Author Topic: Single Six accuracy and custom work  (Read 1786 times)

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Offline inthebeech

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Single Six accuracy and custom work
« on: September 20, 2011, 08:05:42 AM »
I just picked up an Old Model Single Six and am already aware of the effects of the two different bullet diameters going through a barrel that is sized more for the WMR.
Has anyone rebarreled their SS and if so what improvement (assuming you did it with a properly dimensioned barrel for the LR load) in accuracy did you experience. 
I am just curious what the difference was for those who had their guns rebarreled for optimum 22 LR ammunition.  Of course we are not making a fair comparrison since a replacement barrel is likely going to be from a barrel "maker" so for better or worse we now no longer have a Ruger 22 LR barrel but the point of this discussion is still valid because I will similarly have an aftermarket barrel installed.
To keep the comparrison limited to barrel influence only, you can assume that I would leave other features alone such as action smoothness and sear engagement, cylinder alighment, end shake, yada yada.

Offline Graybeard

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Re: Single Six accuracy and custom work
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2011, 12:38:48 PM »
I think folks are kidding themselves that the Ruger single six won't shoot .22 LR just as well as .22 magnum. Back when I could still see the sights and was shooting many thousands of rounds a year my best friend Billy Doss (deceased) had one with 9.5" barrel.

I had a S&W 17 with 8-3/8" barrel. If one gun was more accurate than the other we sure were never able to prove it. Both were perfectly capable of hitting six for six at 25 meters on a tiny little chicken swinger designed for shooting with .22 rifls. The little base, head and tail added a bit of space for lucky shots to hit but it was basically a half dollar size target.

We'd shoot matches of six shots on it and put up a quarter each winner takes the money. Some times there would be several of us and at other times just me and Billy. It was rare that the quarters were won with less than five of six hits and most of the time it took six to win. That was free handed at 25 meters not yards.

That's squirrel head accuracy freehanded at just shy of 30 yards. If you need more accuracy than that then maybe having a custom job done would help. I now have a gun like Billy's but these days I sure don't shoot as well as I did back then and can't see the sights so well either so I can't hit those little targets like I used to but I have no doubt the gun could if I was up to the task.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: Single Six accuracy and custom work
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2011, 02:51:18 AM »
saddly i have only two single sixes at the moment. Funny thing is one shoots mags better and one shoots lrs better. I can say though that ive never owned or shot a single six that couldnt be called accurate if a guy took the time to try a big enough varity of ammo in it. there real ammo sensitive and ive seen them that had a prefered ammo and would spray about anything else. Dave clements worked on a set of modifications to accurize a single six but i dont know if it ever got going. Bottom line is its expensive. Your almost better off to sell your single six and save for a FA 22 if its one hole accuracy your looking for. thing is most guys, even experienced handgunnes really have no need for that kind of accuracy in the field. A sixgun that will shoot one inch groups at 25 yards is about all you can really take advantage of anyway and most single sixes will do that if you experiment enough with ammo.
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Re: Single Six accuracy and custom work
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2011, 02:56:27 AM »
Have to agree with GB, Single Sixes can be very capable shooters with the right .22lr ammo.   In stead of spending the money on custom barrel jobs use the money to test every kind of ammo you can get your hands on until you find a couple that your particular SS likes the best.   Try the various match grade ammos out there such as Aquila Match Pistol or Eley Tenex.
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Offline inthebeech

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Re: Single Six accuracy and custom work
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2011, 03:19:49 AM »
Better news I couldn't have asked for.  Wherever those posters are who led me astray I hope they stay hidden since I was really dreading a new barrel on this nice old three screw I just bought.
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Re: Single Six accuracy and custom work
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2011, 03:19:09 PM »
My 'new' old model SS seems as good as any Ive had and better than some. Im having GBs problem of seeing the sights anymore, but on a side by side with a 70's something Colt's New Frontier .22LR (that I had kept because it was so darn accurate in my Bullseye days), the Ruger is doing as well on my 50yd. range. BTW, It has 3 tight chambers, and to make life easier I run my non-match ammo in/out of an old Paco Kelly sizer, then they all slide in fine. I got that idea when I tried some match ammo and it fit nicely. I was a little surprised, as this is my first Ruger SS. I am no match pistol shooter now, not by a long shot, but if I really wanted/needed a match 'cowboy' .22 it would be the FA, as mentioned.
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Offline inthebeech

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Re: Single Six accuracy and custom work
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2011, 03:37:16 AM »
Well, I was hoping that I was wrong and the advice here was right but it is not to be.
Seven brands and types of 22 LR ammo later and my Old Model Single Six can not stay inside eight inches at twenty-five yards.
And when a 22 cal bore brush literally goes through the bore with NO resistance, the suspicion is confirmed (I actually found a post somewhere that cautions Old Model SS owners when buying guns made in the exact time frame that mine was built - 1968).
The silver lining is that I now have an excuse to sent it off to Bowen or Clements for another custom Blackhawk.
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Offline cowboy66

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Re: Single Six accuracy and custom work
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2011, 04:12:47 AM »
Mine shoots both pretty much the same.

Offline gcrank1

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Re: Single Six accuracy and custom work
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2011, 05:03:32 AM »
Have you checked to see what Ruger will do for you?
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Re: Single Six accuracy and custom work
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2011, 05:04:56 AM »
Maybe you have the extremely rare 'shot only' model...... ;) .
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Offline Graybeard

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Re: Single Six accuracy and custom work
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2011, 06:33:33 AM »
My first one was likely from that era and shot well with both .22LR and .22 Magnum. I bought one of the first of the Stainless convertibles to come out and it was an excellent shooter with both as well.

Now I admit with the current one I have with 9.5" barrel I've shot darn few groups I consider really good but I also haven't shot it much and I'm not shooting tight groups with anything with iron sights these days so I'm not blaming the gun for my shaking hands and inability to see the sights clearly.

I think what I really have learned is that if I want to keep my shots on target these days I need to think bigger targets and/or closer ranges. Getting old is tough but I hear it beats the alternative.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline inthebeech

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Re: Single Six accuracy and custom work
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2011, 07:08:11 AM »
Thanks for the tip on calling Ruger; it couldn't hurt.  My gunsmith just estimated three months which means I'm without a short range "dispatch" weapon through much of small game season which is disappointing but I don't expect faster turn around from Ruger either.
This is just turning in to a melting pot of great excuses; now I have one to go purchase a back up rimfire for Small Game while this one is getting worked !!

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Re: Single Six accuracy and custom work
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2011, 08:27:41 AM »
I have no experience with the dual caliber single sixes but I remember a LOT of grousing in the gun magazines about accuracy going to pot after the change. I had one made right after the change from the flat gate that was very accurate. I've just stuck with it. I would love a ss one with adjustable sights but have never wanted to take a chance on getting one that won't shoot well.

Offline Brett

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Re: Single Six accuracy and custom work
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2011, 04:46:27 PM »
Send it back to Ruger.   I guarantee they will do right by you.  I've heard stories of Ruger going way above and beyond the required/requested repairs when guns have been returned to them for service.   Few companies have a better customer service program.
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Offline Mtn Jack

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Re: Single Six accuracy and custom work
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2011, 04:54:25 PM »
20years or so ago i made a single six hunter out of my stainless gun, it had a leupold 2 power and bases to match. It would shoot 5 eights inch groups at 25 yards with rem golden bullets. *It would not shoot the mags near as good. What really sucks is the gun was stolen out of my motor cabin. Since it was one off build i hope to see it at a range some day. It was also slinged, the same as the guy i find it with will be. Mtn Jack
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Offline Graybeard

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Re: Single Six accuracy and custom work
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2011, 07:21:32 PM »
If it was stolen the chances that the person who did so is still in possession of it is slim. Be careful what ya do to the guy you find with it cuz chances are you'll be in more trouble than him.

If you reported it the gun should be in the database and most any dealer taking it in is supposed to check and let the cops know. If you didn't report it and the SN you're kinda SOL even if you locate it.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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