Author Topic: RUGER # 1 lever swap to # 3 style  (Read 756 times)

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Offline tradegun

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RUGER # 1 lever swap to # 3 style
« on: September 16, 2011, 03:13:27 AM »
Is it possible to replace the lever on my #1 with a lever from a #3?
I really make my #1-B (257 ROB) but when hunting in the COLD weather I have a problem when wearing a glove. When I grasp the grip to shoot I trip the #1 style lever 50% of the time, not a problem at range but when hunting it is REAL problem.
any suggestions or advise ? 
I have a Win highwall and have never had a problem with that style lever!!

Offline Rangr44

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Re: RUGER # 1 lever swap to # 3 style
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2011, 05:31:34 AM »
There will be a few problems.
The #1's lever latch for the closed position is the triggerguard hole; a #3's is an internal receiver detent that the #1 lacks to hold a #3 lever closed.
The #3 lever was designed to fit with finger clearance for a straight grip, and not a pistol grip as on the #1, so most folks will find it difficult to insert even bare fingers between a #3 lever and a PG - exascerbating your problem is several ways.
I would suggest a refitting of the hook angle of the tip of the pivoting latch on your #1's issue lever, to gain a more positive engagement, as a first step.
Also - ensure that the engagement edge of the latching hole in the #1 TG is not worn, needing squaring or replacement.

FWIW, the experiences I am speaking from include owning several #1 & #3 rifles over the years, including a #3 that someone had installed a custom/aftermarket PG buttstock onto.

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Re: RUGER # 1 lever swap to # 3 style
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2011, 09:18:19 PM »
I've not had the problem you discribe though I'm not the most experienced No.1-3 shooter around. I would just change to a glove that will allow the clearance I need or put the middle finger over the tail of the action lever. I use a pair of picard leather thinsulate lined gloves with great success. They are thin enough to pick up a dime and keep hands (crippled with arthritis) comfy most of the time.. When they are not enough a pair of inmsulated chopper mittens are used the the right hand withdrawn prior to taking the shot.. I've not seen the problem rangr44 described but it seems plausible.. You might also look into a stiffer lever latch spring to make opening the lever a bit harder to accomplish.
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Offline tradegun

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Re: RUGER # 1 lever swap to # 3 style
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2011, 03:10:47 PM »
Thank you for the information I will try our idea Gunnut and practice putting my 3rd finger on the lever instead of under it.
Rangr 44 the lever latch opening in the lever is good I just have a problem with my hand flexing when I squeeze the trigger causing the action to open due to activating the release.
The input about the lever style difference between pistol grip and straight stock is KEY!
Thank you again for your input