. . .and if you chew gum your spit will even have that wintergreen smell of Wonderlube
From my experience . . . If you use
enough grease, you can shoot indefinitely without swabbing between shots. The problem is, just saturating the ball-patch with grease won't be
enough grease.
See my thread on paper cartridges for the rifle. I don't simply grease the paper patch. I form a "wasp-waist" between the patched ball and the powder case and fill that void with grease. This makes for a rather delicate cartridge making storage in a box necessary - loose in a bag I don't think would be good under hunting conditions.
So it has it's advantages and disadvantages, but that's the cool thing with muzzle loading. There isn't a one-size-fits-all method, but there are so many different methods that work you can find one that works for you.