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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #120 on: October 07, 2011, 04:00:40 PM »
The soul of the movement wants BHO and the rest of the criminals arrested and deposed...

How, exactly, would you know what the "soul" of the movement wants?  Seems like the participants aren't sure themselves.   ::)
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Offline OldSchoolRanger

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #121 on: October 07, 2011, 04:59:07 PM »
If they really wanted to do some good these protestors would march on Washington.

Go march on Washington It’s the real author of our woes  Last Updated: 12:15 AM, October 5, 2011
 Posted: 10:59 PM, October 4, 2011
             More Print     headshotStephen B. Meister
  The “Occupy Wall Street” crowd is grossly misinformed: The painful events they’re protesting -- the foreclosures, punishing unemployment rates and increased poverty levels -- are much more Washington’s fault than Wall Street’s.
Our current woes were set off by the collapse of the housing bubble. But why did housing crash after rising for over 60 years?
The blame starts with President Bill Clinton, who in 1994 ordered 10 federal agencies to blitz prudent lenders. Clinton’s “Interagency Task Force on Fair Lending” used the Community Reinvestment Act -- first enacted in the ’70s -- to force banks into lending to unqualified minority borrowers.
   Nice theater -- but not a clue about the real villains: One of the many “Occupy Wall Street” protesters oblivious to the roots of our economic mess. height=300 Reuters  Nice theater -- but not a clue about the real villains: One of the many “Occupy Wall Street” protesters oblivious to the roots of our economic mess.       Lenders who resisted were branded “redliners” -- supposedly “bigoted” banks who were cutting off credit to minority neighborhoods -- and targeted by Attorney General Janet Reno, who brought more than a dozen major fair-lending suits.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development forced “redliners” to sign “fair lending agreements.” The Federal Reserve Board blocked bank mergers over unproven charges of racially biased lending.
Meanwhile, Washington set quotas for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the quasi-governmental mortgage-lending giants: In 1996, 42 percent of the loans they originated or purchased had to be “affordable”; the target rose to 50 percent in 2000, and 56 percent by 2008.
In 2004, Fannie/Freddie head regulator Armando Falcon, Jr. rang the alarm, warning that their mortgage portfolio had grown risky -- and was savaged by “progressives.” Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-Queens) called it “an excuse to . . . change the direction and mission” of Fannie and Freddie. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) urged against using “safety and soundness concerns . . . to curtail Fannie and Freddie’s mission.” Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) simply declared: “I want to roll the dice.”
The private sector was happy to feed at the public trough: Like Typhoid Mary, Wall Street spread the contagion created by Washington by bundling the risky loans into mortgage-backed securities.
For a while it all worked, as massive taxpayer subsidies grew an immense housing bubble: Borrowers who found themselves in over their heads refinanced or sold their homes for a profit.
But when the bubble burst, and home prices plummeted, millions defaulted. Lenders drowned in an ocean of subprime loans that Washington had demanded they make. And, thanks to Fannie and Freddie, the taxpayers were on the hook for most of them.
Then the 2008 election gave full charge of the government to the “progressives” who’d made the mess in the first place. So the “comprehensive,” 2,300-page financial reform enacted in 2010 didn’t even mention Fannie or Freddie. And President Obama’s Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission issued a 550-page cover-up calling Fannie and Freddie bit players, never mentioning the CRA chicanery, and blaming it all on the “recklessness of the financial industry.”
Obama has only drawn out the painful correction process: He subsidized mortgage modifications for defaulting homeowners -- who soon re-defaulted. Through billions in “refundable” tax credits used as downpayments, he minted even more subprime loans.
Now Washington is caught in a great hypocrisy: Even as it sues 17 banks for cutting corners on loans sold to Fannie and Freddie, Obama insists the mortgage giants eliminate lending standards altogether for refinancing.
Meanwhile, the “robo-signing” scandal has slowed foreclosures. A few posturing state attorneys general seem to have derailed the effort to settle the claims of paperwork errors: The banks understandably insist they get a full release once they pay the billions the settlement requires -- but AGs like New York’s Eric Schneiderman and California’s Kamala Harris still want to punish the scapegoat banks.
Yet preventing foreclosures will only make matters worse; they must be completed so the houses of long-in-default borrowers can be placed in stronger hands.
A ray of hope: August’s existing-home sales -- an annualized 5.03 million -- were up a strong 19 percent from a year ago, long after the homebuyers tax credit expired and Obama’s other housing initiatives failed, and despite disruptions caused by Hurricane Irene and the “tightened” credit standards lenders are imposing (over Obama’s complaints).
This “teachable moment” shows Washington is the problem, and that the free market is the solution. The sooner our leaders recognize that, the faster relief will come.
Read more:

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #122 on: October 07, 2011, 05:27:25 PM »
I know I'm out of step with you guys but while I'm puzzled with the  objectives of the protestors I'm glad to see people protesting the status quo. We sit around and watch as the fat cat scum bankers are bailed out with OUR tax money and they continue to take huge compensation packages. We sit around and watch Bank of America sock it to the little guy with fees because they made bad decisions in extending credit. We sit around and watch those schmucks we call our representitives sitting on their behinds doing nothing and awaiting the day they can retire on their multimillion dollar pensions. We watch our representitives call social security an entitlement they'd like to deep six even though we and our employer have paid into a trust fund while these guys on capitol hill have been raping it for years. How do we protest-we write "blogs". So these people protesting the "status quo" in the street-my hat's off to them.

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #123 on: October 07, 2011, 05:52:32 PM »
Why do you think you’re out of step? Our government is completely corrupt and bailing out wall street and the banks is one sign of that corruption. Protesting the advantage that Wall Street has is no different than the advantage the Unions have. Wall Street and the banks are just bigger, so they get more of our money. Why did our tax dollars go to bail out state union pension funds as part of the Obama stimulus plan? It’s just as corrupt as bailing out GM, Chrysler, Bank of America, etc. It’s all equally corrupt. But I'm not going to protest with an organization that’s fighting for animal rights and making college education human right just because I happen to agree with them on the prior mentioned....Not to mention it’s all just an orchestrated scam to provide cover for Obama's sinking poll numbers. That’s why this is not happening in front of the White House/Washington. That’s the place of real power and the laws that allow wall street, the banks, the unions and rest to steal our tax dollars.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #124 on: October 08, 2011, 04:24:20 AM »
  Biden says the occupation gang and the Tea Party are both alike..Pelosi says the the occupiers are really nice folks..while the Tea Party is "un-American "..
  I really don't agree, but a picture is worth a thousand words...what do you think
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #125 on: October 08, 2011, 04:47:39 AM »
  Nancy Pelosi gets more hilarious every day;
    She says the occupiers are just nice American people who want the very best for our country, while the Tea Party are un-American scoundrels.
   Doesn't look that way to me..
    unless defying the law, tying up commerce and causing chaos and overburdening city services is "patriotic".
       Please note how the un-American ones react to the "Star Spangled Banner".
   Why hasn't Nancy Pelosi been placed in charge of the INTELLIGENCE committee.. Perhaps she and Joe Biden could "share the chair".  ;)   :D   ;D
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #127 on: October 08, 2011, 01:32:39 PM »
Its always easy to blame all the greed on corporations. At least a corporation by design, gives back by providing jobs. The fact is our government is over taken by greed from all entities including much of its citizens who only take from the system and give nothing in return. All this focus on corporate greed is misleading towards the full truth and the final fact is the buck stops in Washington and or the State Houses.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #128 on: October 08, 2011, 01:49:25 PM »
  TM says;
   "  Well IG...the TP primarily became a homogenous spokes group for right wing GOP agenda comprised of typical righty winger GOPer types who want to let corporations and Wall St off the hook...pretty prim, proper, and orderly; and they drive home at the end of the day...all allowable and sanctioned in spite of some racist allegations, spitting on a Congressman, and beating up a women, and brandishing guns, calling BHO Hitler or the joker, etc.. There mesasage is concise...stop growth and spending of governmnet and get rid of democrats...admirable but mainly a corporate agenda.  Dr Paul, originator of the TP, seems to have distanced himself from this wing of the GOP realizing it got hyjacked".
   I don't quite know how to break it to you, but that is all a construct in your own mind.  Here is some enlightenment..
  1. Your "homogeneous" remark is rather obtuse and evidence that you have no clue as to the composition of the Tea Party.
  There are short, tall, fat & thin.. black, white and all in between.  There are rich and poor, although most are neither.
  2)  If by  homogeneous, you mean bathed in the last week or so, don't smell like a wet dog, know how to cut & comb their hair,  refrain from signs with filthy words, wear fairly clean clothes and enough of them, and wholesome family scenes common....perhaps you have a point !
  3) None of them want corporations let off the hook.  Most didn't want either Bush or Obama to bail them out, most sayuing .."let them file for reorganization".  None of them would have approved of Obama's flushing billions of dollars away on such trash as "Solyndra".
 4) Sure they go home at the end of the day..taxpayer owned city streets and parks are not meant to be shanty towns for the shiftless.
 5) "racist allegations" cheap allegations..and a lie. "spitting on a congressman" a proven lie. (that race card is STILL not worn out for some diehard liberals) even though people like Herman Cain, Congressman Tim Scott (SC), and Congressman Allen West (FL) put the lie to it !
 6) "beating up a woman, brandishing etc" don't know what you're talking about, perhaps some remote incident..even by a bystander TP member. 
  Are you ready to take responsibility for every stupid act done by ANY of that riff-raff now clogging city streets ?
 7) Stopping govt growth IS a VERY admirable aim, for the sake of INDIVIDUAL rights..
     Stopping the absolutely insane spending of the Obamanites is mandatory if this nation is to survive (not so sure Obama really wants it to).
     Stopping the Democrats..important for the above reasons and more, if getting rid of them is what is required, so be it !
   This is not a "corporate agenda", but should be the agenda of any red-blooded American, who wants to preserve the USA !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #129 on: October 08, 2011, 02:03:10 PM »
Well IG...the TP primarily became a homogenous spokes group for right wing GOP agenda comprised of typical righty winger GOPer types who want to let corporations and Wall St off the hook...pretty prim, proper, and orderly; and they drive home at the end of the day...all allowable and sanctioned in spite of some racist allegations, spitting on a Congressman, and beating up a women, and brandishing guns, calling BHO Hitler or the joker, etc.. There mesasage is concise...stop growth and spending of governmnet and get rid of democrats...admirable but mainly a corporate agenda.  Dr Paul, originator of the TP, seems to have distanced himself from this wing of the GOP realizing it got hyjacked..
The rebellion centerd in NYC is not homogenous is comprised of all sorts of people from all walks of life who know something is wrong and they've been ripped off.....and they are focusing on the de facto US governmnet...the money governmnet in NYC...If hyjackers are kept out of this movemnet, I'm sure they will congeal their message into more formal statements...which they have on various social media apart from mass media characterizations.

Well put TM!
I see most of these people as young Americans who want to do something now, Wake people up now, instead of waiting on the inevitable.As far  a corporation by design giving back by providing jobs, that might have flown a few years ago, but wake up! Where are the jobs provided by the corporations now? I don't see any in my neck of the woods!
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #130 on: October 08, 2011, 03:29:13 PM »
Typical liberals they want to use the government to mug the folks who have the things  they want, but are too useless and lazy to to get those things for themselves. These occupiers as with any liberal supporters are what is wrong with this country and more of a threat to our liberty than the scumbags in DC or any of our enemies around the world.

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #131 on: October 08, 2011, 03:36:42 PM »
Well IG...the TP primarily became a homogenous spokes group for right wing GOP agenda comprised of typical righty winger GOPer types who want to let corporations and Wall St off the hook...pretty prim, proper, and orderly; and they drive home at the end of the day...all allowable and sanctioned in spite of some racist allegations, spitting on a Congressman, and beating up a women, and brandishing guns, calling BHO Hitler or the joker, etc.. There mesasage is concise...stop growth and spending of governmnet and get rid of democrats...admirable but mainly a corporate agenda.  Dr Paul, originator of the TP, seems to have distanced himself from this wing of the GOP realizing it got hyjacked..
The rebellion centerd in NYC is not homogenous is comprised of all sorts of people from all walks of life who know something is wrong and they've been ripped off.....and they are focusing on the de facto US governmnet...the money governmnet in NYC...If hyjackers are kept out of this movemnet, I'm sure they will congeal their message into more formal statements...which they have on various social media apart from mass media characterizations.

Well put TM!
I see most of these people as young Americans who want to do something now, Wake people up now, instead of waiting on the inevitable.As far  a corporation by design giving back by providing jobs, that might have flown a few years ago, but wake up! Where are the jobs provided by the corporations now? I don't see any in my neck of the woods!

I thought Obama was the one that promised all the jobs? What corporations are promising all these new jobs in this environment? How can a business hire people if they are taxed and regulated out of business by Washington?
Yes wake up! Look at what the real problem is. Too bad these people have no idea who the real decision makers are. If you want undo influence out of the process, you have to change the process makers and they are in Washington. And what does a free college education and animal rights have to do any of this anyway? ::)
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #132 on: October 08, 2011, 04:34:32 PM »

Well put TM!
I see most of these people as young Americans who want to do something now, Wake people up now, instead of waiting on the inevitable.As far  a corporation by design giving back by providing jobs, that might have flown a few years ago, but wake up! Where are the jobs provided by the corporations now? I don't see any in my neck of the woods!

Who employs people in your area?
I know in mine at least 75% are employed by corporations.

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #133 on: October 08, 2011, 05:47:07 PM »
Where is Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young ?
This Anti Capitalism event is a cross of Woodstock and a little Bolshevik Revolution in appearance
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #134 on: October 08, 2011, 06:34:41 PM »

Well put TM!
I see most of these people as young Americans who want to do something now, Wake people up now, instead of waiting on the inevitable.As far  a corporation by design giving back by providing jobs, that might have flown a few years ago, but wake up! Where are the jobs provided by the corporations now? I don't see any in my neck of the woods!

Who employs people in your area?
I know in mine at least 75% are employed by corporations.

Living in a Timber area , most of the people are employed by Family owned Timber Companies.
Most of the Corps in my area have moved off shore.I would guess 10 to 15% employed by Corporations. Probably government jobs are right at the top with medical field somewhere in there.

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #135 on: October 09, 2011, 12:51:55 AM »

Well put TM!
I see most of these people as young Americans who want to do something now, Wake people up now, instead of waiting on the inevitable.As far  a corporation by design giving back by providing jobs, that might have flown a few years ago, but wake up! Where are the jobs provided by the corporations now? I don't see any in my neck of the woods!

Who employs people in your area?
I know in mine at least 75% are employed by corporations.

Living in a Timber area , most of the people are employed by Family owned Timber Companies.
Most of the Corps in my area have moved off shore.I would guess 10 to 15% employed by Corporations. Probably government jobs are right at the top with medical field somewhere in there.
   Most American based corporations would prefer to operate here. When you say that many have moved offshore, keep in mind..they didn't do that voluntarily !  Common sense tells us that most people and/or corporations would prefer to operate right where they started, rather than to go to the considerable trouble and expense of moving to a foreign country.
  Unfortunately, they have been forced to, by some of the highest tax rates in the world..they have also been forced to move due to the most egregious and petty environmental laws anywhere in the world and having to try to operate a business within the strictures of volumes of unnecessary "regulations" foisted upon them by Washington bureaucrats.....
      If these OCCUPIERS of public property were as smart as they think they are and had a modicum helping of honesty, they would be in Washington, DC..picketing the Obama administration, the EPA, enviro-whackos in govt...and the out-of-control spending.  They could also be confronting the very unions which have driven expenses up and corporations offshore..
   .. But don't hold your breath..this gang of rabble is bought and paid for by the administration and unions...for the express purpose of squelching the true movement for constitutional freedom, as represented by the Tea Parties.
   Oh, they may send a token group to Washington to deflect criticism...but they won't be chanting their simple slogans demanding Obama's resignation... ;)   :D   ;D
  It is interesting indeed, to see apparently former, Ron Paul backers turning against their own "Mr Tea Party" and falling for Obama's pied pipers of anarchy and chaos.. :P
 ....It is indeed interesting to note that these sweet, young OCCUPIERS tried to force entry into the National Air & Space Museum.   Who knows what damage they would have done, had they gained entry..
   An interesting sidelight...if their intentions are completely honest and above board, why do they wear masks..just as common terrorists around the world are now doing ?
    We don't see this with the Tea Parties...
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #136 on: October 09, 2011, 04:34:26 AM »
If these OCCUPIERS of public property were as smart as they think they are and had a modicum helping of honesty, they would be in Washington, DC..picketing the Obama administration, the EPA, enviro-whackos in govt...and the out-of-control spending.  They could also be confronting the very unions which have driven expenses up and corporations offshore..
   .. But don't hold your breath..this gang of rabble is bought and paid for by the administration and unions...for the express purpose of squelching the true movement for constitutional freedom, as represented by the Tea Parties.
   Oh, they may send a token group to Washington to deflect criticism...but they won't be chanting their simple slogans demanding Obama's resignation
Pretty well what I've been saying. I still think obummer and the dnc are behind this, too well funded and organized. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
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What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #137 on: October 09, 2011, 04:42:56 AM »
Thats 100% correct PM. This group wants more government intervention in our daily lives, higher regulatory controls, higher tax on those that pay tax and more government hand outs. They are nothing more than a deflection for obama's sinking pole numbers and they fear him losing in 2012 will shut down the hand outs. Thats all they are.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #138 on: October 09, 2011, 05:09:37 AM »
IG....if corps wanted to operate in the USA--they simply would.....but they choose not to citing all manner of complaints. The occuppywallst group wants Obama deposed claiming he is nothing more than a Wall St. puppet, just like all his predessessors....this is clearly stated by the rebels......TM7
Complete falsehood. No place on the Occupy Wall Street gripe list is the deposing of Obama listed. It’s mostly all bigger government left wing agenda.
Complete falsehood that corporations "simply" would. That’s utterly absurd. I have worked for OEM's for 30+ years on the operations & manufacturing side and I can tell you are dead wrong. I have P&L and Budget responsibility at a public corporation and have at a number of others in the past over 30 years. You are just totally off base as to what the issues are here, the imperatives and the motivations.

Avery Hayden Wallace
Obama Administration: A corrupt criminal enterprise of bold face liars.
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #139 on: October 09, 2011, 05:37:25 AM »
I wasn't gonna post in this forum again, but TM forces me in to it.
these corps that go overseas do so because of their commitment to the stockholders to pay dividends.  they can't do it here because of over regulation and high taxes.
per coke CEO, china is a much friendlier business environment.
what does that say about us ?
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Give me liberty, or give me death

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #140 on: October 09, 2011, 05:40:14 AM »
What else can matter to a business in the end TM? How do you stay in business if the P&L is a loss? You don;t know what your talking about. Look at how many businesses have shut down. Do you think they shut down because the P&L is in the black? How do you sell a product if it cost 30% more than the next guys? You Libs just keep peddeling the same trash about greed being the motive while the jobs just keep going off shore......
In the end a business is a business and it must trun a profit. Solyndra is the perfect show case. To keep jobs on shore they were losing money on every sale. The only thing that kept them alive was the infusion of tax dollars. If we want jobs to come back and or remain in this country we have to create a tax and regulatory environment that is competitive with those countries that are taking the jobs. How you can disagree with this plain fact is why the jobs just keep going.
You say your not in favor of bail outs but that is the only way a business that operates in the red stay in business. Just admit it, you don;t want to call it a bail out, but you are in favor of redistribution of both private and corporate wealth at the hands of the politicians. Bigger government that takes yet a more forcefull hand in the private affairs of business is what you and the Occupy Wall Street protesters want. Bigger more intrusive government with reduced freedom for its citizens is the goal.
Avery Hayden Wallace
Obama Administration: A corrupt criminal enterprise of bold face liars.
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #141 on: October 09, 2011, 06:45:59 AM »
uh, can someone tell me what wall street is EXACTLY charged with.  all I see is jealousy of rich folks.
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #142 on: October 09, 2011, 07:02:44 AM »
uh, can someone tell me what wall street is EXACTLY charged with.  all I see is jealousy of rich folks.
       I think you nailed it Bugeye.  That's what it always seems to come down to.
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #143 on: October 09, 2011, 07:46:24 AM »
 :P Somehow, there is a comprehension deficit around here !
   A)  Corporations are owned by stockholders and are expected to return a profit, otherwise nobody would invest..neither their 401K or IRA pplan..
  B) There is not a great quantity of patriotism in a is NOT a living organism.  When politicians want to tax a corporation out of the country or out of existence..we wonder if those politicians have any patriotism.
  C) I am not greatly in favor of "tax breaks" for corporations, but governments..federal, state and local... have found them necessary, if the corporate entity is to stay in their area.
  D) Corporate bottom line is profits for their stockholders..not hard to understand..   If ant patriotism is to be found, any humans they CEO or politician will have to instill it in the dialogue.
  TM says;
     " Many of these people could actually be considered conservative, but have been gamed and  out of work so long that their eyes have been they're standing up agianst the TPTB"
   Could have fooled me..they don't look very conservarive.. ;)   :D   ;D   :o   :P 
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #144 on: October 09, 2011, 08:31:52 AM »
TM says;
     " Many of these people could actually be considered conservative, but have been gamed and  out of work so long that their eyes have been they're standing up agianst the TPTB"
   Could have fooled me..they don't look very conservative.. ;)   :D   ;D   :o   :P

 ;D    ;D    ;D

 ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #145 on: October 09, 2011, 09:59:30 AM »
And it's kinda hard to deceive when we have sources other than from those who blow smoke.  ::)
There is nothing Conservative about this Anti-Capitalism movement.
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #146 on: October 09, 2011, 01:40:07 PM »
What else can matter to a business in the end TM? How do you stay in business if the P&L is a loss? You don;t know what your talking about. Look at how many businesses have shut down. Do you think they shut down because the P&L is in the black? How do you sell a product if it cost 30% more than the next guys? You Libs just keep peddeling the same trash about greed being the motive while the jobs just keep going off shore......
In the end a business is a business and it must trun a profit. Solyndra is the perfect show case. To keep jobs on shore they were losing money on every sale. The only thing that kept them alive was the infusion of tax dollars. If we want jobs to come back and or remain in this country we have to create a tax and regulatory environment that is competitive with those countries that are taking the jobs. How you can disagree with this plain fact is why the jobs just keep going.
You say your not in favor of bail outs but that is the only way a business that operates in the red stay in business. Just admit it, you don;t want to call it a bail out, but you are in favor of redistribution of both private and corporate wealth at the hands of the politicians. Bigger government that takes yet a more forcefull hand in the private affairs of business is what you and the Occupy Wall Street protesters want. Bigger more intrusive government with reduced freedom for its citizens is the goal.

So you're against direct wellfare to corps in form of bailouts....but indirect welfare in form of offshoring, zeroing taxes, deregging, exempting, polluting.... that's all OK.  I see...that should make America real strong... ::)   Fact remains, modern corps are gamers of the system as directed by Wall St governmnet...40 years of taxcuts open borders labor..revolving door gov-to-industry-back-to-gov leadership and they still can't make a profit.  ??? ::)   That's BS...OWS is correct> its the GREED....that's all that drives that mindset and its putting and end to America.....
If you're so enamored to countries that are competitive and thriving..just go there without taxpayer assistence...but expect tariffs if you want to sell your stuff here. And meanwhile perhaps we should adopt the tax struture of one of the world's top econmies:
Meanwhile: number of OWS rebels charged or jailed = 1100; number of Wall St criminals charged or jailed = 0.
Hopefully, OCW can keep the tentacles of or other Demopublican hyjackers off them and evolve into to the NATIONALISTS PARTY of America...long overdue....

No I am not in favor of sending jobs overseas. But if you’re faced with closing the doors for good for everyone or sending some of the jobs overseas to cut costs so you can stay in business, what would you do? You would do it because the alternative is worse for everyone else at the company including this country.
You liberal socialists love to ignore the facts and hate to address the real issues because it goes against your political and social ideology. You must maintain that all business is evil to further advance the social welfare state status and grand control of micro managing every business. You cannot leap to the conclusion that sending jobs overseas as bad as it is is any form of corporate welfare. Welfare is when a company gets/takes money from the system. So that’s BS. Welfare, look at your Occupy Wall Street agenda that is a movement to advance the welfare state!
Go ahead and stop all bail outs, corp. welfare, citizen welfare...but you won’t agree that bail outs are bad because if you did you would have to agree that the rest of the Union pension fund bail outs were wrong. There is no comparison TM. If a company cuts costs, that is not a bail out. That’s 100% pure BS. Why should a company be placed under your rules of control? Talk about advancing the corporacracy...Your point is crystal clear. Your fine with bail outs and subsidies for corporations as long as they are under your control at the same time by the central government planners.
Avery Hayden Wallace
Obama Administration: A corrupt criminal enterprise of bold face liars.
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #147 on: October 10, 2011, 04:28:42 AM »
TM, all your link does is make a good comparison between George III and obama.
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #148 on: October 10, 2011, 09:02:33 AM »
      One problem with this OCCUPATION mob is that they really don't speak with one voice.  Oh yes, they are all left wing..far left wing, but they each have their major axe to grind.  Some are "animal rightsers" some "anti-vaccination", some "anti Jew" , some "anti Christian" etc.. Indeed these are all left wing positions, but not all are held by all left-wingers.
   And when they claim the 99% majority..we KNOW that is BS..Just ask the people on this forum..
   ..But now the Democrats are claiming this rabble..they ought to, they created the mess !  It's their baby, they now own it !
  Some believe the Tea Parties are tied with the Republicans..I identify with the Tea Parties..but not the Republicans, and I believe the majority of the Tea Partiers feel that way.
  I would however assume the Republicans feel more comfortable being identified with the Tea Parties rather than the OCCUPIERS...see photos, reply #159
  The Dems shouldn't get too comfortable with these's a sampling..
  BTW:  TM, I thought you didn't like OCCUPATION forces and their bullying tactics..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #149 on: October 10, 2011, 09:41:35 AM »
mass media will now get behind the occupiers because the democrat party has just put their official stamp of approval on a group of vandals, druggies, communists, and other folks who want MY money.
it was on the news about an hour ago.
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