I've had decent luck with the Dillon filer. I have the goodies for large and small primers. Of course they are here in town and have coached me on how to adjust it. They also said if it whipped my butt they would adjust it for me!!
The AA Turrets are great presses. I have used mine so much with a UNIFLO on the head that it actually has beat a groove in the cast iron over the years. I replaced an RCBS JR I started within 1975 when I got into IHMSA and needed more ammo. Of course then I upgraded to the Dillon 300's when I went into IPSC full force. Press acquisition has been driven by different competition needs. I even added a single stage last year after not owning one for over 30 years!!
I try to choose stuff that works for me. No gear snob cooking in my brain but I do try to buy more than what will just get the job done. I focus on convenience, speed and strength. Hench the three 300's so I don't have to swap stuff out!!