MATT. I've seen that before. We were the ones attacked 10 years ago, actually the world was attacked by muslims well before that. We are fighting a G lobal W ar O n I slam, or GWOI. It's not just us. This cancer islam is murdering innocents all over the world 7 days a week. There are murders committed everey day worldwide but I do not post about them because you asked me not to. WE have to fight them wherever they are found. I'd be tickled to death to see all of our troops brought home and stationed on our borders, but that would give the you know whats free reign worldwide to plot and plan. They will attack us no matter what we do, or do not do. Look at Israel, all they want is to be left alone and build homes in the land God gave them. One 500th the size of her neighbors and yet the devils people still attack her trying to take what little land they have left. If REAL Americans start getting taken out on American soil, I'll start to worry, but as long as we are taking out self avowed traitors and muslim terrorists overseas, I'm all for it. If this scum had been a real American he would not of been there with other known terrorists and said he was proud to be a traitor to America. POWDERMAN.