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Offline tattoo13

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #180 on: October 12, 2011, 05:31:13 AM »
So millions of families and working folks speaking up about being played, gamed, ripped off, living standards marginalized; wanting a fairer shake in the system is evil 'Socialism'
....yet you paint them as sole creators of OWSt movemnet when we know the demonstration is not homogenoeus at all consisting of a cross section of Americans and organizations.

So millions of families and working folks speaking up about being played, gamed, ripped off, living standards marginalized; wanting a fairer shake in the system is evil 'Socialism',,,

I specifically was talking about the Working Families Party, you know it and you trying to suggest I was directing my comments at actual families is insulting and works only to show you in a negative light.

but a handfull of Oligarchs buying influence, setting the rules, receiving giant mega bailouts, promoting Globalism, wrecking the system and still in power is good 'Capitalism'...all bow to Ceasar!  This is really Alice in Wonderland--thru the looking glass philosophy better suited to the TLC forum perhaps.

You assume too much and we all know where that gets us. Specifically you assume I am for and against things I have not spoken about, once again insulting and only goes to show you have nothing to stand on other than insinuations and casting stones.

BTW, what political party or candidate doesn't have any contribution faux paux..? I don't know much about the WFParty except they existed before OWSt for 15 or more years

I think all political parties are crooked and have broken campaign finance laws, thing is the "Working Families Party" is one that speaks out against those evil corporations that try to broker influence, yet themselves break the same laws. Hypocrisy is the large sign that the "WFP" may not be what it seems.

....yet you paint them as sole creators of OWSt movemnet when we know the demonstration is not homogenoeus at all consisting of a cross section of Americans and organizations.

I actually did not paint anyone as anything, I simply posted that the "WFP" was offering money to people for coming out and protesting, I did suggest it is hard for a protest to even appear to be earnest when they are paying people to show up. For example if I paid 10,000 people to show up to a protest against building a church, would that be an actual protest or just a bunch of people looking for money?
I also posted a video that suggests SEUI and ACORN (along with the "WFP") have been involved with organizing the Occupy Wall Street Protest from the start.

Read Rothschild much...?

Jennifer, Author, Walter, David de, Helene, Joel?? Lots of Rothschilds out there writing.


Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #181 on: October 12, 2011, 05:34:00 AM »
hang in there TM, if your boy gets reelected and nationalizes all the corps and puts us in communes raising root vegetables and confiscates our guns (I doubt if you own one) and makes islam the official religion.  you will be in YOUR utopia.
I think all you OWSers will be in for a big disappointment if it happens.
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Offline tattoo13

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #182 on: October 12, 2011, 06:46:44 AM »

I didn't say said that. What i said is millions of families have had enough of the gaming and wrecking of the system at their expense by the hands of an elite Oligarchy, little more than Globalist actually, while their standard of living declines and their wealth extracted.

Yes there are and mine is one of them, problem is there is a difference of views in how we got here and how to fix it.

Tattoo has tried to paint them as sole purveyors of the OWSt movemnet and you have latched on to this idea which is patently false...the OWCt seems to be a cross section of many many different Americans and organizations wanting a fairer shake.

That is a lie that I have address before, I have provided information that the WFP have offered people pay to join the protest, seems a bit disingenuous to pay people to protest, are they there to support the cause of the protest or are they there for money?
I have also provided information that both SEIU and ACORN were involved in the protest from the start raising the question was this an actual rise up of the people to protest or an organized event to push an agenda?
I think it is a legitimate question.

In America, home of democracy, it is odd that millions of families and workers coming together are termed 'socialist' as perjorative, but if millions came together to promote your Oligarchical corporatism that would be called free capitalism. 

Socialism is a economic/political theory, it is definable, just so we are on the same page here is the definition:
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property, a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in theory transitional between and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

You say socialism is a pejorative, but in truth is it just a word used to explain a political system, if you believe in socialist principles shout it out loud, why be embarrassed about it? Well maybe the whole demanding what is not yours is a good reason to hide behind terms like "progressive", but what they heck we all know what that really means anyway.

It sure sounds like a lot of the OWS crowd is espousing socialist principles, free college education, debt forgiveness for student loans, demanding good paying jobs, ending wealth inequality, free health care...
What I have mentioned are socialist principles.

This WF party apparently represents some of these people, and I only know about the WF party from what is on their website.

I think now is a good time to address this.
The WFP has is socialist party.
Look at their agenda right from their website: paid sick days for all, subsidized housing, Government funded "Green" jobs and home upgrades, clean elections (see why I find it interesting that they were busted for breaking campaign finance law), free preschool and college education, better jobs and higher minimum wage, paid family leave for all, cheaper and better public transportation...
These are all socialist principles, they involve confiscating money from the people and putting it to use for what they determine is the public good.
S o c i a l i s t.
No insult, no pejorative, it is what it is.

Offline tattoo13

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #183 on: October 12, 2011, 07:10:43 AM »

So what? abot whatever you want...I'll talk about what I want, and I'll go to tangents if I want...You don't confine or limit discussions here...Fact is despite your protest...millions of families and workers are getting the idea they've been played and had enough.

So what? I am just pointing out you have misrepresented what I posted, did I post about how the "WPF" is paying for protesting.
You can talk about what ever you like, and I just ask that I am allowed to refute accusations levied against me.

I make assumptions based on your posts and prejudices therein...communication ios based on this premise.  Don't posts tuff and then say that's not what I mean,,,or backoff form the direction of your postss...very disingenous

I never backed off my post, I just clarified what my intention was, you made an assumption and ran with it.
I pointed out you assume to understand my social political mindset based on a couple posts I made pointing out how the start of the Occupy Wall Street Protest may have been disingenuous.

OK agreed,,,then why are you highlighting this about the WF party..? Got an agenda?

Yes I dislike the Working Families Party, I see them as a socialist action party and when I see the party do things directly against their own agenda I point it out. A political party that demands clean elections and then breaks campaign finance laws themselves is pretty hypocritical.

No you didn't just insinutaed the WFP was running the show and paying people to be at the demosnstration in attempt to plant seeds and mislead readers to think OWSt was strictly a marxist or commie movement...which it is not....What you fail to understand is that the movement is not so much 'money' movement by your measures; but is actually a 'moral' movement by higher standards.  I don't think you et al can get this.

I did not insinuate that the WFP was paying people to be at the demonstration I provided proof.
I also provided information that SEIU and ACORN were involved with the OWS Protest from the start.
I posted both things because no matter the intent of some of the OWS Protesters the "Movement" is being co-opted by socialists.

Just to get on record, I support 80% of what was originally posted as the Occupy Wall Street Demands.
Thing is the crowd has grown and the loudest segment has become the class warfare, all my debts should be forgiven, my PHD in horticulture only got me a $10/hour job I deserve more. Those are the people I have no interest in hearing.


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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #184 on: October 12, 2011, 07:51:40 AM »

Not a is what you have been trying to do, to deliberately maligned the movemnet of vairous organizations and citizens by focusing on just one group, the WFP, who you perjoratively classify as 'socialistic'.

So providing information you don't like because you feel it shows something you support in a bad light is going to be me trying to malign a whole movement?
Sorry, the facts are the facts, I posted them, it gives people information as to what may be fueling the OWS Protests.
As for the WFP being a socialist party, well does their agenda meet the definition?

No, I did't say that...what I said is you and others use the term 'socialism' pejoratively, thinking that the people will buy into your effort to malalign the OWSt movement trying to link it to some marxist or commie movemnet. This is just democracy...democracy is a social movemnet of civilly minded people who come together for a common this cause deposing of the criminals that have ripped them off, bought and ceased the government, waged wars, wreck the environmnet and run the country like slave camp.  You seem to support his stuff; and attempt to use the WFP pejoratively to this end. Like it or not citizens exercising democracy in unison is a 'social' movement . 

Socialism and Democracy are not independently exclusive, you can have a socialist democracy.
Problem is we live in a Representative Republic, we are governed by a Constitution.
The rule of law that we are governed by is what we need to look to not what feels good, or seems to be the nice way to do things.
As of right now, I would say 80-90% of our politicians and 50% of our business people deserve to be in prison.
After that I am sure we would disagree on where to go with rebuilding our country.
As for using the WFP pejoratively, follow the money, when you see an organization pouring money into a "movement" you should start asking why.

You better check alittle closer...more specifically what they are actually complaining about is being preyed upon by the monopolist running things a model that has failed the People and wrecked our fair system. This group of criminals needs to be deposed and prosecuted.

I do agree, but I doubt we would completely agree on how we have been preyed upon. I would like to know how our system is wrecked, care to share?

So what....lot of these things are actually needed. People don't want to be poisoned or kept dumb...any moral person regardless of your labels could call for same platform. Now what exactly was their campaign finance violation that bugs you..??

So you think everyone should get to go to the college of their choice for free?

As for these "socialist yet moral principles" do you think it is moral to take from someone else just because they are more successful?

And as for WFP again, here is an article from the Daily Kos:

I think a political party demanding from and then doing exactly what they are trying to stop is enough for me to be bugged.

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #185 on: October 12, 2011, 08:09:17 AM »
  One thing sure..and it is on display right there among the rabble..
        "Working Families Party"...bears no relationship to actual working families..
   It sure is a lot of hubris by this motley bunch of brigands to say they are the 99%...while the 1% works on Wall st !
    That is not only is pure unadulterated ..BS !
       Judging by an informal count right here, those figures would actually be very close to the reversed..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #186 on: October 12, 2011, 08:18:16 AM »
  One thing sure..and it is on display right there among the rabble..
        "Working Families Party"...bears no relationship to actual working families..
   It sure is a lot of hubris by this motley bunch of brigands to say they are the 99%...while the 1% works on Wall st !
    That is not only is pure unadulterated ..BS !
       Judging by an informal count right here, those figures would actually be very close to the reversed..
IG, didn't you know they are all dislexic.  they see everything backwards.

still anxiously waiting for a certain person to "own" socialism.
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #187 on: October 12, 2011, 09:42:06 AM »
wall st. criminals ???  I still haven't heard what crime they are charged with.

marines ?  I don't have sound but they are not in uniform.  they'll probably turn around and join the guys behind them smoking dope.
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Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #188 on: October 12, 2011, 10:27:24 AM »
You know we have laws on the books to prevent oligarths or monopolies.  Starting back 30-40 years ago, the government allowed Corning to buy out a lot of other clay and glass making small industry.  Corning became big.  Same with oil companies.  My hometown once had Amoco, Texaco, Shell, Chevron, Gulf, Pure, Sinclair, Esso, Union 76, Phillips 66, and maybe some others.  They had gas wars, and gas was selling at less than $0.25 per gallon.  Now I can only name on one hand the gas stations we have.  BP and shell, Sam's club, Walmart, Exxon, and Chevron.  Only a few and only 5 make 85% of all gasoline in America.  Not enough competition.  Big box stores have shut down small stores.  Only two railroads are in the whole state of Alabama now.  CSX and Norfork-Southern.  Had several smaller ones years ago.  Even guns are that way now.  Cerebus Corp now owns Remington, H&R, Bushmaster, DPMS, and Marlin.  Only leaves Ruger and Smith&Wesson as the only other major American manufacturers.  I know Kel-tec and Kimber are there, and a few others, but they are a nitch market.  Browning and Winchester are owned by the same company.  Colt is all but out of business.  Competiton is not what it used to be.  More competition would yield lower prices and more prosperity for all. 

Offline tattoo13

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #189 on: October 12, 2011, 10:41:57 AM »
With current day regulation, laws and tax structure it makes it difficult if not impossible for small businesses to succeed.
Good luck encouraging competition when they can't get off the ground.

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #190 on: October 12, 2011, 10:58:06 AM »
back in the old days, a man could get a business license from the city, a sales tax exemption from the state and he's good to go.
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Offline OldSchoolRanger

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #191 on: October 12, 2011, 10:58:58 AM »

So what? abot whatever you want...I'll talk about what I want, and I'll go to tangents if I want...You don't confine or limit discussions here...Fact is despite your protest...millions of families and workers are getting the idea they've been played and had enough.

TM - Guess your sorry, you don't have the ability to delete posts on this forum?  You know, sometimes the truth hurts.

OK agreed,,,then why are you highlighting this about the WF party..? Got an agenda?

I would love to ask you the same question. Do you?

No you didn't just insinutaed ....   

But, isn't this what you do on a regular basis? Guess the same rules don't apply to you do they?  :o

tatoo 13 - good posts.

"You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts." - Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When you allow a lie to go unchallenged, it becomes the truth.

My quandary, I personally, don't think I have enough Handi's but, I know I have more Handi's than I really need or should have.

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #192 on: October 12, 2011, 12:17:42 PM »
Great posts tattoo. The truth always trumps a lie.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline powderman

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #193 on: October 12, 2011, 01:07:16 PM »
OSR, TATTOO. Good posts. POWDERMAN.  ;D ;D
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #194 on: October 12, 2011, 05:45:17 PM »
  One thing sure..and it is on display right there among the rabble..
        "Working Families Party"...bears no relationship to actual working families..
   It sure is a lot of hubris by this motley bunch of brigands to say they are the 99%...while the 1% works on Wall st !
    That is not only is pure unadulterated ..BS !
       Judging by an informal count right here, those figures would actually be very close to the reversed..

Liberals learned years ago how to use nice sounding terms that are anything but good for us and have the opposite effect.
"fairness doctrine" for example, anything but fair.
"working families party" not about working families
Old stuff
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Offline SwampThing762

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #195 on: October 13, 2011, 05:32:57 AM »
Nomosendero, good post sir.  You speak truth and wisdom.

Those Marines are civilians now, and are entitled to act like idiots, but I respect them because they chose to wear the uniform of the nation most devoted to true human freedom.

We learned the true nature of Islam on 11 Sept 2001.

Show your appreciation for more bacon.

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Offline Buckskin

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Re: Many Calling for Regime Change on Wall Street...
« Reply #196 on: October 13, 2011, 06:07:22 AM »
IG...I'm sure the right is making every effiort to tie the WFP in with ACORN and Soros (a hedge funder darling of WallST) and, hyjack the movemnet... mass media and blogsphere will promote this.  I'm hoping the movement will stay organic...and get rid of Wall St criminals, transcend Demopublican dialectical BS, restore fair democracy and the free enterprise system, and evolve into the American Nationalist Party.  Time will tell....


By organic do you mean all of the weed that the protesters are smoking or the fact that this charade was created by unions??? Funny thing is they have lots of complains about "Wall St." but no solutions to the problems. Typical liberal buffoons. Also, did you notice the mess they made in the NYC Park? You won't see any of those issues at a Tea Party event. I guess that is one of the many differences between self respecting conservatives and the liberal bums that plague our country.... We had plenty of that recently in Madison, finally got their mess cleaned up and Wisconsin heading in the right direction.

"I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please.   --John Wayne