Your statement regarding SS is inaccurate. Paul Ryan, Speaker Boehner, and the GOP simply want to reform SS to keep it solvent (something the libs and Demoncraps have not done). My generation will not know SS as it is now, if it is even still an available program.
Your friend Obummer is the one the that said he could not guarantee SS checks would go out. Oh, wait a sec........the GOP-controlled House of Reps passed 3 different bills that funded the military, SS, Mcare and Mcaid and the Demoncraps in the Senate refused to consider the bill, because it makes them political hay. They say, "It did not make it through the is the evil Republicans preventing you from receiving your benefits."
Military retirement is no is the product of blood, sweat, and tears, something the welfare parasites could never understand. If we cut benefits, let's cut the welfare program called TANF.