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Offline XD40SC

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Is this what the tea party is about ?
« on: September 13, 2011, 10:20:11 AM »
 Audience at tea party debate cheers leaving uninsured to die    By Rachel Rose Hartman
Political Reporter  By Rachel Rose Hartman | The Ticket – 2 hrs 36 mins ago     
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  Audience members look on just before Blitzer inquires about letting the uninsured die. (Screenshot: CNN)If you're uninsured and on the brink of death, that's apparently a laughing matter to some audience members at last night's tea party Republican presidential debate.
Texas Rep. Ron Paul, a doctor, was asked a hypothetical question by CNN host Wolf Blitzer about how society should respond if a healthy 30-year-old man who decided against buying health insurance suddenly goes into a coma and requires intensive care for six months. Paul--a fierce limited-government advocate-- said it shouldn't be the government's responsibility. "That's what freedom is all about, taking your own risks," Paul said and was drowned out by audience applause as he added, "this whole idea that you have to prepare to take care of everybody…"
"Are you saying that society should just let him die?" Blitzer pressed Paul. And that's when the audience got involved.
Several loud cheers of "yeah!" followed by laughter could be heard in the Expo Hall at the Florida State Fairgrounds in response to Blitzer's question.

Offline Lost Farmboy

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2011, 10:40:13 AM »
  Many families with loved ones who have insurance choose to let them die when in the same condition.

Obama Care has death panels that will deny the treatment for all in that condition.

When I was selling health insurance I had a lot of 30 somethings refuse to buy health insurance because they were healthy and didn't need it. Months later some would come back begging for the insurance. Something happened and they needed expensive surgery. All I could say was too late now.
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Offline lakota

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2011, 10:41:54 AM »
Lets see...In this hypothetical situation the 30 year old man exercised his RIGHT to choose. With rights come RESPONSIBILITIES. He made his choice and now it is his RESPONSIBILTY to deal with any consequenses that arise from his choice. Why should the tax payor get socked because this guy decided not to buy insurance?
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline Junior1942

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2011, 10:44:04 AM »
>Obama Care has death panels that will deny the treatment for all in that condition.

So say the Obama haters.  If GWB or his ilk were in power, it would be called a doctor-family conference. 

Offline lakota

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2011, 10:46:38 AM »
You got Bush in there...why not go for the trifecta and add RACIST! and NAZI! to your post?
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline Junior1942

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2011, 10:48:30 AM »
Lets see...In this hypothetical situation the 30 year old man exercised his RIGHT to choose. With rights come RESPONSIBILITIES. He made his choice and now it is his RESPONSIBILTY to deal with any consequenses that arise from his choice. Why should the tax payor get socked because this guy decided not to buy insurance?
They/we shouldn't, especially not in the up-coming Fourth Reich USA.  We should send the Republican version of Hitler's SS to hospitals and nursing homes with 22 pistols and a bunch of body bags.

Offline lakota

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2011, 11:09:25 AM »
You forgot "RACIST!"
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline Junior1942

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2011, 11:16:24 AM »
You forgot "RACIST!"
Racism has nothing to do with SS-like social problem solutions.  Poor has no common skin color.  In fact, 1 in 6 Americans are poor and it includes whites, blacks, and light, bright and damn near white people.  Anyone claiming membership in the tea party ought to be ashamed of themselves.  They should go to church and ask God to forgive them. 

Offline Junior1942

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2011, 11:23:48 AM »
There's a simple solution to the taxpayers paying a hospital bill for a twentysomething, etc., with no insurance.  Ask any college student what happens if he defaults on his student loans.  Amswer: he'll pay those loans plus interest if it takes him the rest of his life.  He'll never, ever get an income tax refund until those defaulted loans are paid.  When he's old and gray, his loan payments will be deducted from his Social Security checks.  I say use the same process on hospital bills paid by the taxpayers.

Offline DDZ

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2011, 11:42:40 AM »
You forgot "RACIST!"
Racism has nothing to do with SS-like social problem solutions.  Poor has no common skin color.  In fact, 1 in 6 Americans are poor and it includes whites, blacks, and light, bright and damn near white people.  Anyone claiming membership in the tea party ought to be ashamed of themselves.  They should go to church and ask God to forgive them.

Define poor. Does your definition of poor people include the ones with housing, cable tv, cell phones, air conditioning, swimming pools, medical access card, food stamps, a car or two, etc....
Do a drive by some public housing. You will notice over half the so called poor people you see are over weight. They don't get that way from going hungry. Are these the 16% you claim are poor?   
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Offline XD40SC

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2011, 12:09:31 PM »
It's shameful that people actually laughted . Making light of peoples misfortune, especially in this case, is disgusting. You talk about Democratic Death Panels but want someone to die because he has no insurance. Ron Paul's answer to let them die was --NO!!. Some of the so called good Christians better reread your bible since life is considered sacred.

Offline XD40SC

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2011, 12:13:09 PM »
You forgot "RACIST!"
Racism has nothing to do with SS-like social problem solutions.  Poor has no common skin color.  In fact, 1 in 6 Americans are poor and it includes whites, blacks, and light, bright and damn near white people.  Anyone claiming membership in the tea party ought to be ashamed of themselves.  They should go to church and ask God to forgive them.

Define poor. Does your definition of poor people include the ones with housing, cable tv, cell phones, air conditioning, swimming pools, medical access card, food stamps, a car or two, etc....
Do a drive by some public housing. You will notice over half the so called poor people you see are over weight. They don't get that way from going hungry. Are these the 16% you claim are poor?   
Ever think they may be over weight because of their poor diets. Junk food is cheaper than healthy food.

Offline Junior1942

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2011, 12:16:37 PM »
You forgot "RACIST!"
Racism has nothing to do with SS-like social problem solutions.  Poor has no common skin color.  In fact, 1 in 6 Americans are poor and it includes whites, blacks, and light, bright and damn near white people.  Anyone claiming membership in the tea party ought to be ashamed of themselves.  They should go to church and ask God to forgive them.

Define poor. Does your definition of poor people include the ones with housing, cable tv, cell phones, air conditioning, swimming pools, medical access card, food stamps, a car or two, etc....
Do a drive by some public housing. You will notice over half the so called poor people you see are over weight. They don't get that way from going hungry. Are these the 16% you claim are poor?   
The Census said it.  See

Offline lakota

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2011, 12:32:25 PM »
I just went out and bought a 100 thousand dollar car but I dont feel like buying insurance so when I wreck it the federal government should be held liable for it's repairs or replacement.
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline Junior1942

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2011, 01:00:38 PM »
I just went out and bought a 100 thousand dollar car but I dont feel like buying insurance so when I wreck it the federal government should be held liable for it's repairs or replacement.
That's scraping the bottom of the analogy bucket.

Offline DDZ

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2011, 01:13:52 PM »
It's shameful that people actually laughted . Making light of peoples misfortune, especially in this case, is disgusting. You talk about Democratic Death Panels but want someone to die because he has no insurance. Ron Paul's answer to let them die was --NO!!. Some of the so called good Christians better reread your bible since life is considered sacred.

What makes you think that government should have the role of handing out welfare checks, and medical care? Being a good Christian has nothing to do with disagreeing with the, government's role in taking care of peoples medical needs. Christianity does not line up with liberalism and socialism, and  life being sacred does not have anything to do with government dependence.

We have the fattest so called poor people in the world. Ever think they might be just eating to much, no matter what kind of food it is.  Anyway have you looked at the price of junk food lately? I can buy tuna, and canned vegetables cheaper than most junk food. Think it might have something to do with personal responsibility? 
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2011, 01:19:04 PM »
Junior If 1942 is your birthyear then we are of the same age.
So FYI since you like to with some others here bring up Nazi, Hitler whatever on a regular basis. Digest this !
 What do you think the "S" stood for in NSDAP ? Under that regime the average German had Hospital, Doctor and Dental Care which he may not have had before.
Yor infantile suggestion of the SS storming hospitals etc indicates a very "conditioned" mindset.
What is the point of Life if you can't have fun.

Offline XD40SC

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2011, 01:25:13 PM »
From Matthew 25:31-46:

34"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

37"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'

40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

41"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'

44"They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?'

45"He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'

Offline XD40SC

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2011, 01:26:06 PM »
I just went out and bought a 100 thousand dollar car but I dont feel like buying insurance so when I wreck it the federal government should be held liable for it's repairs or replacement.
not the same as a human life.

Offline jimster

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2011, 02:15:53 PM »
For those socialists who constantly harp about separation of church and state in all matters and then use religion to make their point about stealing my money,  please spare me your hypocritical bible quotes.  You turn my stomach using the bible when it suits your needs and nowhere else.
As a free man, get off my back for money, if you want to help to pay for people cough it up yourself, and stop trying to make free people pay for what YOU think the United States is all about.  Life is a crap is not always fair, stop trying to make it what you think is fair with my money.  I had my hand on my fathers forehead when he died, that's life, suck it up and get used to it, life is hard sometimes, and sometimes it's wonderful, stealing our money for your idea of what life is sucks all the way around.  In the end, we will all die, no matter how broke you make us all with your bone head ideas and government intervention.
The Tea Party is about what I just posted mainly...about getting off my back and stopping the spending of money that is not there, and will never be there. You don't have the money to implement anything, period.  Everything you have touched has turned bad and and went bankrupt. What's it take for you clowns to wake up and realize the government can't run anything, let alone your health care?
There is a basic Tea Party thought, one of many...but that's about sums it up for me.

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2011, 02:17:00 PM »
Yor infantile suggestion of the SS storming hospitals etc indicates a very "conditioned" mindset.
The SS didn't "storm" hospitals, etc.  They walked in and shot the hopeless cases in the head.  The USA is on the verge of doing the same IMHO.

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2011, 02:21:18 PM »
An aside to XD40SC.  Yes, that is exactly what the tea party is about.  Witness some of these posts.

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2011, 02:28:00 PM »
An aside to XD40SC.  Yes, that is exactly what the tea party is about.  Witness some of these posts.

Read mine real close while your at it...let it sink in good, because I will fight to keep my money from the likes of you and your kind until I die. Obviously I am winning because your 15 trillion in debt and about to increase that. 

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2011, 03:24:31 PM »
I just went out and bought a 100 thousand dollar car but I dont feel like buying insurance so when I wreck it the federal government should be held liable for it's repairs or replacement.
not the same as a human life.
I just went out and bought a 100 thousand dollar car but I dont feel like buying insurance so when I wreck it the federal government should be held liable for it's repairs or replacement.
That's scraping the bottom of the analogy bucket.

It is exactly the same.If you dont want to buy health insurance dont want to buy auto insurance or dont want to buy homeowners insurance...the consequences are yours and yours alone to deal with.
If you go to Las Vegas and gamble and lose your wad should the tax payers be forced to reimburse you?
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2011, 03:45:58 PM »
Yor infantile suggestion of the SS storming hospitals etc indicates a very "conditioned" mindset.
The SS didn't "storm" hospitals, etc.  They walked in and shot the hopeless cases in the head.  The USA is on the verge of doing the same IMHO.

Since you feel so strong about it why don't haul your butt up to your local hospital and the next person who comes in and can't pay you be a good Samaritan and foot their bill.
Being charitable with other folks money is theft something that liberals are good at.

" In the beginning of change, the patriot is a brave and scarce man,hated and scorned. when the cause succeeds however,the timid join him...for then it cost nothing to be a patriot. "
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Offline XD40SC

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2011, 03:49:25 PM »
For those socialists who constantly harp about separation of church and state in all matters and then use religion to make their point about stealing my money,  please spare me your hypocritical bible quotes.  You turn my stomach using the bible when it suits your needs and nowhere else.
As a free man, get off my back for money, if you want to help to pay for people cough it up yourself, and stop trying to make free people pay for what YOU think the United States is all about.  Life is a crap is not always fair, stop trying to make it what you think is fair with my money.  I had my hand on my fathers forehead when he died, that's life, suck it up and get used to it, life is hard sometimes, and sometimes it's wonderful, stealing our money for your idea of what life is sucks all the way around.  In the end, we will all die, no matter how broke you make us all with your bone head ideas and government intervention.
The Tea Party is about what I just posted mainly...about getting off my back and stopping the spending of money that is not there, and will never be there. You don't have the money to implement anything, period.  Everything you have touched has turned bad and and went bankrupt. What's it take for you clowns to wake up and realize the government can't run anything, let alone your health care?
There is a basic Tea Party thought, one of many...but that's about sums it up for me.
If Matthew 25:31-46: doesn't convince you , nothing I can add will. Pepto-Bismol works for a turned stomach.

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2011, 04:01:40 PM »
So any time you roll the dice-figuratively or literally and you come up on the short end of the deal then "mother government" should be their to bail your a$$ out?
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2011, 04:08:17 PM »
What about the stock market? I'm thining that if I lose my life savings day trading the government should give me all my money back.
There should also be a tax payor funded plan to reimburse me money that I lose in a faulty vending machine.
Man this is great! A risk free life! Now I can do whatever I want because its someone else's responsibilty to bail me out!
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline XD40SC

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2011, 04:12:25 PM »
What about the stock market? I'm thining that if I lose my life savings day trading the government should give me all my money back.
There should also be a tax payor funded plan to reimburse me money that I lose in a faulty vending machine.
Man this is great! A risk free life! Now I can do whatever I want because its someone else's responsibilty to bail me out!

If you total your car and don't have insurance- too bad; your SOL.  Same with losing money in bad investments. If you can't separate out the difference between a human life and material things- I don't know what to add.

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2011, 04:18:14 PM »
Your arguement is pointless. Not buying health insurance is a gamble just like any other form of gambling. If we bail one gambler out we may just as well bail them all out.
Oh by the way- A nice fellow from Nigeria called last week. We were talking and he told me that if I would wire him $15K he would in turn send me a million dollars. He seemed legit so I wired him my life savings. Turns out he wasnt so legit so when ever you get a chance I am going to need you to mail me a check for $15K to cover my losses.
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?