Does this conversation sound familiar?
C'mon baby lets go to Uncle Sugars. Momma, will Uncle Sugar take care of us while we are there? That's right baby, he's rich, he'll never miss a thing. We can eat candy all day long and watch Oprah and learn how The Bad People haven't given Uncle Sugar enough money. Mommy, why don't we get rid of all the bad people? Well baby we are trying, but the bad people are so stupid they don't know we hate them, and won't leave. Uncle Sugar has a plan though baby. He is going to take so much of their money that they will either leave or no longer be bad. Will Uncle Sugar ever run out of other peoples money momma? HUSH child don't say such a thing, Uncle Sugar will ALWAYS take care of his'n.
This thought process continues through society in every walk of life. No personel responsability. I got drunk and ruined my life, who's gonna help me? I can't keep my pants on, now I have 7 kids, who's gonna help me? Girls are icky, now I have a terminal illness, who's gonna help me? I don't want to go to work every morning it's demeaning to stack boxes, who's gonna help me? My boyfriend is so cute after he beats me, I can't stand to be without him, can't someone help him? I tripped and fell in the bank lobby, I Just Won The Powerball Baby!!! where can I find a personnel injury lawyer? I think I may have injuries.
The children have been coddled through adulthood. They are now adults, in charge, who have no ability to tell the children NO. We are broke and can't afford that, NO it's wrong to be lazy all day get up and go outside, No you can't get free doctor visits, No Darrel, you don't need a boyfriend.
Intolerance has its place in a society. Abhorrent behaviour is intolerable and we need to start pointing out abhorrent behaviour and quit turning a blind eye towards it.