New to this forum. Been on GBO for a while. Kinda' working my way down the list. Just purchased a Czech RV-85 launcher. It is brand new as far as I can tell. All steel and as with most Czech military and police equipment, very well made. I got mine from Centerfire Systems. Got all my ammo from Dan's Sporting Goods. About $3.50 per round plus Hazmat, but in quantity you get a better deal and the Hazmat evens out. He has several colors of flares, parachute flares, red multi-star flairs and several colors of smoke. Several people are making commercial rounds for reloading and of course the same rules apply for these as for the 37mm tubes unless you register it as a DD.
I can say they need a very good cleaning to get all the cosmoline, or what ever the Czechs use, out of the action.
Check them out.