Author Topic: Is this what the tea party is about ?  (Read 3547 times)

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Offline DDZ

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2011, 04:36:20 PM »
If you think that Mathew 25:31-46 indicates government should tax people and give it to whoever they think should have it, you are wrong. You are not even in the same ball park.  Those who give do so from the heart, and those who receive the gift know that it is given from a good heart. Government on the other hand, receives money from taxing people, and spends money based on programs. Charity therefore becomes a non factor because the givers feel like they have been high jacked, and the recipients feel entitled.
It used to be that when receiving charity was an embarrassment. People had pride and wanted to earn their own way. Because charity implies it was received from a charitable person who gave sacrificially. Recipients knew that as soon as they got back on their feet the charity would, and should end. Furthermore they would be motivated to help others in need. All government programs do is promote laziness instead of responsibility. Why would someone be motivated to help themselves when they know an endless supply of government checks are on the way. 
Please don't take scripture out of context to suit your agenda for useless government spending in the name of charity. Giving comes from the heart not from bureaucrats taking peoples money and doling it out for the reason of gaining power.     
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

Offline XD40SC

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2011, 04:53:43 PM »
If you think that Mathew 25:31-46 indicates government should tax people and give it to whoever they think should have it, you are wrong. You are not even in the same ball park.  Those who give do so from the heart, and those who receive the gift know that it is given from a good heart. Government on the other hand, receives money from taxing people, and spends money based on programs. Charity therefore becomes a non factor because the givers feel like they have been high jacked, and the recipients feel entitled.
It used to be that when receiving charity was an embarrassment. People had pride and wanted to earn their own way. Because charity implies it was received from a charitable person who gave sacrificially. Recipients knew that as soon as they got back on their feet the charity would, and should end. Furthermore they would be motivated to help others in need. All government programs do is promote laziness instead of responsibility. Why would someone be motivated to help themselves when they know an endless supply of government checks are on the way. 
Please don't take scripture out of context to suit your agenda for useless government spending in the name of charity. Giving comes from the heart not from bureaucrats taking peoples money and doling it out for the reason of gaining power.     
Funny how someone who doesn't want the government to interfer, also tells me not to practice my 1 st amendment rights. hypocritical. Over and OUT.

Offline XD40SC

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2011, 04:54:43 PM »
Your arguement is pointless. Not buying health insurance is a gamble just like any other form of gambling. If we bail one gambler out we may just as well bail them all out.
Oh by the way- A nice fellow from Nigeria called last week. We were talking and he told me that if I would wire him $15K he would in turn send me a million dollars. He seemed legit so I wired him my life savings. Turns out he wasnt so legit so when ever you get a chance I am going to need you to mail me a check for $15K to cover my losses.

Online JustaShooter

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2011, 04:55:34 PM »
If Matthew 25:31-46: doesn't convince you , nothing I can add will.
I normally stay out of the religious / Bible discussions here, but I can't let this one go unanswered. 

First, that passage speaks about a personal responsibility to help those in need, and allows for an individual choice.  Having that choice removed and supplanted by a government mandate also removes the praise for having done so since no affirmative choice was made.

Second, if you apply that standard to government instead of the individual, the government is to provide food, drink, housing and even compelled prison visitation.  That was certainly not the intent of this passage, and I am not aware of anywhere in the Bible where the government is instructed to take care of the needs of the people in that way.

I as a Christian am also called upon to take care of myself and my family first.  Would you take that away from me in your effort to compel me to take care of others?  That is exactly what is happening to many people with the burdensome taxation that we endure, all in the name of compassion for those "less fortunate" than we are.

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2011, 05:28:12 PM »
If you think that Mathew 25:31-46 indicates government should tax people and give it to whoever they think should have it, you are wrong. You are not even in the same ball park.  Those who give do so from the heart, and those who receive the gift know that it is given from a good heart. Government on the other hand, receives money from taxing people, and spends money based on programs. Charity therefore becomes a non factor because the givers feel like they have been high jacked, and the recipients feel entitled.
It used to be that when receiving charity was an embarrassment. People had pride and wanted to earn their own way. Because charity implies it was received from a charitable person who gave sacrificially. Recipients knew that as soon as they got back on their feet the charity would, and should end. Furthermore they would be motivated to help others in need. All government programs do is promote laziness instead of responsibility. Why would someone be motivated to help themselves when they know an endless supply of government checks are on the way. 
Please don't take scripture out of context to suit your agenda for useless government spending in the name of charity. Giving comes from the heart not from bureaucrats taking peoples money and doling it out for the reason of gaining power.     
Funny how someone who doesn't want the government to interfer, also tells me not to practice my 1 st amendment rights. hypocritical. Over and OUT.

I was not telling you to not practice your 1st amendment rights, that is a stretch to even think that. Kind of just letting you know that Mathew 25:31-46 does not mean what you think it does. 
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

Offline XD40SC

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2011, 05:31:43 PM »
If Matthew 25:31-46: doesn't convince you , nothing I can add will.
I normally stay out of the religious / Bible discussions here, but I can't let this one go unanswered. 

First, that passage speaks about a personal responsibility to help those in need, and allows for an individual choice.  Having that choice removed and supplanted by a government mandate also removes the praise for having done so since no affirmative choice was made.

Second, if you apply that standard to government instead of the individual, the government is to provide food, drink, housing and even compelled prison visitation.  That was certainly not the intent of this passage, and I am not aware of anywhere in the Bible where the government is instructed to take care of the needs of the people in that way.

I as a Christian am also called upon to take care of myself and my family first.  Would you take that away from me in your effort to compel me to take care of others?  That is exactly what is happening to many people with the burdensome taxation that we endure, all in the name of compassion for those "less fortunate" than we are.

Just a Shooter
I was using the passage in reference to " would you let a person die if he had no insurance." I referring to that and only that.

Offline Hooker

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2011, 06:20:11 PM »

I was using the passage in reference to " would you let a person die if he had no insurance." I referring to that and only that.

Would you steal other peoples property and then be charitable with it?
Or would you prefer to hold a gun to someones head and force them to be charitable with their property?
By the way before you go throwing Bible verses around to make your point, it may be a good idea to see how well those words fit your own life.

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Offline nomosendero

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #37 on: September 13, 2011, 06:31:43 PM »
You forgot "RACIST!"
Racism has nothing to do with SS-like social problem solutions.  Poor has no common skin color.  In fact, 1 in 6 Americans are poor and it includes whites, blacks, and light, bright and damn near white people.  Anyone claiming membership in the tea party ought to be ashamed of themselves.  They should go to church and ask God to forgive them.

Should Demoncraps ask for forgiveness because Dem Black Panthers do stupid stuff?
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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #38 on: September 13, 2011, 07:01:16 PM »
Five Ron Paul supporters does not a Tea Party make.................


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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #39 on: September 13, 2011, 08:20:46 PM »
The Nazi party was a socialist party as is the American Democratic party. They passed a universal health plan that covered all Germans a very Obamish bill. The cost of health care was breaking the German government. The Death Panels {Again Obama} first declared retarded children a drain on the system, they were murdered. They finally used the Health system to control anyone that disagreed with the Nazi socialist system. The rest is history. Anyone who disagreed with the Nazi were labeled and executed. The Tea Party people who have questioned spending have been labeled. What will be their fate under the left wing regime of the Obama Democrats??

Offline XD40SC

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #40 on: September 14, 2011, 01:35:16 AM »
I put in an article about whether an uninsured person should be saved from death. I put in a passage about : what you do unto others- you do unto me". What I get is - an analogy comparing human life to car insurance, losing money in the stock market. And no discussion would be complete without bringing in the Nazi's, and the words socialism and racist. INCONCEIVABLE.

Offline Lost Farmboy

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #41 on: September 14, 2011, 02:16:22 AM »
>Obama Care has death panels that will deny the treatment for all in that condition.

So say the Obama haters.  If GWB or his ilk were in power, it would be called a doctor-family conference.

I don't hate anybody, not Obama, not Saddam Hussein, not Obama bin Laden and not GWB. I disapprove of BHO as much as I disapprove of GWB.

GWB did not and would not pass such a tyrannical healthcare bill.

Sarah Palin warned us and the media ridiculed her in a way I have no words to describe. Nancy Pelosi said we couldn't see the bill until it was past. When it passed the death panels were there.

So the media that wants to destroy Ron Paul because he is a real patriot baits him with this question. It reminds me of the pharisees baiting Jesus. When in reality the law of the land passed by the house, senate and signed by Obama already condemn this hypothetical man to death after forcing him to buy health insurance at gun point.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #42 on: September 14, 2011, 02:31:47 AM »
    You take one snippet from a whole debate and ask..  "Is this what the Tea party is all about"?  ..A rather smarmy remark..
  Perhaps you may have heard the rest of the debate where some of the following questions were raised; If you had framed your inquiry with those questions, you would have gotten a better, more complete answer
1) Why does the govt tax us so much ?
2) Why doesn't the govt stay out of our private lives ?
3) Why does the govt pile on ridicuilous, production killing regulations ?
4) Why is the current administration so hostile to individual liberty ?
5) Why is the current prez growing govt so much ?
     Frankly, I liked the question by the 17 yr old TP member.."Of every dollar I earn, how much should I be allowed to keep "?
    ...Perhaps the rest of us should present a verbal snapshot of Anthony Weiner doing his thing, or Bill Clinton in an under-the-desk session with Monica. a description of Barney frank's obvious practices or the thugs in front of the Philly polling place... and then ask.."is this what the Democrat party is all about ?  Wouldn't that be about as fair as your question ?
   You shouldn't be so disingenuous;
   If you HONESTLY want to know what the Tea Party is all about..there are plenty here...go directly to "the horse's mouth'.. just ask them !!
  Then Junior comes up with an inanity such as this:
     " Racism has nothing to do with SS-like social problem solutions.  Poor has no common skin color.  In fact, 1 in 6 Americans are poor and it includes whites, blacks, and light, bright and damn near white people.  Anyone claiming membership in the tea party ought to be ashamed of themselves.  They should go to church and ask God to forgive them".
 Junior pretends to know the minds and hearts of the Tea Party people..Yeah, sure..just as Fidel Castro would know the mind and heart of Billy Graham.. ;)   :D   ;D
  I am not a practicing brain surgeon and never did brain I don't try to make final pronouncements on brain surgery...
    You obviously have nothing to do with and no direct knowledge of the Tea that's just how valuable your assessments of the Tea Party are ! ;D   :o 
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline nomosendero

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #43 on: September 14, 2011, 03:45:22 AM »
>Obama Care has death panels that will deny the treatment for all in that condition.

So say the Obama haters.  If GWB or his ilk were in power, it would be called a doctor-family conference.

I don't hate anybody, not Obama, not Saddam Hussein, not Obama bin Laden and not GWB. I disapprove of BHO as much as I disapprove of GWB.

GWB did not and would not pass such a tyrannical healthcare bill.

Sarah Palin warned us and the media ridiculed her in a way I have no words to describe. Nancy Pelosi said we couldn't see the bill until it was past. When it passed the death panels were there.

So the media that wants to destroy Ron Paul because he is a real patriot baits him with this question. It reminds me of the pharisees baiting Jesus. When in reality the law of the land passed by the house, senate and signed by Obama already condemn this hypothetical man to death after forcing him to buy health insurance at gun point.

Good post & that is what happened.
You will not make peace with the Bluecoats, you are free to go.

Offline XD40SC

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #44 on: September 14, 2011, 04:22:47 AM »
    You take one snippet from a whole debate and ask..  "Is this what the Tea party is all about"?  ..A rather smarmy remark..
  Perhaps you may have heard the rest of the debate where some of the following questions were raised; If you had framed your inquiry with those questions, you would have gotten a better, more complete answer
1) Why does the govt tax us so much ?
2) Why doesn't the govt stay out of our private lives ?
3) Why does the govt pile on ridicuilous, production killing regulations ?
4) Why is the current administration so hostile to individual liberty ?
5) Why is the current prez growing govt so much ?
     Frankly, I liked the question by the 17 yr old TP member.."Of every dollar I earn, how much should I be allowed to keep "?
    ...Perhaps the rest of us should present a verbal snapshot of Anthony Weiner doing his thing, or Bill Clinton in an under-the-desk session with Monica. a description of Barney frank's obvious practices or the thugs in front of the Philly polling place... and then ask.."is this what the Democrat party is all about ?  Wouldn't that be about as fair as your question ?
   You shouldn't be so disingenuous;
   If you HONESTLY want to know what the Tea Party is all about..there are plenty here...go directly to "the horse's mouth'.. just ask them !!
Now there"s an excellent reply :)


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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #45 on: September 14, 2011, 05:26:48 AM »
Just one more fine point on the debate--not all human life is sacred.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who has known people who were so despicable that they weren't worth the air they were breathing, let alone an expensive car.
Actually, Jr's plan for the uninsured isn't that bad a notion (make em pay their bill if it takes the rest of their life).  However, that should be between the service provider and the uninsured party; the federal government should play no roll.  State government may have a roll in specifying the terms of payment.
I wonder how many more uninsured people would actually choose to buy insurance if they knew they would eventually have to pay any bills they may incur.  And isn't a good part of the high cost of insurance due to those who stiff hospitals in the first place?

Offline lakota

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #46 on: September 14, 2011, 05:47:16 AM »
I put in an article about whether an uninsured person should be saved from death. I put in a passage about : what you do unto others- you do unto me". What I get is - an analogy comparing human life to car insurance, losing money in the stock market. And no discussion would be complete without bringing in the Nazi's, and the words socialism and racist. INCONCEIVABLE.

You dont like the car insurance or house insurance comparison. You dont like the gambling or stupidity comparison so what to you think about this:
Lets see...In this hypothetical situation the 30 year old man exercised his RIGHT to choose. With rights come RESPONSIBILITIES. He made his choice and now it is his RESPONSIBILTY to deal with any consequenses that arise from his choice. Why should the tax payor get socked because this guy decided not to buy insurance?
I notice no one ever touches my posts when I state that rights come with responsibilities.
Lets reframe this in a 1st Amendment issue- I dont remember the exact year but during Bush's 2nd term The Dixie Chicks decided to exercise their 1st amendment rights by voicing their disapproval of Bush. They used their right...well its seems some people werent too happy about what they had to say and used their rights to choose not to buy Dixie Chick records. As a consequence of saying what they said their careers suffered. So going along your line of logic we should probably have a federal law forcing people to buy their records because we should bear no weight of responsibilty after exercising our rights.
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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #47 on: September 14, 2011, 05:53:09 AM »
personal responsibility is what made this country great.  no responsibility is what's tearing it down.
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Give me liberty, or give me death

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #48 on: September 14, 2011, 05:53:39 AM »
Well, some Tea Partiers (or 'Tea Baggers' as they called themselves early on, pre-Maddow) are a loose group of folks who would like a smaller DC... I'm with 'em on that.

Others in their midst simply hate Obama, and will sign onto anything they think damages him.

Some of Randroids

Still other in that crowd are frightened white people, worried about too many black people in their county. With company like that, the first group gets dismissed (but ought not be).

A good many are financially comfortable, they've made it, and don't really care about anything beyond that.

In the debate I saw a few days ago, the most shameful moment what when much of the crowd cheered the number of executions in Texas... almost expected to hear a baptist allah-hu ahkbar! from that bunch. Shameful.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #49 on: September 14, 2011, 06:07:16 AM »
I dont know if you are aware of it or not and it might be hard to wrap your melon around it, but it is possible for someone to dislike Obama and his policies and not be a racist at the same time.
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline rio grande

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #50 on: September 14, 2011, 06:39:39 AM »
Come on guys, read the rest of the story.

"Several loud cheers of "yeah!" followed by laughter could be heard in the Expo Hall at the Florida State Fairgrounds in response to Blitzer's question. Paul disagreed with the audience on that front. "No," he responded, noting he practiced medicine before Medicaid when churches took care of medical costs--a comment that drew wide audience applause. "We never turned anybody away from the hospital."
Paul voiced support for legalizing alternative health care and argued that the reason medical costs have skyrocketed is that individuals have stopped taking personal responsibility for their health care...."

Ron Paul stands for life - he is the most compassionate candidate by far.  Not only a physician who has delivered over 4000  babies, but anti-war as well.

XD40SC, why did you not care to post that Paul disagreed with those who cheered and laughed?  Those were not Ron Paul supporters.

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #51 on: September 14, 2011, 06:54:48 AM »
I dont know if you are aware of it or not
I am...
...and it might be hard to wrap your melon around it
No, it is not hard at all
...but it is possible for someone to dislike Obama and his policies and not be a racist at the same time.
Quite true, that. At the same time, the white racists definitely seem to have it in for President Obama, and... they seem well-represented in certain quarters, wouldn't you agree?
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #52 on: September 14, 2011, 06:56:22 AM »
Ironglow, you are 'spot-on' with your comments!
Junior and XD40, you obviously have an agenda.  I totally disagree with everything that you avow, BUT...
I will defend until death your right to say it!  (Disagreeable and misguided as it is)!
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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #53 on: September 14, 2011, 07:00:48 AM »
Junior and XD40, you obviously have an agenda. 

Agenda, opinion... who here doesn't have them?
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #54 on: September 14, 2011, 08:18:38 AM »
I've said it before, but I am sure I will have to say it again. This seems like a really simple concept to me, but maybe I am just a simple minded woman. People should help others because it is the right thing to do and not because it is Federally Mandated!  For the religious minds consider this when considering the quoted passages from the Book of Matthew...  If the Government Federally Mandates healthcare, then how will people use their free will and personal choice to choose to help others.  Matthew  25:31-46 convinces me more than ever that the Government has NO BUSINESS in matters such as these. How will we ever know the true nature of our people UNLESS we give people the chance to CHOOSE to help others. 
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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #55 on: September 14, 2011, 09:12:16 AM »
Heather...agreed.  The bible would not have come up at all except that XD is scratching and can't come up with anything else, so he uses religion as a crutch for his politics, with absolutley no regard for any Americans who might be of a different religion or even no religion.  And then make up the meaning of the bible to boot. I guess there are times when some of these socalists need the bible to cram government down our throats...but other times they don't need the bible at all I guess, depends on THEIR agenda.  At any rate...these types of people are out of steam...they got nothin left, so the claw at the walls with some pretty strange stuff. 
Yellowtail says some tea party folks are OK...some are racist randroids.  Fair enough.
So some of socialists on this sight might be OK, some are ignorant communists who would never fight for freedom, other people would do that for them and are too stingy to help anyone in need, they are lazy and expect government to give them stuff.
We all know who we are or which ones we are.  The Federal government should not be in the business of charities or religion, or even suggesting such things to Americans...their job is to protect our borders and protect our wealth....and since they can't handle that, they sure can't handle the book of Matthew.  How about we give the government one thing at a time to do...first one is, simple math...hard choices, a little truth.  After that we give them something a little harder.  Health care is not something they can handle.

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #56 on: September 14, 2011, 10:06:01 AM »
...but it is possible for someone to dislike Obama and his policies and not be a racist at the same time.
Quite true, that. At the same time, the white racists definitely seem to have it in for President Obama, and... they seem well-represented in certain quarters, wouldn't you agree?

No I would not agree with that statement due to the very simple fact that Obama supporters' reflexive reply to anyone that disagrees with Obama is "You are a racist". The media and members here and members of the Obama regime are always attempting to paint his opponents as racists because they have nothing else to fall back on. It is old and it is worn out and it appears that the majority of this country is starting to see it for what it is-a bald faced lie.
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #57 on: September 14, 2011, 11:05:13 AM »
I've said it before, but I am sure I will have to say it again. This seems like a really simple concept to me, but maybe I am just a simple minded woman. People should help others because it is the right thing to do and not because it is Federally Mandated!  For the religious minds consider this when considering the quoted passages from the Book of Matthew...  If the Government Federally Mandates healthcare, then how will people use their free will and personal choice to choose to help others.  Matthew  25:31-46 convinces me more than ever that the Government has NO BUSINESS in matters such as these. How will we ever know the true nature of our people UNLESS we give people the chance to CHOOSE to help others.
does you Choice also give women the right to free choice? Now don't get me wrong- I'm against abortion. Just asking a question.

Offline XD40SC

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #58 on: September 14, 2011, 11:06:22 AM »
Ironglow, you are 'spot-on' with your comments!
Junior and XD40, you obviously have an agenda.  I totally disagree with everything that you avow, BUT...
I will defend until death your right to say it!  (Disagreeable and misguided as it is)!
Why does my asking a question, equate to having an agenda?

Offline XD40SC

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Re: Is this what the tea party is about ?
« Reply #59 on: September 14, 2011, 11:11:36 AM »
Heather...agreed.  The bible would not have come up at all except that XD is scratching and can't come up with anything else, so he uses religion as a crutch for his politics, with absolutley no regard for any Americans who might be of a different religion or even no religion.  And then make up the meaning of the bible to boot. I guess there are times when some of these socalists need the bible to cram government down our throats...but other times they don't need the bible at all I guess, depends on THEIR agenda.  At any rate...these types of people are out of steam...they got nothin left, so the claw at the walls with some pretty strange stuff. 
Yellowtail says some tea party folks are OK...some are racist randroids.  Fair enough.
So some of socialists on this sight might be OK, some are ignorant communists who would never fight for freedom, other people would do that for them and are too stingy to help anyone in need, they are lazy and expect government to give them stuff.
We all know who we are or which ones we are.  The Federal government should not be in the business of charities or religion, or even suggesting such things to Americans...their job is to protect our borders and protect our wealth....and since they can't handle that, they sure can't handle the book of Matthew.  How about we give the government one thing at a time to do...first one is, simple math...hard choices, a little truth.  After that we give them something a little harder.  Health care is not something they can handle.
Ah- the S. word. How many times does that make. lol You left out Nazi's and Hitler. Next time use them also and make it a trifecta. ;D