You take one snippet from a whole debate and ask.. "Is this what the Tea party is all about"? ..A rather smarmy remark..
Perhaps you may have heard the rest of the debate where some of the following questions were raised; If you had framed your inquiry with those questions, you would have gotten a better, more complete answer
1) Why does the govt tax us so much ?
2) Why doesn't the govt stay out of our private lives ?
3) Why does the govt pile on ridicuilous, production killing regulations ?
4) Why is the current administration so hostile to individual liberty ?
5) Why is the current prez growing govt so much ?
Frankly, I liked the question by the 17 yr old TP member.."Of every dollar I earn, how much should I be allowed to keep "?
...Perhaps the rest of us should present a verbal snapshot of Anthony Weiner doing his thing, or Bill Clinton in an under-the-desk session with Monica. a description of Barney frank's obvious practices or the thugs in front of the Philly polling place... and then ask.."is this what the Democrat party is all about ? Wouldn't that be about as fair as your question ?
You shouldn't be so disingenuous;
If you HONESTLY want to know what the Tea Party is all about..there are plenty here...go directly to "the horse's mouth'.. just ask them !!
Then Junior comes up with an inanity such as this:
" Racism has nothing to do with SS-like social problem solutions. Poor has no common skin color. In fact, 1 in 6 Americans are poor and it includes whites, blacks, and light, bright and damn near white people. Anyone claiming membership in the tea party ought to be ashamed of themselves. They should go to church and ask God to forgive them".
Junior pretends to know the minds and hearts of the Tea Party people..Yeah, sure..just as Fidel Castro would know the mind and heart of Billy Graham..
I am not a practicing brain surgeon and never did brain surgery..so I don't try to make final pronouncements on brain surgery...
You obviously have nothing to do with and no direct knowledge of the Tea Party..so that's just how valuable your assessments of the Tea Party are !