There's no doubt that the gun seen in the second photo that OldSalt1841 posted is a replica, but I’m also now beginning to think that No.32 probably isn’t original either. It’s possible that this 3-inch Ordnance Rifle was moved to Knoxville from Andersonville, and it’s also possible that the National Registry contains an error, but the more I look at the rifling in that barrel, the more I’m convinced that this gun is not genuine.
I have been studying muzzle shots in seven photos of different 3-inch Ordnance Rifles that I have saved, and not one of them shows rifling as pronounced as the rifling of the gun shown in OldSalt’s photo. I’m even beginning to conjecture that that rifling isn’t cut into the bore, but is simply cast dummy rifling traveling a short distance down the bore to where the plug begins. I also made this observation which may turn out to mean nothing, because I haven’t had the opportunity to view the muzzle faces on all 570-something still extant rifled guns manufactured by the Phoenix Iron Co.; but of the seven pictures of muzzle faces that I have looked at, the U.S. Army Ordnance Registry numbers are all marked at 12 o’clock, and the Registry number marked on this gun’s muzzle face isn’t.
little seacoast,
If you could get there to check out this gun, these things would be of real interest: Take a good look at that bore plug and rifling. Is the plug made of iron, and does it look to be cast integral with the bore walls? If it does, then that would either mean that the barrel was originally cast that way (a replica), or molten iron was poured down the bore of the upright gun at a later date; and why would anyone bother doing the latter?
Look at both trunnion faces to see if there are markings there . This would be your call to make (if it’s even doable): The foundry numbers of these guns were stamped at the top of the right rimbase face, but you’d have to be able to lift the capsquare to view it, and many of these gun’s numbers have been worn away because of corrosion and friction with the capsquare (the foundry number of this gun is supposed to be 34). OldSalt already said that U.S. is marked on the top of the barrel, which is as it should be. The only other thing that I can think of, is to check the entire surface of the barrel for the name of a modern manufacturer that may be marked on it.