I think Contender shooters/owners has more to do with the type of shooter. Shooters who hunt once a year and never shoot a gun other than that are probably not Contender owners. Shooters who do not reload are probably not Contender owners. Yes, age probably has correlation but I think it's more correlated to the type of shooter more than anything.
I bought my first contender when I was 26. I started out shooting with single action pistols and shortly thereafter got my first contender. Did I want an AK-47 or some "bang, bang, bang" Hollywood type gun back then??? Yeah, but I had better sense. I was reloading then and I knew I could never reload worth a darn for an "ammo wasting" type gun. Instead, I went for accuracy and quality rather than quantity and whatever you want to call it.
I think being a Contender owner has also something to do with who or what type of person introduces shooting to you. If it's introduced to you buy Hollywood and TV, then you'll be an automatic, ammo wasting, non-reloading, non-accuracy type of gun owner. If it's introduced to you by an avid hunter, target shooter and/or re-loader, you'll probably find your way to either buying or becoming interested in Contenders or single shots.
Just my view on it.