Ya know I am the kind of guy that likes to stay calm.
But every time I here this talk about hard cast for a 45 ACP I just about loose it.
Why on earth have so many people bought into the lie that you need a hard bullet for a 45 ACP. The 45 is a low pressure round, so what is there to gain by using a hard bullet ? Obturation ? I think not.
Fit, fit, fit is the answer once and for all. If you don't slug your bore you will never know about proper fit. Run a soft lead slug through the barrel and measure it with a Mic. not a caliper, most 45's will be in the area of .451---
if so your bullets should be .452--.4525--- .453 that is .001---to-- .002
over bore diameter. With that in mind you should be able to shoot bullets
with a hardness of about 10---12--14 hardness. or 50/50 lead to WW
Hard cast bullets are sold by commercial casters so they don't get damaged in transit. Just like the hard lube that is on them.
45 ACP velocity of 675 FPS to700/775 FPS for target and hard ball loads of about 850 FPS just don't need a hard bullet to NOT lead a barrel and deliver very good accuracy. Don't get caught up in the hard cast hype.
Many cast bullets in pistols & rifles have been shot with plain WW or 50/50 WW & PB
Naturally if you are hot roding your loads rifle or pistol you may have to adjust your hardness.
I do not wish to get into a pissing contest about this, I really don't care what you shoot but some people may find it of interest.