08 for my daughter. She stole my Rem M7 in 6MM ( 1st year made ) and will not give it back so I think I've got to bribe her. Bought 2 extra mags for it at $ 45.00 each at a local gun show. I have the factory rings on it and again no problems.

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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2011, 05:56:30 PM »
I have a T3 in .223.  It has a 1-8" twist barrel and will shoot heavier bullets.  They are outstanding rifles and you will enjoy shooting one.
I also have a T3 that I had rebarreled in .257 Roberts and a Whitetail Hunter (previous model to T3) in .22-250.  They are also extremely accurate and enjoyable to carry.
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Offline abolt-fan

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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2011, 06:37:44 PM »
I bought a Tikka T3 lite ss in 30-06 several years ago when it was not that much more expensive than a used 700.  I mounted a 2x7 scope and went to the range with my basic 06 load using the 165 gr. Hornady SP.  After getting on paper I moved back to 100 yds.  The very first three shot group went into 1/2 in.  Tried another group, same thing.  I adjusted the scope and fired the third group dead center 1 1/2 in. high.  Three straight 1/2 in.  groups out of a brand new rifle and perfectly sighted in.  Load development and sight in done.  Six years later and it's still sighted in.  My recent purchase is a T3 Hunter in 6.5x55.  I expect it will shoot just as well.  If you're looking for an accurate lightweight bolt rifle look no further.  I'm seriously looking at buying one in .308 and cutting the barrel back to 19 in. to make a light handy carbine.

Offline strut64

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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2011, 02:55:28 AM »
I have two T3 rifles, 223 Lite  and 30-06 Hunter.  Both shoot very well.  Actually the accuracy of the 30-06 was just amazing.  I developed a 180 gr load and it routinely punches cloverleafs at 100 yards.  lighter bullets shoot very well also,  but the barrel likes the 180's.   Easily the most accurate 30-06 I have ever seen.  The 223 also shoots very accurately.  I often shoot cloverleafs with loads it likes.   It is an 8 twist but seems to like the lighter bullets(50 and 55 grains).  Both guns seem to shoot any weight bullet to nearly the same point of impact at 100 yards.  Also, they don't seem to drift around as the barrel heats up too much   The recoil lug arrangement is a surprise.  It is a free lug that is aluminum.  It is not attached to either the gun or the stock.  There has been some comment that the real heavy hitters like the 338 win mag can deform the lug.  But in my experience, there is no problem in the calibers that I have.  I reccomend the rifles very highly with only reservation being for the heavy recoiling magnums as noted above.  If I didnot own a really good rifle in 25-06,  I would be looking for a third rifle in an intermediate caliber.  I think a 25-06, 270, 7-08, 243, 6.5x55 would be very nice.

Offline oberhaz

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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2011, 03:31:40 PM »
I have one in .308 & love it! The bolt is very smooth. The trigger is fantastic & mine is very accurate.

The stock recoil pad is hard. The stock feels kinda flimsy. It has a few plastic parts. And the mags are expensive to replace. One more thing, the scope rings are cheap, some like them, I don't.

However, I feel the positives far outweigh the negatives.

If you can overlook some of it's faults you will be very happy with one.

For the price I think they are very hard to beat.

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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2011, 04:41:52 PM »
I bought a Tikka T3 lite ss in 30-06 several years ago when it was not that much more expensive than a used 700.  I mounted a 2x7 scope and went to the range with my basic 06 load using the 165 gr. Hornady SP.  After getting on paper I moved back to 100 yds.  The very first three shot group went into 1/2 in.  Tried another group, same thing.  I adjusted the scope and fired the third group dead center 1 1/2 in. high.  Three straight 1/2 in.  groups out of a brand new rifle and perfectly sighted in.  Load development and sight in done.  Six years later and it's still sighted in.  My recent purchase is a T3 Hunter in 6.5x55.  I expect it will shoot just as well.  If you're looking for an accurate lightweight bolt rifle look no further. I'm seriously looking at buying one in .308 and cutting the barrel back to 19 in. to make a light handy carbine.

that is a good idea.  What do you think about fitting a picatinny rail for the placement of a scout scope?
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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2011, 08:24:05 PM »
I think you will find them in high regard. Some get their panties in a wad about the universal long action of the rifle no matter the chambering. I can't remark on the .223 and the rifling and its suitability to certain bullets.

Mine is a 300Win Mag, I do not like the recoil, no sir, I do not like it. However, it is sighted in, now that that is over the pain is gone. It carries just fine thank you, the light weight that I loathe on the range is what I love come fall. When we go walking together, all is forgiven. ;D 

You will play hell finding a better shooting rifle than that t3.

As for recoil - put a limbsaver pad on it and you will find your in "Love Again" shooting your rifle .

Offline abolt-fan

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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2011, 12:34:25 AM »
OK hunter,
I've never thought about making up a scout type rifle.  But if you want one I think probably another brand of rifle might work better.  From reading about them over the years I get the idea that one of the advantages of the scout rifle is being able to easily top off your magazine because the traditional scope is not in the way.  With the Tikka's closed top frame this will not be possible.  If that type of rifle really interest you I would think the Ruger Gunsite scout rifle all ready to go from the factory would be the best way to go.  But I know how accurate the Tikka is and with the extended capacity mags I think they could be made into a good scout rifle.  If you put one together be sure and post your results so we can check it out.

Offline oberhaz

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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2011, 01:37:43 AM »
The scout scope set-up sounds like a pretty good idea if it would benefit your hunting. I've never tried it myself. but many like it & it sounds like a very fast way to get a sight picture.

I have seen scope rails on ebay that fit the T3's. They are not cheap, but they appear to be high quality parts.

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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2011, 01:10:13 PM »
I have a Tiika Lite 22-250........Love it.................excellent accuracy

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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2011, 10:18:08 PM »
Me and my dad got a t3 30-06 his LH stainless mine RH blued. Love it and he says he will never carry anything else. Best factory trigger i've ever seen, smooth as glass, accurate as gun costing 2 or 3 times as much. Almost perfect. A+ Once you have one everthing else willbe obsolete. Love my tc's but if I could only have one gun this would be it. Only thing I don't like is it isn't made in usa.

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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2011, 01:56:07 PM »
To follow up on my previous comments I bought a T3 Lite SS in .308 this week.  Today I took it to my gunsmith and had the barrel cut to 19 in.  I have mounted a Bushnell Elite 2x7 with Firefly reticle on it.  Going to the range tomorrow.  I really like the compactness and balance of it cut down.  I'm already liking it.  I'll post results of my range session tomorrow evening.  Later, Robert.

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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2011, 05:46:50 PM »
one of the best rifle values out there. the plastic single stack mag seems like a drawback at first, until you see how smooth and slick the action and mag work together.

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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2011, 10:56:42 PM »
Range day on the cut down T3 .308 went very well.  Already being a light gun and now having the 19 in. barrel I found recoil to be snappy but nothing to worry about.  I used a box of Fed. Match ammo to get on paper and shoot some groups.  Four three shot groups at 100 yds. averaged .938 in.  I'll be working up some loads with 150 and 165 gr. bullets and have no doubt I'll be able to tighten up those initial groups.  I've gone through several .308 rifles over the last six years and got rid of all of them.  I believe I've found my keeper.

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Re: Tikka T3 Lite Question's
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2011, 02:34:17 AM »
Let us know of your loading data and post some photos of your new toy.
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