Author Topic: Okay, got my new revolver - 3d time was a charm!  (Read 1407 times)

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Okay, got my new revolver - 3d time was a charm!
« on: September 23, 2011, 05:58:41 AM »
As you can imagine I've had all the fun I can stand with the 5 shot pocket model Uberti's...  >:(  So I got the '51 Navy like I said I would.   :D  Not the London model though, they were sold out.  But the standard steel frame '51 goes well paired with my '61 Navy.  Sort of the same but different.   ;D
The first thing I did, after checking basic functioning of course, was to pull the revolver apart and give it a good scrubbing, cleaning off all the packing oil.  A carefull inspection showed me that the fit and finish were what I have come to expect from Uberti and the timing was perfect.  There were some sharp edges/metal curls on the interior, but nothing I'll even worry about smoothing out.  Use will take care of them.   ;)  My German caps fit the nipples (the CCI #10's were way to small) and fired without a hitch.  Nevertheless I will order a set of Ampco nipples.
Now for a range trip to see about accuracy and then I can concentrate on making a double holster rig!   ;D
Speaking of double gun rigs, Ivory grips would sure look nice on this pair...  :-\  I'm just saying...   :P
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Offline Fingers McGee

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Re: Okay, got my new revolver - 3d time was a charm!
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2011, 07:02:35 AM »

Speaking of double gun rigs, Ivory grips would sure look nice on this pair...  :-\  I'm just saying...   :P

Try American Holly for grips.  Looks and ages just like real ivory.
'61 Navies with new American Holly grips

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Re: Okay, got my new revolver - 3d time was a charm!
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2011, 07:09:21 AM »
OHHHHHHH!  AHHHHHHH! drool!   :P   I hate you Fingers...
Got a link for "American Ivory?"  I've been in contact with Tru-Ivory and ordered a set of scales for my Damascus blade but have not been impressed with their communication skills so far.   :-\   Especially considering the cost of their product...  ::)
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Re: Okay, got my new revolver - 3d time was a charm!
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2011, 08:21:33 AM »
American Holly -
I had mine done by Doc Shapiro; but, Klamath River woodworks does Am Holly too.
Fingers (Show Me MO smoke) McGee
Man of many Colt's and alter ego of Diabolical Ken
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Re: Okay, got my new revolver - 3d time was a charm!
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2011, 05:10:14 AM »
I tried the different brands and sizes of caps when I had my cap and ball revolvers and learned the following.  I have owned San Marcos Arms, Euroarms, Pietta and Uberti brands.  The CCI #10s were too small, the CCI #11s were on the stiff side.  I like the RWS #11s, slightly more stiff on fit compared to the Remington #11's but close.  Overall the Remington #11s were the best.  When I mention "stiff", that is in how they go on and stay on the gun's nipples.  A really stiff cap will tend to fall off easily when the gun is recoiling, a softer cap will mold itself better and stay on.   

I had a tin of CCI #10s that I tried to sell at our periodic gun club flee markets, no one would buy them.  Rather than throw them away I took a small scissors and cut a split into the side of each cap, this allowed it to spread out to fit onto the nipple of my revolvers, worked well and I got my money's worth. 

At his time I only have my Lyman single shot percussion plains pistol.  I have been using Remington #11s and will order some RWS #11s when I get new supplies this Winter.  Might try a tin of CCIs too as the single shot guns are forgiving.  The nipple that came with the Lyman was a soft metal stainless steel that had to be replaced after 4 visits to the range.  Dixie Gun Works sent me some nice bronze made ones that are much better after I talked to them on a replacement.

In all the years of shooting my cap and ball revolvers, I never replaced the nipples with an aftermarket type, I always used the factory ones.  I have read of people putting better nipples on but I never went that way.

AtlLaw...when you mentioned the lack of customer service communications with Tru-Ivory, it reminded me of some of the gun shops in my town.  There are 2 of them that I have purchased guns and ammo from, and when I asked them to call me when they got soft tip rifle ammo in stock, or a type of rifle, of which I wanted to buy, they never called me.  They asked for my name and phone number, never heard a thing.  I won't do business with them again.   :P   

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Re: Okay, got my new revolver - 3d time was a charm!
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2011, 08:30:56 AM »
I have had some problem getting what I consider to be a good fit from the caps that are available to me.  Since my local supplier only carried CCI and RWS I have mostly used those.  The RWS come closer then any to a good fit.
I did find one tin of Rem #10's but they were too small for any of my guns.  I'd try Rem #11's if I could find some locally.  Since I can't, it turned out to be easier to just get a set of Tresco nipples.  Of course I am still thinking about chucking up the factory nipples and laying sandpaper to them to get the CCI #10's to fit.   ;D
As far as TruIvory is concerned, I sent them my CC info on Sept. 12th.  The replied back that they would check their stock for what I wanted.  I haven't heard a thing from them since!   >:(  I'm glad they have so much business they don't need mine!   ::)  So the search for decent looking faux Ivory grips continues...  :-\
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Re: Okay, got my new revolver - 3d time was a charm!
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2011, 12:17:44 PM »
Enjoy that new Navy!  I've been wanting a .31 pocket pistol as well but have been maintaining my priorities  :-\ . Not much fun but more responsible.
 Those grips look great!! I'll be spending some time on their website just droolin'.

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Re: Okay, got my new revolver - 3d time was a charm!
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2011, 02:31:59 AM »
...I am still thinking about chucking up the factory nipples and laying sandpaper to them to get the CCI #10's to fit.   ;D  ...

I've done that, before decent replacement nipples were available it was the only way to get caps to fit the cones. 
I still lookat Italian C&B replicas as kit guns.  Some need more work than others but they all need work to get them shooting properly.  I have no experience withthe1851 but a bunch with the 1861s.  Mine seem to prefer the .380 ball and a full chamber of powder.  The smaller ball (.375) moves about but perhaps less powder would allow them to remain in place.  Never tried less powder as both of my 1861s hit where I aim with the full load.
American Holly looks nice.  have you considered American Ivory or as it is more commonly called, smooth stag?  I have a couple of revolvers stocked from shed elk antlers I found in Arizona.  The look nice and age well.
Enjoy that 1851, when is the second one coming?
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Re: Okay, got my new revolver - 3d time was a charm!
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2011, 06:03:30 AM »
Those grips look great!! I'll be spending some time on their website just droolin'.

Do you mean the TruIvory site?  If so I agree.  From the pictures that stuff looks marvelous!  Hi-ebber, and day always be a hi-ebber, as I have not heard from them since I sent them my CC info a month ago, I just sent them a pretty nasty email.  Well, nasty for me.   :-\  It was more of an observation that maybe, as the supplier for Colt, Brownell's and USFA, they are to busy to be concerned about the individual customer.  We'll see what they say, IF they bother to reply at all!   ::)
On a happier note, I am bound and determined to get out and shoot my new Navy this weekend!   ;D
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